A masters trained health care provider who collects and interprets genetic family histories; assesses the risk of disease occurrence or recurrence; identifies interventions to manage or ameliorate disease risk; educates about inheritance, testing, management, prevention, ethical issues, resources, and research; and counsels to promote informed choices and adaptation. Certification was established in 1993 by the American Board of Genetic Counseling and prior to that by the American Board of Medical Genetics. Requirements for experience, licensure, and job responsibilities vary among the states.
Miss Aarin Ables MS |
Liane Abrams MS,CGC |
Mrs. Roxanne Acquaro MS LCGC |
Rebecca Adams LPC |
Sarah Adelsperger MS, LGC |
Ms. Ruth Alao |
Heidi Albers |
Melissa Alderdice CGC |
Cheryl Alexander LPC |
Catherine Allan MS, CGC |
Christine Allred MS, CGC |
Katlin Allsbrook MS, LGC |
Becky Althaus RN, PHD, CGC |
Sharon Altmeyer MS |
Laura Amendola MS, CGC |
Sherry Mae Ancheta |
Rebecca Anderson MS |
Victoria Anderson MS, CGC |
Laila Andoni |
Tara Andreasen MS |
Hannah Andrew |
Mrs. Marisa Andrews CGC |
Mrs. Kendall Annable MS |
Ms. Jessica Aram MS, CGC |
Jenice Arevalo MS,LCGC |
Ms. Aishwarya Arjunan MS, MPH |
Cary Armstrong MS, CGC |
Nicole Armstrong MS, CGC |
Ms. Margaret Au MBE, MS, CGC |
Elise Austin MS |
Mrs. Jennifer Axilbund MS, CGC |
Miss Meron Azage MS,LCGC |
Cassandra Bac MS, CGC |
Mary Badura MS |
Ms. Nancy Baer LW |
Lori Bagboudarian MS |
Adrienne Bailey MS, CGC |
Mr. Samuel Bailey MS, CGC |
Laura Baker MGC |
Ms. Angela Bakke MS |
Kathleen Baldwin MS, CGC |
Genevieve Ball MS, LGC |
Lori Ballinger CGC |
Abbey Bamford MS, CGC |
Ms. Kimberly Banks MS |
Rachel Barbar MS, LCGC |
Michelle Baric MS |
Matthew Basham MS |
Prof. Bonnie Baty MS |
Lauren Bear MS, CGC |
Lady Becerra MS |
Emily Becraft MS, LCGC |
Emma Bedoukian |
Geoffrey Beek CGC |
Mrs. Patricia Belford-Cohen LCSW |
Mr. Lowell Bell MA |
Stephanie Benedict MS, CGC |
Melissa Bennett MS |
Robyn Benson MHPP |
Beth Berlin MS, CGC |
Mrs. Debra Berry MS CGC |
Margaret Berry |
Ms. Chinmayee Bhimarao Nagaraj CGC |
Mr. Lance Bialik MFT |
Laura Birkeland MS |
Danielle Bishay MS, LCGC |
Jeffrey Bissonnette CGC |
Ms. Leah Blanchard MS, CGC |
Beverly Blosser |
Erica Blouch MS |
Mrs. Jessa Blount CGC |
Ms. Maude Blundell MS |
Lauren Bokovitz MS |
Ms. Kathryn Boland MS,MPH,CGC |
Mrs. Kelly Bontempo MS, CGC |
Mrs. Mary Bonyun MS |
Ms. Theresa Boomer MS |
Lior Borovik MS |
Kristin Borsack MS, CGC |
Ann Bourguignon MS |
Mrs. Elizabeth Bowdish MS, LGC |
Mary Boyce MSC |
Ms. Rachael Bradshaw MS |
Mrs. Kelly Branda MS |
Sarah Brandenberger MS, CGC |
Amanda Brandt |
Deb Brenek MS |
Lauren Briere MS |
Mrs. Marney Brillinger MS CGC |
Elise Brimble |
Kelly Broady MS, CGC |
Stephanie Brooks MS, LGC |
Dana Brown MS |
Lauren Brown MS |
Samantha Brummitt |
Emily Bryant MS LCGC |
Lauren Bryl MS, LCGC |
Amanda Buchanan MS |
Jessica Bucher MS, CGC |
Ms. Kelly Burgess MS, CGC |
Brittany Burnett MS |
Rebecca Burr |
Ms. Shelly Butler LPC |
Laurel Calderwood MS, CGC |
Ms. Jane Callender |
Caitlin Campbell MS |
William Campbell |
Nancy Cangany MS, LGC, CGC |
Maureen Cantwell MS, LCGC |
Ms. Jenina Capasso MS, LCGC |
Ms. Kathleen Carder |
Nikkola Carmichael CGC |
Leslie Carpenter MGC |
Mrs. Lori Carpenter MS, CGC, LGC |
Amber Carter MS, LCGC |
Leanne Cartwright MS |
Holly Carwana MS, LCGC |
Sarah Casner MS, CGC |
Ms. Sylvie Casson Parkin MS |
Sophia Ceulemans MS |
Zaneta Cha |
Jae Lindsay Chaloner MS, LGC |
Dr. Diana Chambers MS, EDD, CGC |
Katie Chan |
Nadine Channaoui MS |
Ms. Kathryn Charyk MS |
Salma Chehabi |
Margaret Chen PHD, MS, FACMG, |
Ms. Susan Cheney MS, CGC |
Mr. John Chenoweth LPC |
Vera Cherepakho LCGC |
Sara Cherny MS CGC |
Mr. Jason Chibuk MS, CGC |
Mrs. Kimberly Childers MS, CGC |
Ilana Chilton |
Hope Chipman MS, CGC |
Meghan Chirpich MS, LGC |
Mrs. Hung Chiu LAPC |
Mrs. Carrie Chou CARRIE CHOU, MS, CGC |
Jessica Chowns MS, CGC |
Dr. Kenneth Christiansen PSYD |
Katherine Clark CGC |
Sarah Clark MS CGC |
Thomas Clifford LCSW |
Sarah Cochrane |
Christin Coffeen MS, CGC |
Laura Colello MS, CGC |
Amy Coleman MS, LCGC |
Sara Commander MS CGC |
Ms. Wendy Conlon MS |
Mr. Philip Connors MS |
Iris Corbin MS, CGC |
Ms. Melanie Corbman MS, CGC |
Mizraim Cordero |
Susan Cordes GC |
Jill Corkery MS, CGC |
Amy Corley MS |
Ms. Victoria Cox MS |
Mrs. Brook Croke MS, CGC |
Alexander Cummings MSCGC |
Maria D'addario-Hudson MS |
Kathleen Dady |
Miss Cherie Daffron CAC II |
Mr. Norman Danielson MSW, LICSW |
Mrs. Angela Darnell MS, CGC |
Amy Davis MS |
Elysia Davis MGC |
Lila Dayani MS, MS |
Mrs. Amy Decker MS, CGC |
Brittany Degreef MS |
Ms. Paula Delerme MS, CGC |
Maria Delvecchio CGC, LGC |
Ms. Susan Demsey MS, CGC |
Lauren Dennis MS, CGC |
Karin Dent MS, CGC |
Morgan Depas GC |
Nicole Dexter MS |
Jennifer Dickerson MS, CGC |
Ms. Marcie Digiovanni MS, CGC |
Marie Discenza MS |
Michelle Do MS |
Ms. Patricia Dock BS, MS, MS |
Rachel Donnell MMSC, LCGC |
Ms. Naghmeh Dorrani MS |
Miss Anne Dougherty MS |
Jaclyn Douyard SCM, CGC |
Susan Downs MS |
Cara Dresbold CGC |
Holly Dubbs LCGC |
Ms. Martha Dudek MS LCGC |
Mrs. Sarah Dugger MS, LGC |
Ms. Angela Duker MS |
Katherine Dunn MS |
Ms. Kyla Dunn MS, LCGC |
Mrs. Jamie Durkovic MS |
Doreen Eakman MPH, MS |
Roseanne Ebel MS, CGC |
Miss Jessica Ebrahimzadeh MS |
Julie Edsall LPCC |
Lauren Eimers MS |
Mr. Craig Eiser SR. MS |
Ms. Margaret Emmet |
Ms. Victoria Enciso CGC |
Mrs. Miriam Engler CSW |
Laura Eppelmann MS, CGC |
Lori Erby SCM, PHD |
Whitney Espinel MMSC |
Jessica Everett MS |
Samantha Everhart MS |
Laura Fairbrother MS, CGC |
Dan Falke LICDC |
Ms. Taya Fallen MS, CGC |
Kimberly Fanelli MS |
Ellyn Farrelly MS |
Ms. Emily Fassi CGC |
Peggy Feary-Pray |
Ms. Judith Feigenbaum LMHC |
Sara Fernandes |
Ms. Elise Fiala CGC |
Dr. Roslyn Finger MFT |
Kathryn Finney MS, CGC |
Morgan Fisher |
Ms. Sara Fisher MS, CGC |
Ms. Kristi Fitzgerald MS |
Ms. Sara Fitzgerald-Butt MS, CGC, LGC |
Ms. Natanya Fleming MS, CGC |
Ms. Pamela Flodman MSC, MS, CGC |
Ms. Kendra Flores MS, CGC |
Jaime Follmer |
Ms. Jamie Fong MS, CGC |
Judith Foster MS, CGC |
Jennifer Fowler |
Michelle Fox |
Mrs. Roberta Fox CGC |
Luanne Fraer MS LCGC |
Ms. Miya Frick MSC, LCGC |
Leah Fried MS, LCGC |
Laura Fuerstman MS, CGC |
Mrs. Melissa Fuller CGC |
Samantha Fulton |
Mira Furgoch MS |
Rikki Gaber MA, MS, CGC |
Michele Gabree CGC |
Ms. Amanda Gammon MS, CGC |
Mrs. Brittany Gancarz LGC |
Mary-Frances Garber MS, CGC |
Mrs. Kara Gardner MS |
Mrs. Kinley Garfield MS, LCGC |
Mrs. Shannon Garner MS, CGC |
Jacqueline Gauthier CGC |
Mrs. Rachelle Gehr MS |
Leslie Geibel |
Mr. Thomas Gerrits MA,LPC |
Avis Gibons MS, CGC |
Joseph Gill MFT |
Ms. Meghan Gillespie MS, LCGC |
Dr. Melissa Gillette PHD, LCGC |
Colette Gilliland |
Mrs. Christine Giummo |
Wendy Glatfelter |
Heather Glessner MS, CGC |
Kristen Goddard CADC |
Mrs. Leslie Godwin CGC |
Allison Goetsch MS, CGC |
Dena Goldberg MS, LCGC |
Ms. Kathryn Golden-Grant MS, LCGC |
Barbara Goldin PHD, MS |
Helen Goldman MS |
Mrs. Toba Goldstein MS,GC |
Ping Gong MS |
Ms. Donna Gould II LCSW |
Katheryn Grand MS, GC |
Shannon Grantner MS |
Rachel Graziani MS |
Hayley Green-Morfesi MA, MS, CGC |
Samantha Greenberg MS, MPH |
Miss Tiffiney Greer MS |
Josephine Greto MS, RD |
Ms. Lauren Grimes MS |
Jade Grimmett MS |
Daniel Groepper CGC |
Jessica Grzybowski MS |
Mrs. Stephanie Gurnon LCGC |
L Hafen MS |
Ms. Jennifer Hair MS |
Sara Halbach MS |
Caitlin Hale |
Mr. Matthew Hall LCGC |
Miss Melissa Hall MS |
Michelle Hall MS, LGC |
Miranda Hallquist CGC |
Ms. Dee Hamer MS |
Ms. Gail Hammer MS, CGC |
Mr. Stephen Hammil MA |
Ms. Marilyn Hammond MS |
Mrs. Kathlyn Hanauer MS, CGC |
Emily Hansen LGC |
Terah Hansen MS, CGC, LGC |
Ms. Amanda Hanson MS |
Andrea Hanson-Kahn MS, CGC |
Hera Haque-Shabbir MS, CGC |
Jeraldine Harashima |
Mrs. Melanie Hardy MS, MS, CGC |
Margaret Harr MS |
Laura Harrelson MS |
Shaneice Harris |
Alexa Hart MS, CGC |
Julianne Hartmann LGC |
Christy Hartshorne CGC, LGC |
Danielle Hartung MS |
Mrs. Erin Harward MS, CGC |
Claire Harwood MS, LCGC |
Ms. Sayaka Hashimoto MS, LGC |
Anne Hawkins MS, CGC LGC |
Claire Healy MS, CGC |
Cindy Heath LMFT |
Allison Hebner MS |
Mrs. Maria Helgeson MS |
Monica Helm |
Nadene Henderson MS, LCGC |
Emily Hendricks MS, LGC |
Malorie Hensley MS, CGC |
Kaylee Henson MS |
Mr. Ramon Hernandez JR. |
Nancy Herrig MS, CGC |
Heather Herrmann MS |
Miss Allison Hershner MS |
Carmelina Heydrich MS CGC |
Candy Heyen MS, GCG, LGC |
Mrs. Kathleen Hibbs MS |
Dr. Lasheika Hill DD, LPC |
Mrs. Stephanie Hill MS, CGC |
Kelly Hitch MS |
Christin Hoell CGC |
Sara Hoffman MS, LGC |
Ms. Lauren Hogan MS |
Jennifer Holle MS |
Melissa Holman LCGC |
Ms. Nicole Hook MS, CGC |
Joanna Horn MS, CGC |
Julie Horsting MR, MS, LCGC |
Mrs. Erin Houghton MS, CGC |
Sarah Hrabik MS |
Melissa Hsu MS |
Gail Hubbard MS |
Ms. Karen Huelsman MS, CGC, LGC |
Rebecca Hulinsky MS |
Ms. Yvonne Hulsebos MS, CGC |
Diem Huynh CGC |
Colette Hyatt MSB, MS, CGC |
Elena Infante MS, CGC |
Alexander Ing MS CGC |
Afifa Irani LCGC, MS, MPH |
Christina Irigoyen |
Ms. Theodora Jacobson MS |
Kory Jasperson GC |
Shandra Jeffries MS |
Kimberly Jenny MS |
Miss Kimberly Jensen MS |
Ms. Beth Jiorle |
Ms. Marcia Jodah MS, LCGC |
Miss Jodie Johnson MS |
Ms. Kelsey Johnson |
Lisa Johnson |
Rebecca Johnson MS |
Dr. S Johnston PHD LPC |
Laurel Jolly MS |
Ms. Jessica Jonas MS, L CGC |
Meredith Jones MS |
Mrs. Renee Jones MS |
Elizabeth Jordan |
Megan Judkins MS, CGC |
Katherine Kaercher MS, LGC |
Fayth Kalb CGC |
Daniella Kamara LCGC |
Ms. Michelle Kambich MS,CGC |
Punitha Kannan |
Ms. Sandra Kaufman LCSW-C |
Myriam Kawaja MS,CGC |
Mrs. Jennifer Keenan MS, CGC |
Ms. Kierstin Keller CGC |
Laura Kellogg MS |
Melissa Kelly MS, CGC |
Carly Kenyon MS, LCGC |
Rebecca Kerr MSC |
Mrs. Hilary Kershberg MS |
Ms. Lauren Kesl MS |
Joyti Khokhar GC |
Chandni Khudai MS, LCGC |
Lesli Kiedrowski MS, MPH, CGC |
Ms. Emily King MS |
Harold King LCSW |
Susan Kladny |
Andrie Klass MS, CGC |
Jana Klein MS |
Cheryl Knight MS |
Amanda Knoth MS, CGC |
Mrs. Dana Knutzen MS |
Miss Katelyn Kobara MS |
Rachel Koff MS |
Ms. Wendy Kohlmann MS |
Dr. Lewis Kola DMIN |
Miss Kristen Koprowski MS, LGC |
Cathryn Koptiuch MS, CGC |
Ms. Jamie Kostialik MS, CGC |
Ms. Stacey Koszut MS, CGC |
Stephanie Kramer MS, CGC |
Meagan Krasner MS |
Raymond Kratochvil JR. |
Kate Krempely MS |
Miss Katherine Krepkovich MS, MS, CGC |
Ms. Christina Kresge MS |
Rebekah Krukenberg MS, CGC, LGC |
Shobana Kubendran MBBS, MS, CGC |
Raluca Kurz MS, L CGC |
Agnes Kwan MS CGC |
Holly Laduca MS |
Amanda Laedtke MS, CGC |
Denise Lafayette MS, CGC |
Karlena Lara-Otero PHD, MSC |
Ms. Linda Lavin MS, NCC, DCC, LMHC |
Joanna Lee MS |
Mrs. Terri Lefler MS, LCGC |
Deanna Leingang MS, CGC |
Anna Leininger MS, CGC |
Ms. Danielle Lemke MS, GC |
Kristin Levandoski MS, CGC |
Kimberly Lewis MS, LGC |
Sara Lewis MS, LCGC |
Stacey Liberman MS |
Lauren Lichten MS, CGC |
Ms. Heidi Lichtenstein MS, CGC |
Tina Ling C GC |
Gina Liu |
Aki Logg CGC |
Stephen Lohning MA, LAC,LCPC |
Ms. Janet Lorraine MFT |
Marianne Lotito MS, LCGC |
Cheri Loustalet MS |
Elyse Love MS |
Ms. Springe Love LCSW |
Niki Lovick LCGC |
Ms. Carol Ludowese MS |
Ms. Barbara Lukin MS, CGC |
Meghan Lundy MS, LCGC |
Ms. Elizabeth Maclachlan CSW |
Ms. Anne Madeo MS |
Mrs. Pilar Magoulas MS, CGC |
Brittany Mahalick MS |
Lori Maier MS, LGC |
Katherine Malabed MS, LGC |
Susy Malca MS, LCGC |
Ms. Emily Malouf MGC |
Courtney Manning |
Nicole Mans MS, LCGC |
Amy Mantha BA |
Leah Markham MS |
Ms. Joanna Martin MS |
Ms. Megan Martin MS, LCGC |
Jessica Martineau |
Ariadna Martinez |
Mr. Robert Mason RAS |
Herbert Masser II CSW-R |
Mr. Craig Masten |
Abigail Masunga MS, LGC, CGC |
Amanda Matchette MS, CGC |
Kiley Mates MS |
Ms. Kristin Mattie MS, CGC |
Nicole Mattila CGC |
Michelle Maxedon MS, LCGC |
Holley May |
Mrs. Ronit Mazzoni MS |
Ms. Deborah Mc Dermott MS, CGC |
Charlotte Mcbean MS |
Mr. Andrew Mccarty GC |
Kelsey Mcclelland MS, LCGC |
Mr. Larry Mccue LCSW |
Ms. Melanie Mcdermet MS |
Jamie Mcdonald |
Donna Mcdonald-Mcginn MS, CGC |
Sandra Mcdonough MS, CGC, LGC |
Carey Mcdougall MS |
Mrs. Sarah Mcelhinney MS, CGC |
Dawn Mcgee MS, LCGC |
Ms. Julie Mcglynn MS; LGC |
Ms. Kimberly Mcgreevy MS, LCGC |
Carrie Mckenna MS, CGC |
Danielle Mckenna LCGC |
Ms. Wendy Mckinnon MS |
Austin Mckittrick MS |
Reagan Mcloughlin MS |
Livija Medne MS, LCGC |
Angelique Mercier MS |
Maya Metrikin CGC |
Ms. Danielle Metterville MS, CGC |
Jana Meyers |
Lindsay Meyers MS, LGC |
Mrs. Heather Michaels CGC |
Catherine Miers MS, LGC |
Mrs. Becky Milewski MS, LCGC |
Adrienne Miller MS |
Mrs. Amanda Miller MS , CGC |
Mrs. Mary Miller MS, PHD |
Ashley Mills |
Ms. Melissa Mills MS, CGC, LGC |
Patricia Miranda MS, LCGC |
Ms. Diana Moglia Tully MS, CGC |
Nicole Mohrbacher CGC |
Sara Mokhtary MS |
Miss Christie-Brianna Momohara MS |
Ms. Jennifer Monroe MS |
Meagan Monte MS |
Sara Mora MS, LCGC |
Ms. Cynthia Morgan MS |
Ms. Gina Morley MS, CGC |
Nichole Morman MS, LGC |
Benjamin Morris |
Ms. Francesca Morris MPH, MS |
Virginia Morrison MS |
Kelly Morse MS, LCGC |
Ms. Tia Moscarello MS, CGC |
Mrs. Theresa Mosher MS, LGC |
Roya Mostafavi |
Krista Moyer MGC |
Ms. Kathryn Mraz MS, CGC |
Amy Mueller |
Susan Mundt MPH |
Christianne Munn MS, CGC |
Priyanka Murali MS, CGC |
Jayne Murphy MS |
Ms. Cynthia Murray CGC |
Kirsten Myhres MS |
Sharon Namaroff CGC |
Monica Nardini MA, MA, LGC |
Tammy Nash MSW |
Ms. Deepika Nathan |
Mrs. Annette Nay |
Ms. Shivani Nazareth MS, CGC |
Ms. Bita Nehoray MS, CGC |
Katelin Nelson MS,GC |
Ms. Laurie Nemzer MS |
Ms. Arpita Neogi MS, LCGC |
Catherine Neumann MS, LCGC |
Samantha Neumann MS |
Tara Newcomb MS, CGC |
Kelsey Newell MS, CGC |
Jessica Nicoll MS, CGC |
Sarah Nielsen MS |
Sarah Noon MS, LCGC |
Virginia Norris MGC |
Mrs. Sunny June Norton MS CGC |
Regina Nuccio MS-CGC |
Dr. Armando O'ca?a SR. LPC,M ED PHD |
Ms. Janice O'connell CGC |
Mrs. Melanie O'leary MS |
Erin O'toole MS, LCGC |
Frances Oh MS, LCGC |
Mr. Richard Jason Okamura MS |
Erin Oleary MS |
Ms. Deborah Oleskowicz MS, CGC |
Ms. Caitlin Olmstead MS, GC |
Devon Olsson MS |
Allison Ortega MS |
Angel Ortiz |
Jillian Ozmore MS, LGC |
Haley Pace MS |
Mrs. Lauren Palange MS, LGC |
Janice Palumbos CGC, LGC |
Ms. Vivian Pan CGC |
Mrs. Marcie Parker MS LCGC |
Ashley Parrott LGC |
Katlyn Partynski MS |
Mr. Matthew Pastore MS, LGC |
Ms. Rushina Patel MS |
Mrs. Karen Paul MGC, CGC |
Katelyn Payne RN, CGC |
Margaret Pearson MD |
Christina Pedley |
Miss Stephanie Percich MS, CGC |
Ms. Melody Perpich MS |
Katherine Peters MS |
Ms. Candace Peterson MS, CGC |
Lauren Petrarca |
Dana Petry |
Jean Pfotenhauer MS |
Ms. Judith Phalin MS |
Darnell Phillips MS, LPC |
Julie Piechan MS |
Summer Pierson MS, CGC |
Ms. Marguerite Pietryga LGC |
Mrs. Lisa Pike-Buchanan SCM |
Mrs. Valerie Pillars EDS |
Rachel Pinger MS |
Adee Pintzov MS CGC |
Emily Place LCGC |
Ms. Katie Plunkett MS |
Mrs. Lisa Poissant MA |
Mr. John Polykandriotis MS, CGC |
Tabitha Poorvu MS, CGC |
Ms. Mary Ann Post MS, CGC |
Mrs. Kim Potvin MA LADC |
Jill Pouncey MS, CGC |
Andrea Procko MS, PHD |
Lauren Propst MS, CGC |
Danielle Prugar |
Amber Pryzbylski MS, CGC |
Mrs. Rebecca Puckett MS, CGC |
Loren Pugliesi MS, CGC, LGC-NJ |
Ms. Sumathi Rachamadugu GC |
Chantalle Raimondi MS, CGC |
Cecilia Rajakaruna MS, LGC |
Ms. Subhadra Ramanathan MS |
Nellie Ramirez LSATP,ADC |
Melissa Ramos MS, MLS(ASCP), LCGC |
Mrs. Melissa Randall MS, LCGC |
Kristyn Rawson GC |
Nadine Rayes MS |
Ms. Neeraja Reddy MS |
Shannon Rego LCGC |
Ms. Julie Reichling MS, LCGC |
Lara Reichman |
Ann Reinhard |
Ms. Shanda Reinke MS, CGC |
Kimberly Reisiger MS, CGC |
Mrs. Emily Rettner MS |
Brian Reys MS, CGC |
Lindsay Rhodes MS, CGC |
Mindy Rice LCPC |
Ms. Renee Rider LGC |
Mr. Bronson Riley MS, CGC |
Christine Riordan MS |
Kimberley Rittenhouse MS, PHD |
Ms. Penelope Roberts MS, CGC |
Dr. Herb Robinson III PH D |
Linda Rodgers MGC |
Carolyn Rogers MS, GC |
Leighann Rohrsen MS, CGC |
Mr. Bradley Rolf MS |
Mrs. Kelsey Rolfe MS |
Jose Roman LCSW |
Amy Rooney MS, CGC, MBA |
Ms. Janine Rosenberg MS, CGC |
Kali Roy |
Teresa Ruegg MS, MPH |
Mrs. Caroline Rung MS, CGC |
Audrey Rutz LCGC |
Erin Ryan |
Ms. Gwendolyn Ryan MS |
Antonina Ryvlin MS, CGC |
Jonathan Saari MS |
Jennifer Sabatino LCGC |
Ms. Amy Sachs MS, CGC |
Mayya Sakr |
Miss Taylor Sale MS, MED, LCGC |
Ms. Ann Salvino MS, CGC |
Mrs. Lisa Salz MS, CGC |
Victoria Sanders MS, CGC |
Ms. Maria Sapriza-Ryan MS |
Briana Sawyer MS |
Hannah Scanga MS, LCGC |
Ms. Maria Scarano MS LCGC |
Mr. Karen Scarbrough MA, MFT |
Kendra Schaa SCM, CGC |
Ms. Susan Schelley MPH |
Lauren Schenck |
Ms. Taryn Schiripo MS, CGC |
Ms. Ellen Schlenker MS |
Ann Schmeltzer LCSW |
Ms. Susan Schmerler MS |
Ms. Tara Schmidlen MS LCGC |
Chelsey Schmidt LSW |
Johanna Schmidt MPH, MGC |
Mrs. Marie Schuetzle CGC |
Ms. Connie Schultz MS |
Ms. Charlene Schulz MS |
Jeanine Schulze MS, CGC |
Katherine Schumacher MS, CGC |
Angela Schwab MS, LGC |
Ms. Marci Schwartz SCM |
Alicia Scocchia MS, LCGC |
Patricia Sculley MS, CGC |
Mallory Sdano MS, LCGC |
Kristin Sedgwick MS |
Summer Segal MS, LGC |
Meredith Seidel MS, CGC |
Kaitlin Sesock MGC, CGC |
Christina Settler MS, CGC |
Kirsten Seyler-Wetzel LCSW-R |
Ms. Amisha Shah MS, CGC |
Divya Shah MS, CGC |
Forum Shah MS, LCGC |
Mrs. Angela Shanter MS, CGC |
Rachel Shapira SCM, LCGC |
Ms. Heather Shappell MS |
Mrs. Amy Shealy MS, LGC |
Megan Shearouse |
Amy Shikany MS |
Mrs. Patricia Shires MS |
Christine Shuss MS, LGC |
Lauren Siems CGC |
Megan Sikes MS, LCGC |
Erica Silver MS |
Ellen Simpson |
Kathryn Singh MPH, MS, CGC |
Emily Sites MS, LGC |
Nancy Slate CGC |
Brandon Smith MS, LGC |
Cynthia Solomon MS |
Ms. Ilana Solomon SCM, MA, LCGC |
Mrs. Chandra Somerman MS, LCGC |
Erica Soster LCGC |
Jilliane Sotelo MS, LCGC |
Mrs. Christine Spaeth MS |
Virginia Speare PHD |
Natalya Spivak |
Kimberly Splinter CGC |
Mrs. Katherine Spoonamore MS |
Ms. Cynthia Spring-Pearson MS, CGC |
Audrey Squire MS LCGC |
Mrs. Jean St. John MS, CGC |
Chris Stallman MS, LCGC |
Tara Stamper MS |
Mrs. Amie Stanley CGC |
Christy Stanley |
Shannon Stasi MS, LCGC |
Mrs. Pamela Steele MS, LCGC |
Mrs. Kelle Steenblock MS |
Marcie Steeves MS, CGC |
Rio Stenner MGC, LGC |
Ms. Darci Sternen MS, CGC |
Ms. Abby Stevens LCGC |
Samantha Stickevers MS, CGC |
Ms. Suzanne Stilwell MS, CGC |
Lindsey Stobie MS |
Mikayla Stoecker MS, CGC |
Eliza Stroh MS, CGC |
Jennifer Stroop MS |
Kallyn Stumm MS, GC |
Rebecca Sullenberger LCGC |
Ms. Lorraine Suslak MS |
Nykole Sutherland MS; LCGC |
Kali Swift MS, CGC |
Dr. Siavash Tabrizy MS, MFT, PHD |
Mrs. Sydelle Tabrizy MS, MFT |
Michelle Tafoya MA |
Olivia Tan MS, CGC |
Rebecca Tannenbaum |
Dr. Debra Tasic DRPH |
Zina Tatsugawa |
Sanjukta Tawde LCG |
Mr. Alfred Taylor LCMFT |
Prof. Jamie Taylor MS, CGC |
Mrs. Sylvia Taylor LCMFT |
Katherine Teague |
Lori Terry |
Angela Tess |
Lauren Thomas MS, CGC |
Ms. Sonia Thomas MSC, MSC, CGC |
Mrs. Madison Thomason MS, CGC |
Mrs. Carmela Thompson LCGC |
Erin Thorpe MS, CGC |
Crystal Tichnell MGC |
Jenna Tidwell |
Yi-Lee Ting MS |
Jean Tirch |
Mrs. Ellen Totten MS LCGC |
Heather Travassos MS, CGC |
Mrs. Tamara Treisman MS |
Mrs. Susan Trett MS, LPC, LMFT |
Vivien Triano MS, CGC |
Amber Trivedi MS, CGC |
Mrs. Cynthia Trotter MS, CGC |
Marilyn Tsang MS |
Matthew Tschirgi MS |
Alysia Tsuyuki MS, LCGC |
Dr. Therese Tuohy PHD |
Jessica Tusi MS, LCGC |
Kim Uhas CPNP |
Ms. Elizabeth Ulm MS, CGC |
Erica Vaccari MS, CGC |
Elizabeth Valenti COUNSELOR |
Ms. Amy Vance MS, CGC |
Rena Vanzo MS, LCGC |
Ms. Timikia Vaughn MS, CGC |
Sara Velden MS, CGC |
Ms. Vickie Venne MS |
Morgan Verrill MS, LCGC |
Mrs. Kayla Vicknair LPC |
Karen Vikstrom MS, CGC |
Ms. Aino Vimb MS |
Pamela Vitar MS LCGC |
Danielle Wagner CGC |
Mrs. Emily Wakefield LGC |
Dr. Yolanda Walcott DBS |
Mrs. Julianna Walker MS, CGC |
Kendra Waller MS, CGC |
Ms. Carol Walsh MS, LGC |
Sarah Walterman |
Ms. Lopa Wani MS |
Thomas Ward |
Jenna Wardrop |
Ms. Alison Warner |
Ms. Jessica Waxler MS, CGC |
Ms. Meghan Wayne CGC,MS |
Amybeth Weaver LCGC |
Mrs. Erica Webb MS, LGC |
Ms. Cora Weimer-Hodes MS |
Kara Weisiger MS |
Shelly Weiss MS, CGC |
Mrs. Laura Westbrook MS |
Mrs. Kerry White MS |
Lorrell White |
Sarah Whitmer MS |
Tammy Wielgus MS |
Samantha Wiley MS, LCGC |
Alisha Wilkens |
Andrea Wilkins MS, LCGC |
Mrs. Julia Wilkinson MS, CGC |
Carmen Williams MS |
Ms. Janet Williams CGC |
Ms. Janice Williams MED,LSW |
Paul Williams PC |
Mr. Patrick Wilson MMSC, MS, LCGC |
Miss Divya Wilson Mathews MS |
Linda Wolf CGC |
Nicole Wood MS, CGC |
Ms. Anne Woods LCSW |
Mrs. Christina Woods LPC |
Elizabeth Woolley |
Ms. Dianne Wright MA, LPC |
Katherine Wusik Healy LGC |
Rebecca Yee Bassett |
Charlotte Young MS, LCGC |
Dr. Katherine Young PHD |
Lauren Youngborg |
Ms. Alex Yragui MS |
Kristin Zajo LGC |
Mrs. Kathryn Zarnawski MGC |
Mr. James Zdrodowski MS |
Mr. Sid Zell MS |
Ms. Kristin Zelley MS |
Rachel Zimmer BS, MS |
Lea Zitano MS, CGC |