Q . How many miles from my zip code will I get results for?

By default, you’ll see results for a radius of 20 miles from your zip code. On the results page, you will be able to choose a different radius if you like.

Q . Where does your safety information come from?

For Hospitals: We take our data directly from Medicare.gov - the official U.S. government site for medicare.

Q . How can I share specific hospital information with a friend or loved one?

Either use the social media tools found in the bottom right of each page or simply copy the URL for a specific hospital’s page and place it in an email or text message.

Q . How up-to-date is your data?

Our data is from the most recent findings of Medicare.gov.

Q . What is the “overall rating” of a hospital?

The overall rating takes 60 unique quality measurements and summarizes them into one easy-to-use score, making it easy to quickly compare hospitals in your area.

Q . How should I use the safety data I get from your site?

The info is a great starting point for choosing a hospital for an upcoming procedure for you or a loved one. Our recommended use: You can quickly eliminate hospitals with low ratings, then form a list of higher-rated hospitals for your consideration. At that point, consult your physician and other local sources of information on those hospitals to make your final decision.

Q . Should I use this information if an emergency arises?

In case of emergency, go to the closest hospital or call 911. This information is not intended for navigating medical emergencies, but for those which you have time to plan and prepare.

Q . Where does the government get their data from?

Per Medicare.gov: “Hospitals report data to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the federal agency that runs the Medicare program, through the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) Program and the Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting (OQR) Program.”

Q . If data comes from Medicare.gov - does it only include data of Medicare patients?

Data that comes from all patients at listed hospitals: Process of care, healthcare-associated infection (HAI), and HCAHPS Survey.

Data that comes from Medicare patients only: Mortality, readmission, complications, PSI-90, and imaging efficiency measures.

Q . I’m having trouble using your website. Who can I contact for support?

We’re happy to help! Contact support@medicalcare.com for all website-related issues.