Registered Nurses
(1) A registered nurse is a person qualified by graduation from an accredited nursing school (depending upon schooling, a registered nurse may receive either a diploma from a hospital program, an associate degree in nursing (A.D.N.) or a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing (B.S.N.), who is licensed or certified by the state, and is practicing within the scope of that license or certification. R.N.'s assist patient in recovering and maintaining their physical or mental health. They assist physicians during treatments and examinations and administer medications. (2) A provider who is trained and educated in a formal nursing education program at an accredited school of nursing, passes a national certification examination, and is licensed by the state to practice nursing. The individual provides nursing services to patients or clients in areas such as health promotion, disease prevention, acute and chronic care and restoration and maintenance of health across the life span.
Mrs. La Neice Abdel-Shakur CNM |
Mary Jane Ackerman RN |
Mary Allen ARNP |
Milsa Amely RNFA |
Amanda Anderson RNC |
Bridget Armstrong RN |
Bridgette Bailey |
Lynn Barabach MSN, RN |
Janet Barondeau RN |
Ms. Rebecca Barrett |
Jacqueline Bassett RN |
Winifred Bates RN |
Lisa Bauer RN |
Melinda Bechtol RN |
Mrs. Linda Bergman RN,WHCNP |
Cynthia Biery RNFA |
Danielle Blum RNP |
Heather Boucher RN CNM |
Elizabeth Brink CNM |
Ms. Deann Brown RNCNM |
Miss Joanne Bruny NP |
Mrs. Katherine Buckingham RN |
Kristina Canady |
Kyna Castaneda CNM |
Cheryl Castro |
Stephanie Cauley |
Rhonda Centuolo CNM |
Mrs. Monica Charles RN |
Mrs. Edwina Chauvet MSN, RN |
Mrs. Tracy Chew |
Ms. Suzanne Choiniere MSN, RNC |
Rosalind Combs RN |
Ms. Lisa Cone CNM |
Mary Connelly RNC |
Mrs. Jodi Cook |
Jennifer Corak RN |
Ms. Michelle Courcy RN |
Laura Covelli RN BSN |
Allison Crow RN, BSN, CMSRN |
Mrs. Michelle Cummings RN |
Christine Dangel RN |
Ms. Cecilia Davis RN |
Rachel Deisem RN/BSN |
Whitney Di Nunzio ARNP |
Ms. Ania Dickenson BSN |
Wendy Didas RN |
Ms. Toni Dobson NP-C |
Susannah Donahue-Negbaur CNM |
Mrs. Hazel Downing RN |
Janice Drehobl RN |
Mrs. Shannon Dunlop RN, BSN |
Traci Dunn |
Caroline Edelmann RN, WHNP-BC |
Sara Edwards CNM, MN, MPH |
Kelly Ellington WHNP-BC |
Kelly Forster CNM, WHNP-BC |
Linda Foster CNM |
Jennifer Gadoua RN, CNM |
Marietta Galang |
Mrs. Darcy Gepilano RN, FNP |
Wanda Gibbons CNM |
Ms. Jennifer Goaring CNM |
Rachel Goodwin CNM/NP |
Melissa Gordon RN |
Ms. Kim Gray RN |
Katie Green RN-C |
Kimberly Griffee RN |
Mrs. Danielle Gulla APN |
Mrs. Joan Gutierrez |
Mrs. Kirby Gutierrez RN |
Sharon Hall |
Mrs. Amanda Hames RN |
Ms. Gillian Hans CNM, NP |
Caroline Hanschen CNM, WHNP-BC, RNC-OB |
Julie Hanson NP |
Donna Harmon RN |
Robin Harrold |
Miss Mary Henricksen RN |
Socorro Herrera RN-C |
Catherine Hogan APN |
Ms. Wendi Holmes CNM |
David Holt RN |
Ellen Hopkins ARNP |
Kathryn Hopson RN |
Michael Humphrey RNC-OB |
Heather Iman RN |
Wendy Imhoff RNC |
Rachel Ingram RN, BSN, RNC-OB |
Alicia Jacobson NPF |
Tina James RN |
Ms. Lee Ann Jimenez RN |
Mrs. Geraldyne Johnson RN, MS |
Mrs. Tialicka Johnson RNC-OB |
Ms. Candace Jones RN, CNM |
Mary Jones RN |
Kristin Kepler RN, BSN, RNC-OB |
Jenique Keys |
Mrs. Maria King CNM, RN |
Cindy Kirby CRNP |
Ms. Patricia Klaers CNM |
Ms. Kathleen Knecht RN |
Susan Korp MD |
Mrs. Julie Kraemer RN |
Pamela Kuhlmey RNC |
Heoeeun Kwon |
Mrs. Sharon Lilley RN |
Jennifer Liu RN |
Ms. Amanda Locke |
Brenda Loft CNM |
Angela Logan CNM |
Caroline Maki |
Danielle Maness WHNP, CNM |
Claire Manning |
Mrs. Carrie Marrara RN |
Brandi Martinez |
Mrs. Holly Massey RN |
Mrs. Elaine Matos FNP-BC |
Deirdre Mcnair-Pierce CNM |
Mrs. Andrea Mcrae RN, BSN |
Mrs. Niessa Meier RN, CNM |
Kimberly Metzger RN |
Joanna Midy WHNP |
Christina Mockbee RN |
Glenda Moga RN |
Ms. Cathey Moore RN |
Marketta Moore |
Shanda Moore |
Miss Jessica Moreland RN |
Rachelle Mueller NP |
Patricia Munson |
Mindy Murray-Treto RNC |
Lori Nabbefeld RN |
Ms. Beverly Natonabah RN |
Kelly Neiheiser RN |
Mrs. Margaret Neish RNC |
Karen Neuenschwander RN |
Mrs. Vanessa Newton-Pulley RN |
Elizabeth Niederegger CNM |
Noreen Nordling APRN |
Mrs. Deborah Nuzzi |
Ashley Olson RN |
Ms. Brittany Osborn RN |
Brianna Perata |
Karen Pereira RN |
Ms. Brigitte Pintz CNM APN |
Mrs. Kathleen Pool CNM |
Lazarus Popovski RN,BSN |
Rebecca Porter RN |
Ms. Jessica Reedy NP, RN |
Micael Reuter BSN |
Soo Roberts RN |
Emily Robinson RN |
Miss Erin Rodriguez RN |
Lydia Rodriguez WHNP |
Mrs. Thereza Rodriugez RN |
Roselva Rosetelopez RN |
Susan Russo BSN, RNC |
Flaviana Saimon |
Ms. Maryann Sam II RN |
Jessica Sanders RN |
Stephanie Sandwich CNM |
Ms. Leigh-Anne Sastre CNM, RNC, CCE |
Mrs. Sarah Sauer RN |
Mr. Dawn Schmidt |
Marlene Schwebel JD, APN, CNS, RNC |
Cassandra Selby RN, BSN, CNM, ARNP |
Rucsandra Shanahan RN |
Kerri Shartle BSN, RNC |
Margaret Shea RN |
Carletta Sherrill RNFA |
Ms. Ann Shields RN |
Sandra Sikes RN,BSN,MN WHCNP |
Josephine Silversmith |
Nicol Sinclair RN |
Mrs. Andreanna Smith MSN, RNC-OB |
Holly Spence CNM |
Ms. Kathryn Spiegel |
Mary Sprague FNP-C |
Wendy Steffes RN |
Brandi Stein RN |
Wallene Stoddard CNM |
Robbin Swann RN |
Christine Taylor CNM |
Ms. Carol Tolle RN |
Vanessa Tovar |
Josephine Tramutola NURSE MIDWIFE |
Mrs. Christine Uveges RN |
Alison Varner RN |
Mrs. Eugenia Vazquez RN |
Mrs. Maria Vazquez RN |
Tanya Walter CNM |
Julie Warner RN |
Tomi Warren CNM, NP, RN |
Angela Washer MSN RN WHNP-BC |
Miss Branden Watkins |
Tracey White WHNP-BC |
Mrs. Carla Whitley |
Miss Kelly Williams RN |
Mrs. Teisha Williams RN |
Bernadette Wilson |
Karen Wise RN |
Myong Woo RNC, MS |
Ms. Gertrude i Wright APN |
Baylee Zittlow APRN |
Sarah Zuercher NP |