Nuclear Medicines



A nuclear medicine specialist employs the properties of radioactive atoms and molecules in the diagnosis and treatment of disease and in research. Radiation detection and imaging instrument systems are used to detect disease as it changes the function and metabolism of normal cells, tissues and organs. A wide variety of diseases can be found in this way, usually before the structure of the organ involved by the disease can be seen to be abnormal by any other techniques. Early detection of coronary artery disease (including acute heart attack), early cancer detection and evaluation of the effect of tumor treatment, diagnosis of infection and inflammation anywhere in the body and early detection of blood clot in the lungs are all possible with these techniques. Unique forms of radioactive molecules can attack and kill cancer cells (e.g., lymphoma, thyroid cancer) or can relieve the severe pain of cancer that has spread to bone **

Dr. Hussein Abdel-Dayem MD
Dr. Shahrokh Abiri MD
Dr. Mohei Abouzied MD
Stephen Abraham MD
Orduen Abunku MD
Gunsel Acikgoz MD
Elmo Acio MD
Dr. Leo Ackerman MD
Onikepe Adegbola MD
Stanley Adelstein MD, PHD
Dr. Leroy Adler MD
Vijay Aggarwal MD
Garima Agrawal MD
Demetrios Agriantonis MD
Munir Ahmad MD
Dr. Salima Ahmad MD
Rafay Ahmed MD
Dr. Ajamu Akamefula MD
Syed Akhtar
Timothy Akhurst MBBS
Dr. Fatih Akisik MD
Abass Alavi MD
Dr. Naomi Alazraki MD
Dr. Haluk Alibazoglu MD
Dr. Steven Allen MD
Fabio Almeida MD
Samuel Almodovar-Reteguis MD
Dr. Adrian Alvarez De La Campa MD
Eric Alves DO
Dr. Maryellen Amato MD
Guy Amir MD
Dr. Nancy Andrews DO
Dr. Mary Andrich MD
Prof. Mohamed Antar MD
Michael Arcomano MD
Nelson Arnstein MD
Mario Arredondo MD
Dr. Syed Asad MD
Alan Ashare MD
Geetha Ashok MD
Dr. David Atkins MD
Dr. Michael Axelrod MD
Dr. Arif Azam MD
Dr. David Bader MD
Aref Badr MD
Sunil Bajaj MD
Dr. Reetha Bakthula MD
James Ball MD
Helena Balon
Jesse Balseiro MD
Dr. Varalakshmi Bandaru MD
Dr. Howard Banner MD
Charles Barnett MD
Desi Barroga MD
Dr. Robert Basarab MD
Dr. Lawrence Basso MD
Howard Bates MD
Dr. Paul Bauer DO
Tejvir Bawa MD
Howard Baxter MD
Dr. Wassel Beal MD
Dr. Shantikumar Bedmutha MD
Dr. Morteza Behbahani MD
Fatemeh Behnia MD
Dr. Ernest Belezzuoli MD
Dr. Edward Bell MD
Dr. Luvenia Bender MD
Dr. Kenneth Bennet MD
Angela Bennett MD
Dr. Gholam Berenji MD
Harvey Berger MD
Mark Bernard MD
Mark Bettermon MD DO
Terence Beven MD
Volkan Beylergil MD
Dr. Anil Bharne MD
Dr. Nalini Bidani MD
Dr. Tamara Biega MD
Jerome Billingsley MD
Mr. Shrinivas Bishu MD
Dr. Lorna Blando MD
Dr. Morton Blaufox MD,PHD
Dr. Maria Blum MD
Ashley Blurton MD
Nicolaas Bohnen MD
Mr. Luke Bolek MD
Dr. Ben Bonarigo MD
Dr. Dacian Bonta MD, PHD
Dr. Roberto Bordewyk
Dr. Salvador Borges-Neto MD
Dr. Sunita Borkar MD
Dr. Roger Bowers MD
Dr. Thomas Brady MD
Dr. Steven Braha MD
Dr. Alan Brautigam MD
Dr. Michele Brenner MD
Gayle Brewer MD
Dr. Aaron Brill MD
Dr. Jorge Brito MD
Scott Britz-Cunningham MD PHD
Dr. Shelly Broline MD
Richard Brown MD
Thomas Brown SR. MD
Dr. William Brown MD
Dr. Richard Brunken MD
Luke Bujenovic MD
Elaine Burke MD
Dr. Timothy Burke MD
Bohdan Bybel MD
Miss Carmen Caballero MD
Dr. John Calce MD
Dr. Cindy Calderon MD
Marcos Calderon MD
Richard Campeau JR. MD
Vicente Caride MD
Marie Carlisle MD
David Carlson MD
Howard Carpenter MD
Dr. William Carpentier MD
Jorge Carrasquillo MD
Dr. J. Carter DO
Shawn Carter MD
Dr. Joseph Castronuovo MD
Manuel Cerqueira MD
Izzat Chalabi MD
Dr. Peggy Chan MD
Dr. Puneet Chandak MD
Dr. Ankit Chander MD
Dr. Carol Chang DO
Dr. Muhammad Chaudhry MD
Dr. Tapan Chaudhuri MD
Dr. Tuhin Chaudhuri MD
Clara Chen MD
Nai Chen MD
Wei Chen MD
David Cheng MD
Gang Cheng MD
Ivan Chermel MD
Charles Chesnut III MD
Dr. Hemant Chheda MD
Dr. David Chien MD
Dr. Henry Chin MD
Dr. Yoginder Chitkara MD
Edison Chiu MD
Dr. Esther Choi MD
Dr. Young Choy MD
Hubert Chuang MD
Kwang Chun MD
Jason Chung MD
Edgar Clark MD
Dr. Colin Clarke MD
Dr. Emmanuel Cleto JR. MD
Jason Cohen MD
Dr. Robert Cohen MD
Ross Collie MD
Dr. Christopher Conlin MD
Dr. Carlo Contoreggi MD
Dr. Barbara Cook MD
Dr. Jeffrey Cooper MD
Dr. Richard Cooper MD
Alon Coppens MD
William Corey DO
Karl Coyner MD
Mrs. Mariana Cristescu MD
Dr. Theresa Crouch MD
Gisele Cruz
Hellal Dabbous MD
Simindokht Dadparvar MD
Dr. John Dahlin MD
Mahmoud Dakhel MD
Dr. Hung Dam MD
Robert Dann MD
Soumendu Das MD
Dr. Marc Davignon MD
Dr. Victor Davila MD
Dr. Kenneth Davis MD
Dr. Lorraine De Blanche MD
Dr. Rosinda De La Pena MD
Priyanka Deb MD
Dr. Salvatore Deluca MD
Dr. Ernest Depuey III MD
Dr. Tejaswini Deshmukh MD
Dr. Rajesh Dhillon MD
Dr. Samy Dhurairaj MD
Christine Dickinson
Dr. Jakob Diel MD
Dr. Rene Dietrich Ormachea MD
Antonietta Discepolo-Chiancone MD
Maria Disilvio-Larkin MD
Dr. Frank Dittrich MD
Chaitanya Divgi MD
Erlinda Dizon MD
Dr. Mehdi Djekidel MD
Indukala Doddamane MBBS
Dr. Kevin Donohoe MD
Dr. Mikhail Doubrovin MD, PHD
Romas Dovydaitis MD
Dr. Leanne Du MBBS,
Dr. Arthur Duff MD
Dr. Daniel Duffy MD
Mark Dunphy DO
Dr. Asaf Durakovic MD
Dr. Reginald Dusing MD
Dr. Marvin Dziabis MD
Dr. Janet Eary MD
Dr. Simon Edelstein MD
George Edwards MD
Douglas Eggli MD
Ayda El-Shirbiny
Devrim Ersahin
Marilin Espino-Maya MD
John Espinosa MD
Giuseppe Esposito MD
Dr. Wilhelmina Estrada MD
David Evans MD
Dr. William Eyler MD
Dr. George Faerber DO
Dr. Joanna Fair MD, PH D
Dr. Matthew Falk MD
Dr. David Feiglin MD
Dr. Troy Fennell MD
Mariano Fernandez-Ulloa MD
Lorraine Fig MD
Debora Fineman MD
Darlene Fink
Mathews Fish MD
Dr. Emilio Flores JR. MD
Patrick Ford MD
Dr. Sylvia Ford M D
Dr. Alan Foster MD
Dr. Anthony Fotenos MD PHD
Peter Fox MD
Dr. Benjamin Franc MD
Dr. Tony Francis MD
Dr. Leonard Freeman MD
Dr. John Freitas MD
Kirk Frey MD
Dr. Mathis Frick MD
Dr. Nicholas Friedman MD
Dr. Jerry Froelich MD
Dr. Boris Frolov MD
John Frost MDPHD
Tatiana Froud MD
Dr. Yitong Fu MD
Mehdat Gabriel MD
Mukund Gai MD
Dr. Fang-Yun Gan MD
Mrs. Manju Gan MD
James Gannon MD
Carlos Garcia MD
Dr. Julio Garcia MD
Dr. Lourdes Garcia Alonso MD
Dr. Asha Garg MD
Sheela Garudaiyengar MD
Dr. Gary Gates MD
Dr. Daniel Gay DO, FACP
Dr. Rona Gazaway MD
Dr. Nina Gazmen MD
Dr. Richard Geldmeier MD
Carol Gemayel-Barra MD
Dr. David Gentry MD
Noble George MD
Sharad George MD
Dr. Munir Ghesani MD
Nasrin Ghesani MD
Harold Gianopulos MD
Kenneth Giedd MD
Joseph Gifford MD
Bruce Gilbert MD
Dr. Christopher Gilles MD
Peter Giustra MD
Dr. Anne Glaser MD
Dr. Joseph Glaser MD
Lisa Gobar MD
Dr. Marvin Goldberg MD
Dr. Charles Goldenberg MD
Dr. Leonard Goldfarb MD
Harold Goldstein MD
Dr. Janet Goldstein MD
Dr. Hilton Gomes MD
Ronald Goodwich MD
Dr. David Gordon
Michael Goris MD
Karsten Grabski MD
Dr. Erin Grady MD
Dr. E Graham DO
Paul Grant DO
Dr. Aileen Green MD, PHD
Nathan Green MD
Dr. Alan Greenberg MD
Peter Gregory MD
Ravinder Grewal MD
Landis Griffeth PHD MD
Stanley Grossman MD
Maleah Grover-Mckay MD
Dr. J Guichard MD
Pawan Gupta MD
Erica Guzalo MD
Erno Gyetvai MD
Dr. Mohammad Habibian MD
Dr. Rosalie Hagge MD
Dr. Fereshteh Hajsadeghi MD
Dr. Raghuveer Halkar MD
Lance Hall MD
Nathan Hall MD
Dr. Myo Han MD
Andrew Hankins MD
Dr. Michael Hanson MD
Aamna Hassan MD
Naoya Hattori MD
Sherif Heiba MD
Dennis Hemingway MD
Gerd Ken Herrmann
Thomas Heston MD
Edward Hew MD
David Hickey MD
Dr. Thomas Hill MD
Mark Hinson MD
Edward Hobart MD
Dr. John Hoffman MD
Dr. Leonard Hojnowski MD
Karen Holdeman MD
Dr. Lawrence Holder MD
Dr. William Holtz MD
Dr. Steve Huang MD/PHD
Prof. Alan Hughes MD
Dr. Janis Hurst MD
Syed Husain MD
Dr. Andrei Iagaru MD
Mrs. Elena Icayan MD SCD
Raul Jay Idea MD
Dr. Farzin Imani MD, PHD
Dr. Francis Isidoro MD
Dr. Mohammed Izhar MD
Dr. Feraas Jabi MD
Robert Jackson III MD
Dr. Jerome Jacobstein MD
Dr. Hossein Jadvar MD
Dr. Olga James MD
Dr. Javad Jamshidi MD
Suman Jana MD
Milos Janicek MD
David Jansma MD
Aaron Jessop
Michael Joh MD
William Johns MD
Germaine Johnson MD
Mrs. Satyabama Johnson SR. MD
Gerald Johnston MD
Dr. Mickaila Johnston MD
Dr. Prashant Jolepalem MD
Stuart Jones MD
Dr. Laurie Jones-Jackson MD
George Jordan III DO
Cecilia Jude MD
Dr. Jack Juni MD
Dr. Jennifer Jurgens MD
Dr. Elisa Kadish MD
Dr. Kenneth Kaess
Valery Kalika MD
Ms. Judith Kalinyak MD, PHD
Dr. Janet Kallo MD
Michael Kan MD
Tanuja Kanderi
Dr. Robert Kao MD
Maroun Karam
Mozafared Karimeddini MD
Dr. Wayne Karolow MD
Dr. Steven Kastin MD
Aarti Kaushik MD
Elias Kazam MD
Christine Keeling MD
Jeffrey Kempf MD
Herman Kensky MD
Dr. Marcus Kessler MD
Sabir Khan MD
Narendra Khengar MD
Seyed Ali Khonsary MD
Anthony Khuu MD
Chun Kim MD
Helen Kim MD
Dr. Sun Kim MD
Dr. Sung Kim MD
Sunhee Kim MD
Ronald Kingston MD
Dr. Aaron Kistler MD
Dr. Robert Kline M D
Andrew Klonecke MD
Douglas Knox MD
Dr. Gopal Korupolu MD
Lale Kostakoglu MD
Jon Kotler
Jonathan Kraas MD
Dr. Frederick Kretzschmar MD
G Krishnamurthy MD
Shakuntala Krishnamurthy MD
William Kronzer MD
Arnold Krubsack MD
Borys Krynyckyi MD
David Kuhl MD
Russ Kuker MD
Dr. Ajay Kumar MD, PHD, DNB
Dr. Kush Kumar MD
Christopher Kuni
Arden Kwan MD
Chi-Wai Kwok MD
Prof. Michael Lala MD
Vicente Lam Siu MD
Margaret Lamanna MD
Daniel Lamar MD
Dr. Janet Lan MD
Steven Larson MD
Dr. Dimitri Latoni MD
John Laude MD
Dr. Linda Lauver MD
Michael Lawson MD
Dr. George Leach DO
Dr. Chung Lee MD
Daniel Lee MD
Jean Lee MD
Dr. Shay Lee MD
Dr. Steven Lee DO
Bruce Leiter MD
Robert Levin MD
Ronald Levy MD
Dr. David Lewis MD
David Lewis MD PHD
Geming Li
Tong Li MD
Yuxin Li MD, PHD
Dr. Robert Licho MD
Joel Lichtenstein
Dr. Henry Lin MD
Dr. Michael Ling MD
Anita Lipson MD
Dr. Michele Lisi MD
Richard Littenberg MD
Dr. James Littlefield MD
Dr. Frank Liu MD
Dr. Lars Lohrmann MD
Dr. Patsy Loiacono MD
Dr. Stephen Long MD
Dr. Charito Love MD
Isom Lowman MD
Dr. Ping Lu MD
Dr. Yang Lu MD, PHD
Dr. Edward Lubat MD
Dr. Robert Lucaj MD
Calvin Lutrin MD
Olga Lyass MD
Kenneth Lyons MD
Dr. Maria Machado MD
Margaret Maclean MD
Paresh Mahajan MD
Syed Mahmood MD
Anton Mahne MD
Dr. Thomas Mahony MD
Gerald Main MD
William Mallin
Dr. Stephen Malutich
Dr. Mark Mandelkern MD
David Mankoff MD, PHD
Finn Mannting MD
Timothy Manzone MD
Dr. Carol Marcus PHD, MD
Dr. Carina Mari Aparici MD
Dr. Robert Markelewicz JR. MD
Dr. John Markisz MD
Lydia Martynec MD
Fatina Masri MD
Manuela Matesan MD
Dr. Dana Mathews MD
Dr. Katherine Mathews MD
Dr. Venkata Mattay MD
Dr. Harry Maxon III MD
Cynthia Mayer DO
Bruce Mazat MD
Dr. Marcia Mccowin MD
Mary Mcgrath MD
Barbara Mcneil MD, PHD
Dr. Jose Medina MD
Sharad Mehta MD
Dr. Stephen Meisel MD
Jose Melendez Maldonado MD
Dr. Ana Mello MD
William Metge MD
Dr. Ernie Meth MD
August Miale MD
Dr. Michael Middleton MD
Mounir Mikhaeil MD
Dr. Brendan Miles MD
Charles Miller MD
Dr. Joseph Millin JR. DO
Corina Millo MD
Betty Jo Mills MD
David Milstein MD
Dr. Lawrence Minarik MD
Dr. Mark Mintun MD
Akiva Mintz MD
Dr. Floro Miraldi MD
Rosna Mirtcheva-Trocheva
Dr. Erik Mittra MD, PHD
Chiedozie Mkpolulu MD
Renee Moadel MD
Dr. Asif Moinuddin MD
Dr. Eugene Morita MD
Eduardo Moroni MD
Lawrence Moseer MD
Dr. David Moses MD
Dr. Mohammad-Ali Mousavi DO
Dr. P. David Mozley MD
Dr. Christopher Mudge MD
Izabella Mullokandov MD
Dr. Oussama Nachar MD, PHD
Conrad Nagle
Dr. Kevin Nakamura MD
Dr. Asad Nasir MD
Daniel Navarro MD
Dr. Shahida Naz MD
Louis Neistadt MD
Wil Nelp MD
Andrew Newberg MD
Dr. David Ng MD
Nghi Nguyen MD, PHD
Ryan Niederkohr MD
Kenneth Nielsen MD
Nayer Nikpoor MD
Dr. Hiroshi Nishiyama MD
Dr. Eric Norby MD
Dr. James Ntambi MD
Shah Numani MD
Soujanya Nuthakki MD
Everett Oesterling JR. MD
Dr. Buddhiwardhan Ojha MD, MPH
Guillermo Olivos MD
Dr. Steven Olson MD
Dr. Soraya Ong MD
Fukiat Ongseng MD
Dr. Rosa Orsini Chevere MD
Hasan Osman MD
Medhat Osman MD
Dr. Stephen Oswald DO
William Pace MD
Dr. Jannisse Pagan Cardona MD
David Paik
Samuel Pak MD
Fred Palace MD
Christopher Palestro MD
Dr. Edwin Palmer MD
Dr. George Panagakos MD
Neeta Pandit-Taskar MD
Dr. Diane Pap MD
Dr. Frank Papatheofanis
Dr. Kalind Parashar MD
Smruti Parikh MD
Dr. John Parker MD
Dr. Robert Parlee MD
Steven Parmett MD
Eduardo Pascual MD
Gregory Patch MD
Dr. Chandrakant Patel MD
Malaykumar Patel
Dr. Mayur Patel MD
Dr. Pavni Patel MD
Dr. Tushar Patel MD
Barry Paull MD
Fangyu Peng MD
Rodolfo Perini MD
Dr. Ronald Petrocelli MD
Dr. Roderic Pettigrew MD
Deborah Pevsner MD
Dr. Ryan Pham MD
Dr. Shibu Philips MD, MPH
Dr. Arnold Phillips MD
Dr. William Phillips MD
Dr. Richard Pierson MD
Morand Piert MD
Dr. Ted Pinkert MD
Sebastian Pirruccello MD
Dr. Nicholass Plaxton MD
Dr. Gerald Pohost MD
Amar Pohwani MD
Dr. Martin Pomper MD, PHD
Dr. Carmen Ponton MD
Thomas Powers MD
Edward Powsner MD
Dr. Kalpna Prasad MD, MPH
Dr. David Price MD
Florence Prigent MD FASNC
James Pritchard MD
Edward Prokop MD
Feng Qing MD
Dr. Stuart Rabinowitz MD, PHD
Dr. Carlos Rabito MD PHD
Dr. Theodore Rafael MD
Dr. Dhanashree Rajderkar MD
Dr. Anil Ramachandran MD
Lalitha Ramanna MD
Mohan Ramaswamy MD
Balasubramanya Rangaswamy MD
Dr. Muralidhara Rao MD
John Rauth JR. MD
Guy Ravad MD
Narendra Raval MD
Srinivas Ravanam MD
Gregory Ravizzini MD
Dr. Brijesh Reddy MD
Fazalur Rehman MD
Mohammad Rezvani MD
Dr. Sean Rhuland MD
Dr. Cynthia Richards MD
Dr. Christopher Riedl MD
Dr. Daniel Rimkus MD
Josephine Rini MD
Donald Risinger MD
Victor Rivero MD
Dr. Peter Robbins MD
Joseph Roche MD
Mark Rockoff MD
Dean Rodman MD
Stephanie Rodriguez Santiago MD
Jennifer Rodriguez-Ferrer MD
Frank Rollo MD
Judith Rose MD
Dr. Joseph Rosen MD
Dr. Ronald Rosenberg MD
Dr. David Rosenthal MD
Dr. Mark Rosenthal MD
Dr. Daniel Roswig MD
Fred Rubin MD
Thomas Rudd MD
Dr. Carmina Ruiz-Rodriguez MD
Dr. William Ruppel MD
John Rydberg
Dr. Jan Ryszkowski MD
Archana Sachedina MD
Vidya Sagar MD
Dr. Anil Sain MD
John Salkeld MD
Jason Samii MD, PHD
Pratiba Sansi MD
Elmer Santos MD
Dr. Salil Sarkar
Ramadass Satya MD
Dr. Christopher Savrides
Dr. Naghma Sayyed MD
Dr. Gerald Schall MD
Stephen Scharf MD
Harold Scheinman MD
Dr. Meike Schipper MD
Peter Schneider MD
Heiko Schoder MD
Dr. Frank Schraml MD
Dr. George Segall MD
John Seitz MD
Dr. Alexandra Seltzer MD
Dr. Urmi Sen MD
In Seo MD
Paul Shaderowfsky MD
Dr. Irfan Shafique MD
Jagruti Shah MD
Purnima Shah MD
Dr. David Shames MD
Jack Shamoun
Dr. Mythri Shankar MD
Dr. Anton Shapoval MD
Dr. Akash Sharma MD
Manish Sharma MD
Anwer Sheikh MD
Dr. Arif Sheikh MD
Jeffrey Shelton MD
Craig Sherman MD
Kanchi Sherpa MD
Henry Shevitz MD
Dr. Fred Shiraki MD
Dr. Barry Shulkin MD
Denise Shusterman MD
Gamal Sidarous MD
Dr. Barry Siegel MD
Dr. Daniel Sigg MD
Paul Silk
Dr. Peter Simkin MD
Theodore Simon MD
Dr. Amit Singnurkar MDCM
Dr. Alan Sitron MD
Dr. Avril Slavin MD
Kenneth Smith DO
Reed Smith MD
Dr. Howard Snapper MD
Dr. Kevin Soe MD
Dr. Jaideep Sohi MD
Jagmeet Soin MD
Hongju Son MD
Dr. Robert Sonnemaker MD
Dr. Robbie Sooriash MD
Dr. Don Spiegelhoff MD
Michael Spieth MD
Shayne Squires MD
Dr. Shyam Srinivas MD, PHD
Dr. Jayson St. Jacques MD
Aaron Stack MD
Dr. Michael Starsiak MD
Dr. John Stauffer MD
Dr. Leonard Stein MD & PHD
Charles Stepherson DO
Martin Sternberg MD
Wilbur Strader MD
Dr. Phillip Strange MD
Harry Strauss MD
Dr. Mark Strober MD
Dr. Glen Strohm MD
Yana Studentsova MD
Razia Sultana MD PHD
Dr. Sidney Suneja MD
Amish Sura MD
Edgar Suter MD
William Sutton MD
Dr. David Swanson MD
Wilfrido Sy MD
Peter Sze MD
Dr. Vicente Taasan MD
Abida Taher MD, PHD
Richard Taketa MD
Dr. Edward Tam MD
Varaha Tammisetti MD
Susan Tang MD
Rajiv Tangri DO
Dr. Lisa Tarlinton MBBS(HONS),BSC(MED)
Vahe Tatikian MD
James Tatum MD
Alison Taur MD
Dr. Damita Thomas MD
Louise Thomson MD
Dr. James Thrall MD
Dr. James Thurow DO
Bao To MD
Gueorgui Todorov
Lauren Toney MS, MD
Hung Tsang MD
Dr. Sandeep Tuli DO
Gregory Turner MD
Dr. David Turton MD
James Tyson MD
Charuvuthi Upatham MD
Dr. Michael Usher MD
Ana Valdivia MD
Leonard Valentino MD
Douglas Vannostrand MD
Dr. Emmanuel Varkaris MD
Vijay Varma MD
Dr. Dawn Varney MD
Minal Vasanawala
Dr. George Veliath MD
Purushotham Veluvolu MD
Dr. Nishant Verma MD
Hubert Vesselle
Dr. Christine Vetter MD
Dr. Jesus Vidal MD
Dr. Frank Vieras Alejandro MD
Vani Vijayakumar MD
Rekha Vijaykumar MD
Sumeet Virmani MBBS MS
Joseph Volpe MD
Dr. Michael Walder DO
Dr. Ronald Walker MD
Dr. Jerold Wallis MD
Dr. Fei Wang MD
Gene-Jack Wang MD
Dr. Paul Wasserstein MD
Dr. William Wegener MD
Dr. Irving Weinberg MD, PHD
Craig Weiner MD
Dr. Paul Weiss MD
John Whalen MD
Dr. John White MD
Dr. Robert Wilkinson JR. MD
Haydn Williams MD
Dr. Justin Williamson MBBS PHD
Dr. Malcolm Williamson DO
Dr. George Wilson MD
Daniel Winder MD
Dr. David Winsor MD
Martin Winston MD
Lynn Witherspoon MD
Dr. Andrij Wojtowycz MD
Ching Wong MD
Robin Wood MD
Dr. David Woodbury MD
Dr. Chadwick Wright MD, PHD
Defang Wu MD
Guiyun Wu MD
Dr. Xuexian Yan MD
Tracy Yarbrough MD PHD
Dr. Tsunehiro Yasuda MD
Carter Yeatman II MD
Archie Yee MD
David Yeh MD
Edwin Yeo MD
Dr. Vijay Yerubandi MD, MS
Henry Yeung MD
Dr. Ella Yevdayev MD
Dr. Zahida Yoosufani MD
Robert Young MD
Ehab Youssef MD
Mrs. Nancy Youssef MD
Dr. William Yudt MD
Juanita Yun MD
Dr. Ahsan Zafar MD
Dr. Homeira Zahiri MD
Eva Zaklubera MD
Italo Zanzi MD
Dr. Megan Zare MD
Dr. Kousha Zarnegar MD
Dr. Ahmed Zaza MD
Nigist Zemariame MD
Mrs. Wanzhen Zeng MD
Yuyang Zhang MD
Dr. Hongyun Zhu MD
Dr. Martin Zloty MD
Jon-Kar Zubieta MD,PHD