
A provider qualified by a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.), licensed by the State and who practices chiropractic medicine -that discipline within the healing arts which deals with the nervous system and its relationship to the spinal column and its interrelationship with other body systems. *

Specialization: Orthopedic

Chiropractic Orthopedics is defined as that branch of chiropractic medicine that includes the continued acquisition of knowledge relative to both normal functions and diseases of the human body as they relate to the bones, joints, capsules, discs, muscles, ligaments, tendons, their complete neurological and vascular components, referred organ systems and contiguous tissues. This also includes the development and perfection of skills relative to health maintenance when such exists and when not, the investigations, historical review, physical detection, correlative diagnosis development and complete management of any disorder within the bounds defined herein. Also necessary is the delivery of the combined knowledge and skill on a primary basis to patients who both need and desire this service to the eventual outcome of remissions, whenever resolution is not readily achievable. In addition the certified chiropractic orthopedist provides consultation services at the request of other qualified doctors seeking assistance in the care of their patients. The chiropractic orthopedist may also engage in the teaching and or research of subjects and materials relevant to pursuing the quest for knowledge in the ever changing field of the orthopedic specialty. **

Dr. Anthony Abbruzzese DC
Dr. David Abott DC
Basil Abuid DC
Dr. Sally Adams DC, FNP-C
Dr. Blair Alexander DC DABCO
Esther Alfi PT
Dr. Gil Allen DC, PHD, CDN
Shawn Allen DC,DABCO
Dr. Bruce Alpert DC
Dr. Robert Alpert DC
Dr. Andrew Altman DC
Douglas Altman DC
Dr. Jeffrey Altman DC
Steven Alukonis I DC
Dr. Nunzio Ambrosino DC
Dr. Dennis Anderson DC
William Anthony D C
Dr. James Antos DC
Dr. David Aragao DC
Dr. Ronald Aragona DC PHD
Dr. Curtis Arndt DC
Dr. David Arpin DC
Dr. Muhammad Asadullah DC
Joseph Askinasi CH
Dr. David Atkinson DC
Dr. William Aukerman DC
Dr. Kelly Austin DC, PT
Lillian Avner DC
Robert Bachelder DC,FACO
Dr. Joel Bacon DC
Dr. Daniel Baird DC
Dr. Brian Baker DC
Dr. Samuel Baker DC, FACO
Dr. Kenneth Bakke DC
Cathy Bangerter DC
Dr. Dennis Banker DC
Craig Barcomb DC
Dr. Fredric Baron DC
Dr. Rick Barrack DC
Dr. John Barrett DC
Dr. Samuel Barvinchack DC
John Bashline DC
Dr. Warren Baskin DC
C. Bateson DC
Dr. Brian Batherson DC
Richard Bauer CH
Dr. David Baugher DC
Dr. Gilles Beaumont DC
Dr. Thane Bee
Dr. Stephen Beke, Jr. DC
Dr. Kevin Bellows DC
Dr. Daniel Belove DCC
Dr. Dennis Benn DC
Dr. Wayne Bennett DC,DABCO
Shawn Benzinger DC
Dr. Robert Bergeron DC, DABCO
Frank Bergman DC, FACO
Jeffrey Berklich DC MPH
Dr. Scott Bernhard D C
Joel Bienenfeld DC
Dr. Steven Biggs MD,DC
Lowell Birch DC
Dr. Elizabeth Blair DC
Dr. Jerry Blanchard CHIROPRACTOR
Dr. Jeffrey Block DC
Dr. Michael Blott DC
Dr. Paul Bluestein DC
Dr. Chester Bogdan DC
Dr. Peggy Bolks DC
Dr. Patricia Bona-Kustra DC
Dr. Donald Bonney DC
Dr. Dwayne Borgstrand DC, LAC
Dr. Ramon Borrero Mc.Cormick DC, MD
Dr. John Bos DC
Dr. Brian Bowcock DC
Dr. Daniel Bowerman DC, FACO
Dr. Mandy Boyce DC
Dr. James Boyd DC
Dr. Michael Boyle DC
Dr. Gail Bradley DC
Dr. David Bramwell DC, DABCO
James Brandt DC
Ryan Brandt DC
Dr. Kenneth Briggs DC
Dr. Steven Brodar DC
Dr. Bruce Brody DC
Dr. Mark Bronson DC
Dr. Stephen Brown DC
Dr. Stephen Brune DC
Karl Brunn PA-C
Dr. Marco Bruno DC
Dr. Rick Bruns DC
Dr. Walter Brzozowske D C, FACO
Dr. Dale Buchberger I MPT DC
Dr. Sharon Buerker DC
Dr. Robert Bunker DC
Dr. Vincent Buonanno DC
Dr. Kyle Burke DC
Dr. Michael Burke DC
Dr. Terry Burke DC, NMD
Christian Burley DC, FACO
Dr. Shannon Burns DC
Dr. Robert Burr DC
Dr. Scott Busker DC
Dr. Dennis Byam DC
Dr. Marv Cagle DC
Todd Camarata DC
Dr. Lisa Camerino DC
Dr. Cary Camp DC
Dr. Ann Marie Campagna DC
Dr. Albert Campana DC
Dr. Dale Campbell DC
Dr. Catherine Canty DC
Dr. Richard Capacio DC
Dr. Ronald Cappi D,C,
Jacob Caraotta DC,DABCO
Dr. Jerome Carew DC
Dr. Paul Carlson DC
Dr. John Carlucci DC
Dr. Marilyn Carmona DC
Dr. Kerri Carpenter DC
Dr. Nancy Carpentier DC, DABCO
Dr. William Carter DC
Dr. Anthony Carusone DC
Dr. Patrick Case DC, FACO
Dr. Patricia Casello-Maddox DC, LAC
Dr. Philip Caso DC
Dr. Louis Catapano DC
Dr. Renee Cauvin DC
Mr. Timothy Cavanaugh DC
Dr. Tyler Chalfant DC
Dr. Howard Chapel DC
Dr. Scott Chapman DC
Dr. Douglas Charboneau DC
Dr. Christopher Chase DC
Dr. John Checkal DC
Dr. Louis Chiappetta DC
Dr. Chukwuemeka Chidebelu-Eze DC
Dr. John Chiofalo DC
Dr. Marvin Chirls MD
Dr. Ruben Chldryan DC
Diane Christopherson DC
Dr. Joshua Chrystal NMD, DC
Dr. Ted Chun DC, DABCO
Dr. Susan Chung DC
Dr. Joseph Cipriano DC
Dr. Rory Ciuffo DC, DABCO
Albert Claps JR.
Mr. John Clark DC
Dr. Raymond Clark VIII DC
Betty Clayton DC
Dr. James Clayton DC
Dr. Charles Clegg D C
Dr. John Cloakey DC
Dr. Joseph Cobbs DC
Donald Cofer DC
Dr. Patricia Collins DC, DABCO
Dr. Randy Collins DC
Dr. Laurent Colvin DC
Dr. Michael Concessi DC
Dr. Matthew Conroy DC
Dr. Ruedy Contreras
Dr. Sirlina Cook DC
Dr. William Cooke DC, CCSP
Dr. Antonio Cordero MD
Dr. Abraham Cordova DC DABCO
Dr. Patrick Corrick DC
Dr. Deborah Cosher DC
Dr. Matthew Cote DC
Dr. Lee Cowan DC
Douglas Cox DC, DABCO
Dr. Roderick Coxon DC
Dr. Scott Cramer DC
Dr. Greg Crawford DC
Dr. Arthur Croft DC, MS, MPH
Dr. Nicholas Cruze DC
Catherine Cummins DC
Dr. Stanley Cusak DC, DABCO
Dr. John D'amico DC
Mr. Donald D'lusky II DC
Dr. Joana Da Rosa DC, DABCO
Stephen Dalsing DC
Glenn Dammert DC
Dr. Steven Danals DC
Dr. Richard Dark DC
Dr. Edward Darnel DC
Dr. Brian Darrow DC
Dr. Michael Davis DC
Paul Davis DC
Dr. Cynthia Daw DC
Dr. Gabriel Dawson DC
Dr. Barry Deal DO
Dr. Pamela Dean DC
Dr. Donald Defabio DC
Dr. Carol Defranca DC
Kristen Deligans DC
Dr. Frank Demarco DC
Dr. Ronald Demars DC
Dr. Patrick Dennis DC
Dr. Max Denton I DC
Dr. James Depietro DC
Dr. Charles Descalzi DC
Dr. Ryne Devries DC
Stephen Dewitt DC
Dr. Jerry Dickey DC
Dr. Joseph Didomenico DC
Dr. James Dieter III DC, NP-C
Ms. Lenore Difiore DC
Dr. Craig Dillman DC
Dr. Alan Dinehart JR. DC
David Dobson DC, DABCO, DACBN,
Dr. David Dodson DC
Dr. William Doggett DC
Dr. Gary Donaldson DC
Dr. Miven Donato PT, DC
Dr. Anthony Doncheff DC
Mr. James Donohue PA
Dr. Paul Dougherty DC
Dr. Jimmie Douglass III DC
Dr. Joseph Downes JR. DC
Dr. John Doyle DC
Awa Drame PTA
Dr. Steven Dreyer DC
Dr. Beth Dubois DC
Dr. Milton Duncan DC, FACO, DABCO
Dr. Fredy Duque DC
Mr. David Eckel DC
Dr. Philip Eddy DC
Dr. Mark Edinger DC
Dr. Steven Edmonds DC
Dr. Gary Edwards DC, DABCO
Dr. James Edwards DC DABCO LAC
Dr. Parlan Edwards DC
Dr. Christos Efthimiou DC
Dr. Michael Egbert DC, FACO
Patrick Egbert DC
Dr. David Eggers DC
Dr. Jeffrey Eisman DC
Dr. Steven Elliott DC
Roger Ellis DC
Dr. Stephanie Emi DC
Dr. Christine Epper DC
Dr. Deanna Erickson DC, DABCO
Neil Erickson DC DABCO CCSP
Clyde Esch DC, FACO, DABFP
Xavier Escobar DO
Dr. Alan Esquibel DC, DABCO
Larry Estebo DC
Dr. Stephen Estes DC
Dr. Ronald Evans DC
Jeffrey Ewald DC
Dr. Tricia Eyerly DC
Dr. James Faine DC
Dr. Richard Falanga DC
Dr. Jeffrey Falk DC
Yanitsha Feliciano DC
Dr. D Ferrero DC
Dr. Joseph Ferstl DC DABCO
Patrick Fetta DC
Dr. David Ficco DC,NMD
Dr. Ronald Fielden II DC
Dr. Richard Fink DC, DABCO
Dr. Marvin Finn DC
Dr. Joseph Fiorani DC
Joseph Fiore DC
Dr. Michael Fiore DC
Dr. Michael Fiscella DC
William Fischer DC
Dr. David Fisher DC
Victor Fitch DC
Dr. Sharon Fitelson DC DABCO
Dr. Julia Flagor DC
Dr. Robert Fogel DC
Scott Fonda DC
Dr. Scott Forbes DC
Dr. Simon Forster DC, DABCO
Beverly Foster DC
David Foster DC
Walter Fowler DC
Dr. Randall Fox DC
John Fragoso DC
Dr. Robert Francis DC
Dr. Howard Friedly DC
Dr. Robert Fugitt DC
Dr. Brian Fuller DC
Robin Futoran DC
Dr. Terri Gartenberg DC
Donald Garvin DC
Ms. Roxane Geary DC, PTA
Dr. Edward Geddis DC
Dr. Katharine Geier DC
Dr. Mark Gentile DC
Dr. Andreas Georgiou DC
Dr. Geoffrey Gerow DC
Dr. Salvadore Giangrosso DC
Dr. Larry Gibson DC
Dr. Jonnie Gilbert Taylor DC
Dr. Daniel Glassman DC
Dr. Kevin Glenn DC,DABCO
Dr. Robert Golden DC
Dr. Debbie Goldring DC
Dr. Todd Goodale DC
Dr. Raymond Goodfield DC
Dr. Andrew Gorby DC
Dr. Victoria Gorney Tutak DC, PSY,D
Dr. Martin Gough DC
Dr. Raymond Govett DC
Dr. Stephen Gradwohl DC
Dr. Frederick Graff DC
Dr. Kristy Graham DC
Dr. James Graneto DC, FACO
Dr. Graig Granovsky DC
Dr. Christopher Greenawalt DC
Dr. Ronald Greenawalt DC, FACO
Dr. Roland Greene DC
Dr. James Greenlee DC
Dr. Derek Greensides DC
Dr. David Gregg DCFICC
Dr. Paul Gregory DC
Colin Grice DC
Dr. Jonathan Griffiths DC
Dr. Sean Groves DC
Dr. Martin Gruder DC
Dr. Bruce Gundersen DC, FACO
Dr. Donn Gurske DC
Arnoldo Gutierrez DC
Dr. Maury Guzick DC
Dr. John Haase DC
Dr. Harry Hadley JR. DC
Dr. Marc Hagebusch DC
Dr. Peter Haigney DC
Michelle Hall DC
Dr. Ricky Hall
Dr. W David Hall DC
Dr. Anthony Hamm DC
Dr. David Hammans DC
Dr. Christopher Hammer DC
Dr. Steven Hammer DC
Dr. Donald Hammon DC
Dr. Jerome Hanning DC
Kirk Hansen DC
Dr. Raymond Hanson DC
Dr. Brian Harcourt DC FACO
Douglas Harden DC
Dr. Carl Hardy DC
Dr. Calvin Hargis DC
Ronald Harman DC
Dr. Jamie Harris DC
Dr. Eddie Harrison DC
Dr. Ted Harrison SR. DC
Phillip Hart DC
Dr. Charles Hathaway DC
Dr. Jared Hathaway DC
Dr. Aaron Haydu DC
Dr. Brad Hayes DC
Dr. John Hayes JR. DC
Madelyn Hayes LMT
Dr. Eric Haynie DC
David Head DC
Steven Headrick DC, DABCO
Dr. Dale Heath DC
Dr. Robert Hecht DC
Mrs. Amy Heggemann DC
Dr. Robert Heit DC
Dr. Francis Heller DC
James Heller DC
Jay Heller DC
Dr. Susan Herda DC
Dr. Frank Heresco DC
Dr. Robert Hermann DC
Dr. James Herzog DC
Dr. Steven Hickey DC
Dr. Larry Hirschy DC
Mrs. Kathie Hixon-Smith CMT
Dr. Douglas Hoad DC
Dr. Darryl Hobson DC
Dr. Sydney Hochman DC
Dr. John Hoehn DC, DACO
Dr. Edward Hoglund DC
Dr. Noel Hoklin DC
Dr. Corey Hollis DC
Kristina Hollstein DC, DABCO
Dr. Jeffrey Holmes DC
Dr. Paul Holmes DC
Dr. Brian Holt DC
Dr. Larry Holt DC
Dr. Robert Honigsfeld DC
Dr. Paul Hopkins DC
Dr. Richard Horne DC, QME
Nicholas Houston DC
Dr. Michael Howe DC
Dr. Robert Howell DC
Dr. Keith Hoyt DC, CCEP
Dr. Eliot Hudes DC
Dr. Lee Hudson DC
Dr. Michael Hudson DC
Dr. Randall Hultgren DC
Dr. Dale Huntington SR. DC
Dr. John Hurley JR. DC
Dr. Michele Hurley DC
Sameer Ibrahim
Dr. Mustafa Idris DC
Dr. Brian Irvine DC DABCO
Dr. Joseph Irwin DC, FACO
Dr. Wendy Iszler DC
Dr. John Izzo DC, FACO
Dr. Jacob Jackson DC
Dr. Steven Jackson DC, DABCO
Dr. Warren Jahn DC
Scott Jameson CPO, LPO
Dr. Catherine Jaquith
Dr. Kelly Jarvis SR. DC
Dr. Jason Jenkins DC
Dr. Kenneth Jenkins DC
Dr. Martha Jenkins DC
Dr. Robert Jensen DC
Dr. Ronald Johansen DC
Dr. Benjamin Johnson DC
Dr. Thomas Johnson DC
William Johnson DC
Dr. John Johnsrud DC
Dr. Daniel Jones DC
Marcy Jones DC
Dr. Richard Jones DC
Cathy Joseph DC
Dr. Steven Jukich DC
Brian Justice DC
Dr. Lawrence Kalapus DC
Dr. Karl Kallmann DC
Dr. Keith Kamrath DC
Judith Kanzic DC, FACO
Harriett Kaplan DC
Dr. Lee Kaplan DC
Dr. Karen Kartch DC
Dr. Allen Kash DC
Dr. Steven Katz DC
Dr. Gus Kaubisch JR. DC
Matthew Kee ATC, PT, DPT
Dr. Randall Kein DC
Dr. Kristopher Keller DC, DABCO
Dr. Paul Kendrick DC
Dr. Leo Kenney DC
Danny Kent DC
Dr. Robert Kerbs DC, CCEP
Dr. Alec Khlebopros DC
Dr. Michael Kieklak DC
William Kilgore DC
Dr. Scott Kilmer DC
Hyun Kim DC
Dr. Melanie Kinchen MD
Dr. Mack King III DC
Ms. Deborah King-Frisby LMT
Dr. Robert Klein DC
Dr. Thomas Kline DC
Roger Knowles DC
Casimer Kobylinski I D C
Dr. Carol Koch DC
Dr. Steve Kongs DC
Thomas Konicki DC, DABCO
Dr. John Kosbau DC
Dr. Kenneth Kowaleski DC
William Kowalski DC FACO
Dr. John Krage DC,QME, CCFC
Dr. Edward Kropf DC
Dr. Mark Kruse DC
Dr. Steven Kumm DC
Dr. Gary Kurtz DC
Dr. Robert Kustra DC
Kevin Kuwabara
Dr. Douglas Kyle DC
Dr. Anthony Labate DC
Dr. I Labrum DC
Dr. Bruce Laferriere DC
Dr. Thomas Lafountain DC
Jeffrey Lagree DC
Dr. Miguel Lalama MD,NMD,DC
Dr. Dave Langholff DC
Dr. Clifford Lara DC
Robert Larsen DC
Dr. Dane Laughlin DC
Dr. Richard Lauria DC
Dr. William Lay DC
Dr. Jewa Lea DC
Dr. Roger Ledlow DC
Brian Lee DO
Dr. Moonyoung Lee DC
Dr. Seungjae Lee
Wee Lee DC
Dr. James Lehman DC
Richard Lehman DC
Dr. Steven Leonard DC
David Leone DC
Steven Leonti DC
Dr. Neal Lepovetsky DC
Dr. Frederick Lerner DC, PHD
Kristeen Lester DC
Dr. Phillip Levin DC
Dr. Mitchell Levine DC
Dr. Larry Libs DC
Cody Liljenquist DC
Dr. Loral Linton DC
Dr. Craig Little DC
Dr. Thomas Locke DC
Dr. John Lockenour DC
Mark Logan DC
Dr. Paul Lombardi DC, DABCO
Dr. Kenneth Lommel DC
Dr. James Loncar DC
Noreen Long DC
Dr. Ronald Losiewicz DC
Dr. Otto Lottmann DC
Dr. Gary Love DC
Dr. Roy Love DC
Dr. Gwen Lovell Kollath DC
Dr. Hugh Lubkin DC
Dr. Catherine Luib DC, LAC
Dr. Randall Lundgren DC
Dr. Pat Luse DC
Dr. Mary Kay Lynch DC
Jeffrey Lyne DC
Dr. Mark Machuga DC
Dr. Thomas Mack DC
Jeffrey Mackey DC
Dr. Jillian Maconachie DC
Dr. David Mademann DC
Dr. David Madison DC
Dr. Gilbert Madrid DC
Dr. Hal Magee DC
Dr. Deborah Mager DC,
Dr. Joseph Maier DC
Dr. Randall Malin DC
Dr. L. Malmad DC
Dr. Lance Malmstrom DC
Dr. Ronald Malpiede DC, PC
Dr. Donald Mammano DC, FACO
Dr. Craig Mandel DC
Bradley Mandell DC
Douglas Manfra DC
Ronald Manfredi DC
Dr. Jeffery Manley DC, DABCO
Dr. Duane Marasco DC
Dr. Staci Marazoni DC
Dr. Raul Marco DC
Dr. Martin Marcus DC
Dr. Mark Marquardt DC
Dr. William Marson DC
Michael Martello DC
Dr. Jennifer Martin DC
Michael Martin DC
Dr. William Martin DC
Dr. John Martinez DC, LAC
Robert Masteller DC
Dr. Michael Mastoris DC
Dr. Darrel Mathis DC,FACO
Chalkley Matlack DC
Dr. Mark Mattoon SR. DC
Dr. David Maxwell DC
Dr. John Maynes DC
Dr. Jane Mcbride DC
Dr. Robert Mcbride DC, FASA
Dr. John Mccarthy DC
Dr. Gordon Mcclain DC,
Dr. Gordon Mcclean DC
Dr. Susan Mccoll DC
Dr. Jonathan Mccullough II DC,EMT
Dr. Robert Mccutcheon DC
Dr. Laurin Mcelheran DC
Dr. James Mcgee DC
Dr. Richard Mcintyre DC
William Mckean DC
Brad Mclaughlin
Dr. John Mclaughlin DC
Dr. Greg Mcnabb DC
Dr. Dennis Melillo DC
Dr. Larry Mellinger DC, FACO
Dr. Randall Melnar DC
Dr. Lewis Meltz DC
Dr. Edward Mendenhall DC
Mr. Terrance Menefee JR.
Dr. Paul Merlino III DC
Dr. Sarkis Mesrobian DC
Dr. Steven Messerschmidt DC
Dr. Jacob Meyer DC
Dr. Marios Michael DC, CNS, DAAPM
Dr. Ronald Michalski DC, FACO, DABCO
Dr. Raymond Mielke DC
Dr. Melvin Miles DC
Dr. Brian Miller DC
Dr. Clay Miller DC
Dr. Loren Miller DC
Margaret Miller DC
Dr. Nicole Miller DC
Dr. Trevor Miller DC
Dr. Janiz Minshew-Shurr DC
Dr. Betsy Mitchell DC
Dr. Brian Mittelstaedt DC
Dr. Scott Molin DC
Dr. Thomas Montgomery DC
Dr. John Mooney DC
Dr. Lance Moore DC
Dr. Terry Moore DC
Dr. Wayne Moore DC
Dr. Roberto Morales DC
Mr. Kenneth Moreen DC
Dr. Harry Morgan DC
Dr. James Morgan DC
Dr. Donald Morris DC, DABCO
Dr. Marcus Morris DC
Dr. Guy Morrison RPT, DC
Dr. Kirk Morrison DC, DABCO
Dr. Cristino Morrone DC
Dr. Asghar Mortaji DC
Dr. David Mortensen DC
Dr. James Mrozek DC
Dr. Dale Mull DC
Dr. Dave Mull DC
Dr. Peter Munda CH
Dr. Brad Mundt DC
Mr. Elias Murillo DC
Charles Murray DC
Dr. Roy Mutsch DC
Dr. Alan Naim DC
Dr. Gerald Nastasia JR. DC
Dr. James Neary DC
Dr. Michael Nehring DC
Keith Nelson DC
Dr. Mark Nelson DC, FACO
Dr. Scott Nelson DC, LAC, NMD
Dr. Bob Nesiba DC
Dr. Robert Newman D C
Duylinh Nguyen DC
Dr. Jeffory Nichols DC
Mark Nierenberg DC
Dr. Raymond Nietzold DC
Dr. Benny Nixon II DC
Dr. Andrea Noey DC
Patrick Noll DC
Leroy Nordstrom DC
Dr. Christopher Norval DC, PA
Dr. F. Mark Nourmand DC
Dr. Christopher Nowicki DC, DABCO
Dr. Michael Nunnally DC, FACO
Dr. Glen Nykwest DC
Dr. Daniel O'day DC
Dr. Bernard O'grady CHIROPRACTOR
Dr. Timothy Odom D C
Dr. Bradley Olson DC AC
Dr. Scott Olson DC
Dr. Patrick Opachich DC
Barry Oppenheimer, Llc DC
Dr. James Orr DC, OPA-C
Dr. Kenneth Osborn DC
Dr. Catherine Oster-Kostuch DC
Dr. Stephen Oswald DC
Dr. Richard Ottomeyer DC
Dr. Jonice Owen DC
Viktor Palchikovskiy DC
Fred Palmer DC
Chao Pang LAC
Dr. Kirk Parge DC
Dr. Richard Parissenti DC
Mr. Peter Park DC
Erich Parks DC
Dr. W. Parrish DC
Dr. Scott Parson DC
Dr. Edwin Patrick DC
Dr. Dennis Pazos DC LAC
Mrs. Gail Penniman
Dr. Stephen Penrod DC
Dr. Michael Perdziak DC, DABCO
Frank Perez PA-C
Lana Perkins DC
Dr. Carron Perry DC
Rodney Perry DC
Dr. Sitihiamphone Phetchamphone DC
Dr. Ronald Piazza DC
Dr. Evana Pickett DC
Dr. John Pienkos CH
Dr. Stanley Piltin DC
Dr. John Pinault DC
Dr. Loree Pinnavaia DC
Alan Pires DC
Dr. Paul Pirruccello DC
Dr. Michael Plaxco SR. DC
Dr. James Pleiss DC
Dr. David Pobran DC
Dr. Michael Polino DC
Dr. William Polsky DC
Marjan Pourdavood DC, QME
Dr. Wayne Press DC
Dr. David Price DC
Dr. Kirk Price DC
Dr. Nancy Price-Hood DC,DABCO
Dr. Gregory Priest DC, DABCO
David Pyne DC
Dr. Michael Que DC
Dr. Bradley Quick DC
Dr. Daniel Ragusa DC
Dr. Philip Rake DC
Dr. Ronald Ramos DC
Curtis Ratliff DC
Thomas Ray DC
Dr. Christopher Rebholz DC
Dr. Geoffrey Reed DC
Dr. Kelly Reed JR. DC
Dr. Rene Reed DC, DABCO, NMD
Dr. Craig Reeves DC
Dr. Julio Regalado DC
Dr. John Reid DC
Dr. Kenneth Reinhart DC
Dr. Michael Remy DC,DABCO,CCSP
Mr. Eric Ribenboim DC
Dr. Steven Rice DC, DABCO
Dr. William Rice DC
Ms. Judith Richardson DC
Dr. Curt Riebeling DC
Dr. Brittani Riggio DC
Dr. Steven Rigler DC
Richard Riley DC
Dr. Richard Rivera DC
Dr. Thomas Roballey DC
Dr. Lauren Roberts DC
Dr. Allison Robin DC
Dr. David Robinson D C
Dr. Frank Robinson DC
Dr. Laz Rodriguez DC
Dr. Virginia Roe DC, DACNB
Dr. David Rogers DC, DABCO
Dr. Ronald Rogers DC
Dr. Michael Romine DC
Dr. J Romney DC, FACO
Mr. Edward Rongers DC
Michael Roquemore DC
Philip Rosen DC
Dr. Joel Roskamp DC
Dr. Ronald Rosquist DC
Dr. Donald Ross JR. DC
Richard Roth DC
Dr. Don Royal DC
Dr. Emily Rucker DC
Dr. Pedro Ruggiero DC
Dr. Todd Russell DC
Dr. Herbert Ruth MS, DC, FACO
Mary Rutkowski DC
Dr. Clark Ruzicka DC
Dr. Joseph Sabino DC
Dr. Laverne Saboe JR. DC
Dr. Ronald Safko DC
Charles Sallahian DC
John Samuelson DC
Dr. Keith Sanders DC
Dr. Richard Saporito DC
Dr. Michael Sardone DC
George Sargeits DC, QME
Dr. Hrayr Sassounian DC
Dr. Stephen Saunders DC
Dr. William Saunders DC
Dr. Vincent Savarese DC, MSC, DABN
Lori Sayers DC
Dr. Richard Schaefer DC
Dr. Michael Schaller DC
Daniel Schatzberg DC
Dr. Stephen Scheer DC
Dr. Gordon Scherzer DC
Dr. Harry Schick DC
Dr. James Schmit DC
Dr. Joanne Schmit DC
Dr. Gerald Schneider DC
Dr. Steven Schneider DC
Dr. Michael Schonfeld DC
Mr. Thomas Schrimsher DC
Ryan Schultz DC
Andrew Schupp DC
Dr. Joseph Scott DC, FACO
Dr. Nicole Sdao DC
Dr. Roger Sdao DC
Dr. Jessica Seaton DC
Dr. Steven Sebers FACO
Dr. Eric Segal DC
Dr. Linda Seim DC
Dr. Paul Seniw DC
Dr. Richard Sennett DC
Dr. Mir Shadjareh DC
Dr. Rodney Shaffer DC
Dr. G. Shaw DC, FACO
Dr. Steven Shaw DC
Laura Sheehan DC
Dr. Ronald Shepherd DC
Seyedamir Sherafat DC
Dr. Dana Sibilla DC
Dr. Roy Siegel DC
Dr. Harry Siegrist III DC, LDO
Mr. Carey Sigafoose DC
Dr. Gary Silverberg DC
Tom Sim DC, QME
Dr. Louis Simek DC, DABCO
Dr. Robert Simmons DC
Dr. Charles Simpson DC
Dr. Christopher Singer DC
Dr. Howard Singer DC
Dr. Alan Sinner DC
Dr. Joseph Siragusa DC, M ED
Dr. Donald Skei
Dr. Kim Skibsted II DC
Dr. Steven Skurow DC
Douglas Smith DC
Mr. Jay Smith
Mary Smith LPT
Dr. Scott Snow DC
Dr. James Snyder DC
Dr. Stephen Solloway DC
Dr. Frank Solomon D,C
Dr. Alden Soohoo DC
Dr. John Sottile DC
Dr. Michael Spanakos DC
Randall Sprague DC
Diana Srdich DC
Dr. Bruce Staggs DC
Dr. Daniel Staight DC
Dr. Peter Stanton MS, DC, DABCO
James Starnes DC
Dr. Deborah Starr DC
Dr. Charles Statti DC
Dr. Stanley Steinberg DC
Dr. Mark Steiner DC
Dr. Jeremy Stender DC
Dr. Herb Stevenson DC
Dr. Larry Stine DC, FACO
Dr. Scott Stinson DC
Harvey Storm DC
Mark Stough DC
Robert Stryker DC
Dr. Edward Sullivan DC
Dr. Jeffrey Summers DC
Dr. Stephen Summey DC
Dr. David Swensen DC
Dr. Adrian Swenson DC
Dr. Lawrence Tain DC
Masahiro Takakura ND, LAC, DC
Dr. Brett Tallents DC
Dr. Gregory Talley DC
Theresa Tarcha
Gideon Tarnasky DC
Dr. Gary Tarola DC
Dr. Kerry Tarvin DC
Dr. Donald Taylor JR. DC
Dr. Patricia Taylor DC
Dr. Victor Tebbs DC
Dr. William Tellin DC
Dr. Phillip Tepperberg DC
Dr. Nathan Terry I DC
Dr. Michael Thille DC
Dr. Ryan Thomas DC, FACO
Dr. Charlene Thorburn DC
Dr. Paul Thurlow DC, DABCO
Denise Thurston DC
Dr. Jeffrey Thurston DC
Dr. Mark Tierney DC
Dr. John Timko DC
David Timperley DC
Dr. Dean Tindall DC
David Tinker DC
Dr. Harold Tondera DC
Dr. Tyler Tonso DC
Dr. Leonard Toon DC
Dr. Robert Torgrimson DC DABCO
Mr. Thomas Tracy
Dr. Steven Troeger DC
Dr. Kwok Wa Tse DC
Dr. Deborah Tucker DC
Dr. William Turek DC
Dr. Porter Turnbull DC
Dr. George Ulbrich DC
Dr. Robert Urciuoli DC
Soheila Vahabi
William Valusek DC
James Vancho DC
Dr. Bruce Vanderschaaf DC
Dr. Lee Vandusen DC
Dr. Blong Vang DC
Dr. Darrin Vanscoy DC
John Ventura DC
Dr. Bradley Vernallis DC
Dr. Michael Ville DC
Dr. Robert Ville DC
Dr. Kelly Voke DC, MS
Dr. Clinton Waggoner Ch
Dr. Adam Wagner DC
Dr. Johnathan Wagner BS,DC
Dr. Joseph Wagner BS;MD;DC
Robert Wagner DC
Dr. John Walburn DC
Dr. Edward Waldo DC
Stacy Walker DC
Dr. James Wallace PA,DC
Richard Waller JR. DC
Gayle Walsh DC
Dr. Carol Walters DC
Dr. Ping-Long Wang DC
Dr. Mark Wardenburg DC
Dr. Leigh Warta Strecker DC
Dr. Robert Washleski DC, LAC
Dr. Gary Webber DC
Dr. David Weber DC
Dr. Kirk Weber DC
Dr. Janfier Webster DC
Dr. Gary Weckbacher DC
David Wedemeyer
Dr. Donald Wegener DC
Dr. Joel Weiss DC
Lonald Welly DC
Dr. Craig Wenborg DC
Dr. Chris Wendell DC
Dr. Eric Wennerholm DC, MS
Dr. William Wertman JR. DC
Dr. William Wesselink DC
Dr. Richard Wexler DC,DABCO
Dr. John Weyand DC
Dr. Stephen Wheeler BS, DC
Dr. Andrew Wheelock DC
Dr. Leslie White DC
Dr. Robert White DC, DABCO
Dr. Robert Whitney II DC, N MD
Dr. Thomas Wicks DC
Dr. John Wilcox DC
Dr. David Willat DC
Dr. Dale Williams DC
Dr. Steven Willis DC
Krystal Wilson
Miles Wiltse DC
Dr. John Winckler DC, DACO
Dr. Mark Winteregg DC
Dr. Paul Winters DC
Dr. Leon Wleklinski DC
Dr. Alan Woggon DC
Mr. Gregory Wojciechowski DC DA BCO
Dr. Mark Wolff DC
Dr. Seth Wolin DC
Dr. Mitchell Womack DC
Dr. Calvin Wong DC
Dr. Jeffrey Wong DC
Dr. William Wong DC
Ryan Wood ND, DC
Howard Woolley DC
Dr. Wayne Wundram DC
Dr. Francis Yanek DC
Stuart Yeager DC
Dr. Peter Yeh DC
Dr. Steven Yeomans DC
Dr. John Yerkey DC FACO
Dr. Michael Yoel DC
Dr. Anthony Young DC
Dr. Kathryn Youtsler DC,DABCO
Dr. Peter Ziegler DC
Dr. Mark Zientek DC
Dr. Paul Zloto DC
Ronald Zoeller DC
Dr. Gregory Zografos DC