
A general surgeon has expertise related to the diagnosis - preoperative, operative and postoperative management - and management of complications of surgical conditions in the following areas: alimentary tract; abdomen; breast, skin and soft tissue; endocrine system; head and neck surgery; pediatric surgery; surgical critical care; surgical oncology; trauma and burns; and vascular surgery. General surgeons increasingly provide care through the use of minimally invasive and endoscopic techniques. Many general surgeons also possess expertise in transplantation surgery, plastic surgery and cardiothoracic surgery. *

Specialization: Trauma Surgery

Trauma surgery is a recognized subspecialty of general surgery. Trauma surgeons are physicians who have completed a five-year general surgery residency and usually continue with a one to two year fellowship in trauma and/or surgical critical care, typically leading to additional board certification in surgical critical care. There is no trauma surgery board certification at this point. To obtain board certification in surgical critical care, a fellowship in surgical critical care or anesthesiology critical care must be completed during or after general surgery residency. **

Dr. Jeffrey Abrams MD
Brian Acker MD
Gregg Adams MD
Wassim Aghnatios Abi Jaoude MD
Mahmoud Ahmad
Dr. Vincent Ajanwachuku MD
Dr. Ghassan Al Ramahi MD
Dr. Carrie Allison MD
Dr. Rona Altaras MD
Amir Amiri MD
Dr. Gary An MD
Dr. Rahul Anand MD
Brock Anderson MD
Dr. John Anderson MD
Dr. Maxine Anderson MD
Dr. Patrice Anderson MD
Dr. Edward Andres III MD
Dr. Charles Andrus III MD
Devashish Anjaria MD
Michael Anstadt MD
Dr. Samuel Appavu MD
Saman Arbabi MD
Mr. Walid Arnaout MD
Brett Arnoldo MD
Dr. Juan Asensio MD, FACS, FCCM, FR
Akeem Atanda MD
Dr. Justin Atherton MD
Ahmad Azam MD
Michael Badellino MD
William Bandy MD
Dr. Michael Bard MD
Dr. Sherwood Barefoot MD
Dr. Donald Barker MD
Jo Barnard MD
Dr. Stephen Barnes MD
Robert Barraco MD
Raul Barreda JR. MD
Richard Barton MD
Dr. Khaled Basiouny MD
Paul Beck MD
William Beck MD
Dr. Stephen Becker MD, MBA
Dr. Alec Beekley MD
Dr. Richard Bell MD
Dr. Hector Benitez MD
Allison Berndtson MD
John Berne MD
Dr. Stepheny Berry MD
Dr. Bishwajit Bhattacharya MD
Joseph Bianchi MD
Dr. Walter Biffl MD
Dr. Rodney Biggs MD
Dr. Tracy Bilski MD
Harry Black MD
Dr. David Blake MD, MPH
Benoit Blondeau MD
Paul Blostein MD
James Bogert MD
Alfred Bogucki MD
Dr. Reagan Bollig MD
John Bollins
Margherite Bonaventura MD
Dr. Stephanie Bonne MD
Dr. Raquel Bono MD
Dr. Kendall Boone MD
Dr. James Boron MD
Mr. Anthony Borzotta MD
Bernard Boulanger MD
Dr. Jon Bowersox MD
William Bowling MD
Dr. James Boyd MD
Dr. Matthew Bozeman MD
Joseph Brandel MD
Dr. Keith Brandt MD
Dr. Karen Brasel MD
Sidney Brevard MD
Dr. James Brock MD
Dr. Timothy Browder MD
Carlos Brown MD
Dr. Brandon Bruns MD
Dr. Stephen Bruns MD
Darren Bryant MD
Dr. Joseph Buck MD
Dr. Mohammed Budeir MD
Dr. Marko Bukur MD
Dr. Hartwig Bunzendahl MD
David Burke MD
Jeffrey Burkett MD
Sudeep Burman DO
Richard Burns MD
Dr. Reginald Burton MD
Dr. Carl Bussmann M,D
Jo Buyske MD
Dr. Michael Cahalane MD
Andres Caicedo MD
Dr. Bruce Cairns MD
Eric Campion MD
Dr. Leopoldo Cancio MD
Ms. Christina Carlee ARNP
Dr. Matthew Carlson MD
Dr. Richard Carmona MD
Daniel Carney MD
Dr. Eddy Carrillo MD
James Carroll MD
Dr. Jeffrey Carter MD
Dr. Thomas Cartolano DO
Dr. Daniel Caruso MD
Dr. Gregory Casey MD
Dr. Manuel Castasus
Mitchell Chaar MD
Dr. Howard Champion MD
David Changaris MD
Dr. William Charash MD
Dr. Neeta Chaudhary MD, PHD
Angela Chen MD
Robert Cherry MD
Dr. Hillary Chollet MD
Kwan Chong MD
Kevin Christian DO
Dr. Bruce Chung
Dr. Mark Ciagne MD
Scott Cinelli DO
Mark Cipolle MD
Dr. Melissa Cloonan MD
Amalia Cochran MD
Antonio Coirin MD
Dr. James Cole JR. DO, FACS
Bryan Collier DO
Dr. Ian Concilio MD
Dr. John Condie JR. MD
Dr. Anne Conquest MD
Dr. Richard Constable MD
Dr. Alan Cook MD
Dr. Craig Copeland MD
Dr. Alain Corcos MD
Dr. James Corder III MD
Dr. Robert Cornateanu MD
Allen Cortez MD
Dr. Robert Coscia MD
Bryan Cotton MD
Jordy Cox MD
Dr. Nathan Creel MD
Dr. Martin Croce MD
Dr. Bruce Crookes MD
Henry Cryer MD
John Culhane MD
Brian Daley MD
Imad Dandan MD
Dale Dangleben MD
Dafney Davare MD
Dr. Paul Davidson MD
Scott Davidson MD
Donald Davis MD
Joseph Davis DO
Dr. Karole Davis MD
Dr. Thomas Davis MD
Dr. Gwendolyn De Leon MD
Dr. Frank Deangelo MD
Dr. Michael Debusk MD, MSC
Dr. Dan Deckelbaum MD
Vikram Deka MD
Lillian Digiacomo MD, MPH
Dr. Conrad Diven MD
Dr. David Dominguez MD
William Dougherty MD
Dennis Dove MD
Dr. Ian Driscoll MD
Dr. Joseph Dubose MD
Carl Dunham MD
James Dunn MD
Dr. Jeffrey Durgin MD
David Duvall MD
Angela Earley MD
Dr. Gregory Eason MD
Dr. Alexander Eastman MD, MPH
Dr. Brian Eastridge MD
Polikseni Eksarko MD
Wassim El-Habre MD
Dr. Omar El-Sheikh MD, MSC, FRCS
Dr. Hazem Elariny MD, PHD, FACS
Dr. Ahmed Elhaddad MD
Sukru Emre MD
Blaine Enderson MD
Dr. Graham Englund MD
Dr. Frank Ercoli MD
Dr. Maria Escano MD
Dr. Heather Evans MD, MS
Dr. Paul Evans MD, PHD
Michael Fabian MD
Dr. Timothy Fabian MD
Samir Fakhry MD
Robert Falcone MD
William Fallon MD
Dr. Mitchell Farber MD
Dr. Jose Farias-Jimenez MD
Dr. Kevin Farrell MD
Dr. Amy Fenwick MD
Colville Ferdinand MD
Luis Fernandez MD
Paula Ferrada MD
Dr. Paul Fierke MD
Dr. Don Fishman MD
Dr. Stephen Flaherty MD
Dr. William Flynn MD
Nelyda Fonte DO
Dr. Ashleigh Fontenot MD
Dr. Snell Fontus MD
Michael Foreman MD
Frederick Foss JR. MD
Kevin Foster MD
Dr. Charles Fox MD
Dr. Elizabeth Franco MD
Denise Fraser MD
Dr. Douglas Fraser MD
Lonnie Frei MD
Dr. Sandra Freiwald MD
Randall Friese MD
Dr. Geoffrey Funk MD
Stephen Gale MD
Jose Garcia MD
Dr. Nicole Garcia MD
Carlos Garcia Cantu MD
Adela Garland MD
Thomas Geng DO
Dr. Jon Gengler MD
Dr. David Gens MD
Larry Gentilello MD
Dr. Thomas Genuit MD
Leslie Giesemann MD
Mrs. Alison Gildehaus MD
Dr. Jonathan Giles MD
Dr. Enrique Ginzburg MD
Luca Giordano MD
Nina Glass MD
Ms. Jennifer Glover MD
Laura Godat MD
Jesse Goddard MD
Dr. Claudia Goettler MD
Dr. Dean Goldberg DO
Dr. Farhaad Golkar MD
Dr. Myron Gomez MD
Dr. Malcolm Goodchild MD
Harris Goodman MD
Dr. Stephanie Gordy MD
Dennis Gore MD
Ronald Graff PA
Mark Grant MD
Lynn Gries MD
Rafael Grossmann MD
Brian Gruber MD
Dr. Lawrence Guarino MD,
Dr. Manuel Guerrero MD
Veronica Guerrero MD
Oscar Guillamondegui MD
Dr. Weidun Guo MD
Dr. Alok Gupta MD
Dr. Rajan Gupta MD
Dr. Samir Gupta MD
Dr. Sanjay Gupta MD
Jeffrey Guy MD
Dr. Victor Ha MD
Benjamin Hagendorf MD
Dr. Daniel Hagler MD
Dr. Carl Haisch MD
Dr. Brian Hall MD
Erin Hall MD
Dr. Keneth Hall MD
Mark Hamill MD
Dr. Brian Harbrecht MD
Abdul Harris MD
Dr. Robert Harry MD
Dr. Mark Hartney MD
Dr. John Harvey MD
Dr. John Harvin MD
Moustafa Hassan MD
Dr. Eldon Hawbaker MD
Michael Hawkins MD
Dr. James Haynes MD
Peter Hedberg MD
David Heffernan MD
Dr. Timothy Hepner MD
Dr. Jorge Hernandez MD
Dr. Michael Hickey MD
Carey Hill MD
Dr. Jason Hindman MD
Dr. Gudata Hinika MD
Mr. Kevin Hirsch MD
Scott Hockenberry MD
Dr. John Holcomb MD
Daniel Holena MD
Larry Hopperstead MD
Edward Horvath DO
Miss Tami Hower ARNP
Dr. Roger Huckfeldt MD
Dr. Joan Huffman MD
Dr. Charles Hyre MD
Joseph Ibrahim MD
Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim MD
Dr. Kenji Inaba
Dr. Claire Isbell MD
Mrs. Amy Jarvis MD
Dr. Rene Jaso MD
Dr. Ali Jawed MD
Dr. Sudha Jayaraman MD
Dr. Elan Jeremitsky MD
Victor Joe MD
Dr. Jay Johannigman MD
Dr. David Johnson MD
Dr. Larry Jones MD
Dr. Jeremy Juern MD
Paul Juliano MD
Gregory Jurkovich MD
Dr. Steven Kahn
Dr. John Kairys MD
Dr. Susan Kaiser MD
Dr. Ameneh Kalani MD
Dr. Joseph Kambe MD
Dr. Matthew Kaminsky MD
Dr. Todd Kanen MD
Dr. Joseph Karam MD
Jeffry Kashuk MD
Dr. Deepak Katyal MD
Donald Kauder MD
Krista Kaups MD
Gerald Kealey MD
Paul Kearney MD
Ryan Kennedy MD
Dr. David Kerek DO
Dr. Natasha Keric MD
Dr. Paul Kerr DO
Dr. Kourosh Keyhani DO
Saleem Khan MD
Patrick Kiefer MD
Dr. Chauniqua Kiffin MD
Dr. Michael Kikta MD
David Kim MD
Elijah Kim MD
Mary Kimbrough MD
Thomas Kimbrough MD
Dr. Richard King MD
Dr. Paul Kispert MD
Dr. Michael Knight MD
Chris Kosakowski MD
Dr. James Kotick MD
Kurt Kralovich MD
Philip Kregor MD
Marc Kross MD
Leandra Krowsoski MD
Nicole Krumrei MD
Dr. Stanley Kurek DO
Dr. Douglas Kwazneski II MD
Dr. John Laduca MD
Teo Lama MD PA
Dr. Stephen Lanzarotti MD
Dr. Kenneth Larson MD
Tiffany Lasky DO
Dr. James Lau MD
Anne Laux MD
Christy Lawson MD
Richard Lawson MD
Dr. Khoa Le MD
Jeanne Lee MD
Seong Lee MD
Frank Leonard Vidal MD
David Leshikar MD
Cynthia Leslie MD
Marc Levison MD
Mark Libassi MD
Mark Lieser MD
Edward Lineen MD
Dr. Matthew Lissauer MD
Dr. West Livaudais JR. MD
Dr. Luis Llerena MD
Dr. Jason London MD
William Long III MD
Matthew Lovitt MD
Daniel Lozano MD
Dr. Louis Magnotti MD
Dr. George Maish III MD
Dr. John Malcynski MD
Dr. Ajai Malhotra MD
Sheldon Maltz MD
Mandy Maness MD
Oveys Mansuri MD
Dr. Peter Marbarger MD
Dr. David Marella MD
Dr. Helen Markowski MD
Dr. Gary Marshall MD
Dr. Maureen Martin MD
Terri Martin MD
Antonio Marttos MD
Dr. Marilyn Marx MD, MBA
Katherine Mastriani MD
Dr. Maher Matar MD
Sarah Mathew MD
Kazuhide Matsushima MD
Dr. Adrian Maung MD
Dr. James Maurer MD
Dr. Robert Maxwell MD
Dr. Hussein Mazloum MD
Dr. David Mcelmeel DO
Kevin Mcgeever MD
Patrick Mcgonagill MD
Dr. Patrick Mcgregor MD
Patrick Mcgrew
Daniel Mclean MD
Morgan Mcmonagle MD
William Mcquinn V
Dr. Vicente Mejia MD
Dr. Jay Menaker MD
Dr. Leo Mercer MD
Dr. Dominique Mesidor MD
Haile Mezghebe MD
Dr. Christopher Michetti MD
Dr. Maurizio Miglietta DO
Andrew Mikulaschek MD
William Mileski MD
Richard Miller MD
Dr. Gayle Minard MD
Dr. Joseph Minei MD
Mr. Eugene Misquith MD PA
Cassidy Mitchell MD
Bruno Molino MD
Dr. Jason Moore MD
Dr. Stephan Moran MD
Dr. Billy Morgan MD
Dr. Rocky Morgan MD
John Morris JR. MD
Stephen Morris MD
Dr. James Morrison MD
Anne Mosenthal MD
Dr. Jamie Mosher MD
Dr. Jesse Moskowitz MD
Vincent Moss MD
Kaushik Mukherjee MD MSCI
Dr. George Mulder MD
Dr. Richard Mullins MD
Todd Murphy MD
James Murray MD
Dr. Sandeepa Musunuru MD
John Myers MD
Dr. Roy Myers MD
Subbu Nagappan MD
Khanjan Nagarsheth MD
Dr. Kimberly Nagy MD
Dr. Michael Najarian MD
Dr. Rony Najjar MD
Dr. Aussama Nassar MD
Dr. Matthew Neal MD
Dr. Dustin Neel MD
Dr. Leigh Neumayer MD
Dr. Mark Newell MD
Dr. Edmond Ng MD, FACS
Dr. Dinh Nguyen MD
Todd Nickloes DO
Dr. Raminder Nirula MD
Dr. Scott Norwood MD
Dr. James Nottingham MD
Kerri Nowell MD
Dr. Mark Nowell MD
Dr. Alberto Nunez MD
Mr. Keith O'malley MD
Dr. Patrick O'neill MD
David Oakes MD
William Obremskey MD
Jared Ogao MD
John Oh MD
Terence Okeeffe MD MPH
Ms. Patricia Oneill MD
John Orfanos MD
Dr. Paraskevi Orfanou MD
Dr. Charles Oswalt III MD
Danny Owens MD
Dr. Mark Owens MD
Dr. John Owings MD
Jimie Owsley MD
Dr. Nathan Ozobia MD
Urmil Pandya M D
Jin Park MD
Dr. Myung Park MD
Pauline Park MD
David Parkus MD
Dr. Jason Pasley DO
Dr. Chirag Patel MD
Jayantibhai Patel MD
Dr. Nimitt Patel MD
Nirav Patel MD
Dr. Ronak Patel DO
Joe Patton MD
Dr. Oscar Paz-Altschul MD
Kimberly Peck MD
Dr. Philip Perdue MD
Guillermo Perez MD
Manuel Perez-Izquierdo MD
Jon Perlstein MD
Dr. Scott Peterson MD
Dr. Peter Petratos MD
Laura Petrey MD
Herbert Phelan MD
Dr. Emile Picarella JR. MD
Brian Pickard MD
Matthew Pieper DO
Nicole Piscatelli MD
Walter Pizzi MD
Brian Plaisier MD
Kenneth Platnick MD
Nathan Polite DO
John Porteous MD
John Porter MD
Kenneth Post MD
Nathaniel Poulin MD
Dr. Frances Pritchard MD
Dr. Jonathan Pryor MD
Dr. Gerd Pust MD
Brandon Rabeler MD
Dr. Edward Racek MD
John Radosevich DO
Lisa Rae MD
Dr. Rony Ramia MD
David Ramshaw MD
Dr. Thomas Reardon MD
Dr. Subhash Reddy MBBS, MS
Donald Reed JR. MD
Dr. Vicki Reese MD
James Reilly MD
Juan Rendon Garcia MD
Oscar Rios II MD
Ramon Rivera MD
Dr. Maria Roberto DO
Dr. Lawrence Roberts MD
Ronald Robertson MD
Donald Robinson DO
Dr. Rachel Rodriguez MD
Dr. Frederick Rogers MD
Andrew Rosenthal MD
Steven Ross
Bradley Roth MD
Dr. Michael Rotondo MD
Stephen Rowe MD
Susan Rowell MD
Dr. Jerry Rubano MD
Ilan Rubinfeld MD
Dr. Matthew Rubino MD
Theresa Ruddy MD
Dr. Stephen Rush MD
Penni Russo-Going MD
Jeffrey Saffle MD
Stanley Sakabu MD
Dr. Joseph Sakran MD, MPH
Dr. Jeffrey Salomone MD
Rafael Sanchez MD
Dr. Ayodele Sangosanya MD
Dr. Steven Santanello DO
Dr. Heena Santry MD
Dr. Juan Sauer MD
Alisa Savetamal MD
David Scaff DO
Dr. Thomas Scalea MD
Dr. Jeffrey Schauer MD
Dr. Paul Schenarts MD
Brian Schmidt MD
Jason Schrager MD
Carl Schulman MD, MPH
Steven Schumacher MD
James Schwendig MD
Aaron Scifres MD
Joel Sebastien MD
Dr. Matthew Sena MD
Hani Seoudi MD
Meredith Shaddix DO
Shahid Shafi MD MPH
Dr. Gerald Shaftan MD
Om Sharma MD
Rohit Sharma MD
Dr. Richard Sharpe MD
Clayton Shatney MD
John Sherck MD
Dr. Harold Sherman MD
Vanessa Shifflette MD
Dr. Anthony Shiflett DO
Franklin Shuler MD, PHD
Dr. Donald Siegel MD,FACS
Geoffrey Silver MD
Dr. Amelia Simpson MD
Tej Singh MD
Suryanarayana Siram MD
Sherry Sixta MD
Dr. Leigh Slater MD
Dr. Robert Sloane JR. MD
Conrad Smith MD
Dr. David Smith MD
Dr. Farin Smith MD
Robert Smith MD
Dr. Ted Smith MD
Dr. John Smithson MD
Richard Sontchi MD
Dr. Sasha Sotirovic MD
Jason Sperry MD
Dr. Peter Stewart MD
Gregory Strauther MD
Dr. Kwang Suh MD
John Summitt MD
Kalpana Suresh MD
Dr. James Sutherland DO
Herbert Sutton MD
John Sutyak MD
Maryam Tabrizi MD
Dr. Peep Talving MD
Dana Taylor MD
Edward Taylor MD
Kathryn Tchorz MD
Tedla Tessema MD
Dr. Walter Theis II MD
Dr. Lee Theophelis MD
Dr. Bradley Thomas MD
Dr. Anurag Tiwary MD
Christine Toevs MD
Dr. Bartholomew Tortella MD
Dr. Eric Toschlog MD
Morad Tourah MD
Dr. Luttrell Toussaint MD
Ricard Townsend MD
Bryan Troop MD
Geroge Tsiotsias DO
Dr. Brian Tucker DO
Dr. Eric Turney MD
Dr. Rachel Tyler MD
Dr. George Tyson III MD
Dr. Martin Tyson DO
Joe Uccelli MD
Dr. Julie Valenzuela MD
Dr. Russell Van Husen MD
Dr. Nicole Vanderheyden MD, PHD
Dr. Jorge Varcelotti MD
John Vermillion MD
Robert Vickerman MD
David Villarreal MD
Rebecca Vogel MD
Dr. Kelly Vogt MD, FRCSC
Dr. Quoc Vu MD
Uy Vu MD
Thomas Wachtel MD
Dr. Scott Wade MD
Dr. Michel Wagner MD
Dr. Usman Waheed MD
Heath Walden MD
Lucy Wallace MD
Ming Li Wang
Dr. Gary Warburton DDS, MD
Kevin Wasco MD
Daniel Watkins PA
Dr. John Watson MD
Dr. Jennifer Watters MD
Dr. Peter Wawro MD
John Webb MD
Dr. Travis Webb MD
Rebecca Weddle MD
Dr. John Weigelt MD
Dr. Jordan Weinberg MD
Gary Welch DO
Dr. Frank Werner MD
Dr. Thomas Wertin MD
Dr. Michael West MD
Dr. Thomas West MD, FACS
Dr. Cassandra White MD
Dr. Chtristopher White MD
Mark White MD
Dr. Vaughn Whittaker MBBS
Dr. Sara Wildenberg MD
Krista Wilhelmson MD
Harry Wilkins III MD
Mark Williams MD
Kelly Willman MD
Dr. Alison Wilson MD
Jeffrey Wilson MD
Dr. Charity Wip MD
David Wisner MD
Dr. William Witham MD
Pamela Womack NP
Lauren Wood NP
Robert Woodbury MD
Dr. Corey Wright MD
Dr. Jason Wright DO
Dr. Sharon Wright MD
Philip Wry MD
Julie Wynne MD
Dr. Joseph Yao MD
Richard Yarger MD
Dr. Daniel Yeh MD
Dr. Janice Yeung
Jason Young MD
Lester Young MD
Asser Youssef MD
Mohammed Zakhireh MD
Ben Zarzaur JR. MD
Dr. Raymond Zekauskas MD
Pedram Zendehrouh MD
Zubair Zoha MD
Dr. Jamshed Zuberi MD