Registered Nurses

(1) A registered nurse is a person qualified by graduation from an accredited nursing school (depending upon schooling, a registered nurse may receive either a diploma from a hospital program, an associate degree in nursing (A.D.N.) or a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing (B.S.N.), who is licensed or certified by the state, and is practicing within the scope of that license or certification. R.N.'s assist patient in recovering and maintaining their physical or mental health. They assist physicians during treatments and examinations and administer medications. (2) A provider who is trained and educated in a formal nursing education program at an accredited school of nursing, passes a national certification examination, and is licensed by the state to practice nursing. The individual provides nursing services to patients or clients in areas such as health promotion, disease prevention, acute and chronic care and restoration and maintenance of health across the life span. *

Ms. Gina Abbascia RN IBCLC
Mrs. Kimberly Abshire BSN/RN/IBCLC
Mrs. Denise Adams RN
Denise Adams RN, NP, IBCLC
Mrs. Suzanne Adams RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Darlene Admire RN, IBCLC
Dr. Deborah Albert PHD, BSN, IBCLC
Nicole Albold BSN, RN, IBCLC, RLC
Nancy Albrecht
Mrs. Leeann Albright RN, IBCLC RLC
Mrs. Rosebel Aldana MSN,RN,IBCLC
Andrea Alexander RN
Crystal Alexander RN BSN IBCLC
Ashley Allen RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Denise Altman RN, IBCLC, LCCE
Jessica Altman
Ms. Jennifer Ambrose RN, BSN, IBCLC
Trina Ammar RN, IBCLC
Angela Anderson RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Ann Anderson RN,IBCLC
Heather Anderson RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Lara Anderson RN IBCLC
Mrs. Micaela Anderson RN, IBCLC
Joanne Anderson-Alvarez RN, IBCLC
Wendi Andria RN, IBCLC
Carrie Anstrand RN, IBCLC, LCC
Ms. Melissa Antaki RN, IBCLC
Pamela Anzicek RN
Denise Archambeault RN
Winn Asay
Anna Assef
Kristen Auletta RN, IBCLC
Helen Averill RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Maria Avila RN ,IBCLC
Maria Aviles
Ms. Sherry Axline RN, IBCLC
Dr. Sandra Bagwell PHD, FNP
Mrs. Virginia Baker RN, IBCLC-R
Ms. Barbara Balch RN IBCLC
Anna Baldwin RN, BSN, IBCLC
Anne Banther RN, IBCLC
Sarah Barfield-Early IBCLC
Marjorie Barr R N, IBCLC
Jeanne Barreira CNM
Susan Bartlett-Ammann RN, BSN,IBCLC
Mrs. Suzanne Barton RN, IBCLC
Sharon Bauer RN, IBCLC
Wendy Beals IBCLC
Mrs. Marsha Bearden RN, IBCLC, RLC
Mrs. Felicite Beaudoin RN/IBCLC
Judith Beaulieu RN,MIS,CLC,RYI,CHC
Kimberly Beaulieu IBCLC
Ms. Linda Beaverstock RN, BSN, OBC
Jennifer Beckering IBCLC, RN
Lilian Beggs IBCLC
Mrs. Heidi Behrends RN BSN IBCLC
Mrs. Sarah Bendure RN, IBCLC
Ms. Barbara Berges RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Joann Bergesen RNC, IBCLC
Ashlie Bergren RN BSN IBCLC RLC
Judy Bergsmith RN-IBCLC
Siri Beringer RN, BSRN, IBCLC
Clare Berman RNC, IBCLC
Mrs. Christine Bernardine RN
Mrs. Joan Betsinger RN, BSN, IBCLC, ANLC
Aneesa Beutler RN, IBCLC
Asteir Bey IBCLC
Mrs. Kristen Bird FNP-BC, IBCLC
Carol Black
Mrs. Cody Blackmon
Christina Blake RN, IBCLC
Elizabeth Blake IBCLC
Tracey Blake RN, IBCLC
Dr. Maryann Blatz DNP, RNC-NIC, IBCLC
Mrs. Connie Blokkum CNM, IBCLC
Mrs. Bobbyjo Bloom RN, IBCLC, CCE
Ms. Julie Blount RN, IBCLC
Martha Bluhm RN IBCLC
Ms. Gretta Blythe RN, IBCLC
Maya Bolman
Emily Bombard
Mrs. Germaine Boone RN, BSN, IBCLC
Rachel Boswell RN,CLC,IBCLC
Rosemary Boudreaux
Amy Bourne IBCLC
Mrs. Jennifer Bowen RN
Rochelle Boyce RN, IBCLC
Ms. Jane Bradshaw RN, IBCLC, RLC
Connie Brasier RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Pamela Brennan
Justina Brenner RN, IBCLC
Sarah Briatta RN, BSN, CLC
Mrs. Loui Brickey RN
Dawn Bridges-Jones RN, IBCLC
Brooke Briggs IBCLC, RN
Ms. Merilee Brigham RN, BSN, IBCLC
Maria Bristol RN, BSN, IBCLC
Kelly Brooks RN, IBCLC
Ms. Linda Brooks RN, IBCLC
Jan Brown IBCLC, RLC
Jenifer Brown
Julie Brown RN, IBCLC
Vanessa Brown RN, IBCLC
Venus Brown RN, IBCLC
Ashley Brown-Combs RNC-NIC, CLC
Mrs. Cathy Bruce RN, BSN, CCE, IBCLC
Mrs. Leslie Brundage RNC,IBCLC RLC
Mrs. Madelyn Brunow RNC, IBCLC, RLC
Lawrie Brust RN, IBCLC
Joanne Bryant
Elizabeth Buchholtz RN, IBCLC
Ms. Denise Bulpitt RN IBCLC
Cheryl Burstiner RN, IBCLC
Audra Burton-Easterbrook RAN, IBCLC
Ms. Amber Burvall RNC-NIC, IBCLC
Mrs. Aurora Bustillos RNC-MNN, IBCLC
Maryjo Butler
Ms. Stephanie Butler RN, CLC
Rushael Caddy RN
Siobhan Caffrey RN, CLC
Ms. Linda Caiger RN, IBCLC
Mr. Mark Cain RN, NP
Mrs. Ann Calandro RNC IBCLC
Marcia Caldwell RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Wanda Campagnari RNC,IBCLC
Mrs. Frankie Campbell RN, IBCLC
Karen Campbell
Melissa Campbell RN, IBCLC
Pamela Campion IBCLC
Rhonda Canada RN, IBCLC, RLC
Mrs. Gloria Canaday RN IBCLC
Mrs. Niesha Canselo RN, IBCLC
Mary Carey RN,IBCLC
Beverly Carico RN IBCLC
Cathrin Carithers APRN-CNP, IBCLC
Deborah Carl RN, MED, IBCLC
Mrs. Lori Carlough RN
Mrs. Corinne Carlson RN - IBCHLC (LACTATI
Linda Carroll RN
Mrs. Cindy Carter RN, IBCLC
Ms. Jeannette Carter RN, IBCLC
Julie Cartledge RN, CLC
Mrs. Raisa Carvajal RN, MSN, IBCLC, CLC
Noreen Carver
Joanna Cascione RN, IBCLC
Judy Case RN, IBCLC
Anne Cassens RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Christina Cassidy RN, IBCLC
Sofia Castillo-Fuentes RN, CLC
Dana Caulkins RN, IBCLC
Kara Centioli RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Debra Chalk RNC, IBCLC, CPD
Amy Chappell RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Joann Charnock RN
Melissa Chasan RN
Lisa Chassagne RN, IBCLC
Heidi Chavers BNS, RNC, IBCLC
Ms. Kaaba Chenault RN, IBCLC, CCE
Ms. Ellen Chetwynd RN BSN IBCLC MPH
Alice Christensen
Mrs. Katie Christensen BSN, RN, IBCLC
Ms. Ardys Christenson RNC, IBCLC
Doris Christiansen RN, IBCLC, RLC
Patricia Cierzan IBCLC
Monica Cintron IBCLC
Ms. Judith Ciurzynski RN, LC
Ms. Shelley Clancy RN, BSN, IBCLC,RLC
Amey Clark RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Jenna Clark RN, BSN, IBCLC
Laraine Clark RN, IBCLC
Norma Claybrook RN IBCLC
Dana Cline RN, IBCLC
Lauren Clippard IBCLC
Glenda Clossin
Karen Coburn IBCLC
Mrs. Cheryl Coleman RN, IBCLC
Wendy Colson RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Vivian Condello RN, MS, FNP, IBCLC
Mrs. Kathryn Copass RN, IBCLC
Lisa Copeland RN
Elizabeth Corbin
Mrs. Patricia Cordeiro RN, IBCLC
Tracy Corey RN
Lynn Coughlin IBCLC/RN
Laura Coulter CNM/APN, MS, IBCLC
Brenda Cox
Lynda Coyle RN, IBCLC
Kathleen Craig RN, IBCLC
Aimee Creelman RN
Miss Danielle Croce RN, IBCLC
Beverly Crocker RN IBCLC
Lynnette Crocker RN, IBCLC
Melanie Cromwell
Mrs. Johanna Cronan MSN, FNP-BC, IBCLC
Mrs. Jill Croteau RN, BS, IBCLC
Judith Crouthamel RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Irene Cullagh RN IBCLC
Carrie Cullinane
Mrs. Ann Cunillera RN, IBCLC
Peggy Curtis RN
Sharon Cutin-Bottomley RN, IBCLC
Ms. Arnetta Dailey RNIBCLC
Angela Dale RN CLC
Rhonda Daley RN, IBCLC, ANLC
Mrs. Brenda Dalton RNC, IBCLC, RLC
Riana Damjanovich RN, BAN, IBCLC, RLC
Susan Dana RNC, IBCLC
Mrs. Marie Angelica Daniels RN
Ms. Gigi Dann FNP-C
Barbara Danoff IBCLC
Therese Dansby RN, IBCLC
Diana Daschel RN, IBCLC, CCE
Heidi Daugherty RN, BSN, IBCLC
Mrs. Colleen Davis BSN, IBCLC
Jennifer Davis RN, IBCLC
Jill Davis RN, IBCLC, RLC
Nastassia Davis MSN, RNC-MNN, IBCLC
Mrs. Sandra Davis Hathaway IBCLC
Susan De Graaf RN BSN CLC
Ms. Leah De Shay IBCLC
Rebecca Decker RN, IBCLC
Rachel Deckler RN
Elizabeth Decou
Mrs. Sarah Deese RN, IBCLC
Dana Defreece RN, IBCLC
Kay Dehart RN, BSN, IBCLC
Tracy Dejesus
Jennifer Demarco RN, IBCLC
Cheryl Demille RN
Susan Dennis
Julia Denniston RN, IBCLC
Pamela Denton RN
Angela Deraad
Mrs. Cynthia Derifield IBCLC
Laura Deruiter RN,IBCLC
Gaelyn Destino RN, BSN, CLC
Andrea Detwiler RN, BSN, IBCLC
Elizabeth Devaney RN, IBCLC
Karen Dickert RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Catherine Dickinson RN, IBCLC
Marlee Dicristofano BSN, RN
Catherine Diehl RN, BSN, IBCLC
Deborah Dimugno RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Kathleen Distin RN, IBCLC
Gail Dittes RN IBCLC
Kristin Dittmer
Ingrid Dixon BSN, RN, IBCLC
Ellen Doenitz RN, BSN, IBCLC
Ms. Deborah Dominici RN, IBCLC
Ms. Melissa Donovan RN, IBCLC
Lisa Dooley RN, IBCLC
Ms. Grace Doolittle RNC, IBCLC
Ms. Gladys Dosch RN, IBCLC
Ms. Kristine Dowd RN, IBCLC
Deborah Dowe RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Violet Doyen RNC, CLC, IBCLC
Doris Drahonovsky RN,CLE
Leanne Drew RN LCCE
Ms. Cheryl Dronkers RN,IBCLC
Mrs. Dawn Dronkers RN, IBCLC
Ms. Frederika Drosten IBCLC, RN
Mrs. Sandra Dry RN, IBCLC
Erin Duchow RN, IBCLC
Jennifer Duckles RN, IBCLC
Gloria Dudney
Erica Dufour RN-IBCLC
Mrs. Deborah Dumphy NP-C,APRN, IBCLC
Mrs. Breanna Duncan BSN, RN, IBCLC, RLC
Mrs. Bonne Dunham LM , RN, IBCLC
Ms. Virginia Dunigan
Carolyn Dutcher
Heidi Eames
Margaret Eaugallie RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Jolene Edwards RN
Mrs. Patricia Elder RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Kerry Elderkin
Donna Ellis RN, IBCLC
Lora Elston RNC, IBCLC
Elizabeth Enriquez
Megan Epperson RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Diane Erdmann RN BSN IBCLC
Mrs. Debra Erikson RN, MSN, IBCLC
Patricia Esposito RN IBCLC
Diana Estep
Elyse Fagan CNS, IBCLC
Mrs. Faith Fairclough RN BSN IBCLC
Mrs. Athena Farmer IBCLC
Mrs. Marie-Celine Farver RN BSN IBCLC RLC
Debra Fatherree RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Jamie Felice RN, LC
Jamie Findley RN, IBCLC
Gail Fiock RN
Ms. Louise Fischer BSN,RNC,IBCLC
Bernadette Fish RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Paula Fitt RN, BSN, IBCLC
Jennifer Flannery Rauscher RN
Teresa Flattery RN/IBCLC
Ms. Elizabeth Flight RN, BSN, IBCLC
Mary Foley RN, BSN, IBCLC
Mrs. Pamela Folse RN, IBCLC
Alicia Fonder RN, IBCLC, LCCE
Ms. Flannery Fontinell RN, IBCLC, LCCE
Ms. Margery Forrest RN, BSN, IBCLC
Deborah Foster RN
Amy Fotino RN IBCLC
Hannah Fraley RN, MSN, IBCLC
Mrs. Jennifer Frank RN IBCLC
Heather Fraser RN, IBCLC
Ms. Michelle French RN, IBCLC
Carmen Fuentes RN, IBCLC
Joyce Funston RN IBCLC
Stephanie Gable RN, IBCLC
Ms. Laura Gaddy RN, IBCLC
Mary Ellen Galante CNM
Mrs. Deanna Galkiewicz RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Mary Gallagher RN
Mrs. Sandra Garcia RN, BSN, IBCLC
Ms. Melanie Garland RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Jessica Garner RN, BSN, IBCLC
Sheri Garner RN, IBCLC
Kristin Gartner RN, BSN, IBCLC, RLC
Mrs. Therese Gass RN, IBCLC, RLC
Heidi Gay RN, BSN
Tammy Gearhart RN
Theresa Gelven BSN, RN, IBCLC
Jennifer Gerard FNP
Meghan Gerken RN IBCLC
Mrs. Amanda Giaccone Olszewski IBCLC, RN
Judith Gibel RN
Mrs. Donna Gilbert IBCLC
Mrs. Cindy Gill RN, IBCLC
Sara Gill PHD, RN, IBCLC
Jackie Gilliland RN BSN IBCLC
Carole Glatter RN
Angela Gleason RN, IBCLC
Kristin Glover IBCLC,RLC
Vicki Goldbach RN, IBCLC
Susan Golden RN, IBCLC
Alice Gonyar
Mrs. Angela Goodson RN, IBCLC
Elizabeth Goodyear RNC, IBCLC
Mrs. Loretta Gorcenski RNC, IBCLC
Catherine Gordon RN, IBCLC
Jennifer Gould RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Hope Granger RN
Joan Greenberg IBCLC
Mrs. Kathleen Greene IBCLC
Ms. Mary Jane Greenwood CNM, WHNP, IBCLC
Kristen Gricus RNC, IBCLC
Moira Griffin RN,IBCLC
Mrs. Sandra Griffin RN BSN, IBCLC
Ms. Betina Grigoroff RNC, BSN, CCE, IBCLC
Lynne Grinold RN-C,IBCLC,RLC,CDE
Kelly Grummer-Smith NP-C
Leslie Gunnerson RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Kris Guthrie
Bridget Guzzi RN IBCLC
Jaclyn Haak IBCLC
Mrs. Mary Haber CRNP
Mrs. Leslie Hadel-Siegfried RN, IBCLC
Kristy Hager RN
Kiran Hahn RN, IBCLC
Bonnie Halk RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Carrie Hall RN, IBCLC
Ms. Leona Hallows RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Mona Liza Hamlin BSN, RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Paula Hancock RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Susannah Hann RN, IBCLC
Linda Hanna RNC, MSN/ED, IBCLC
Bethany Hannon RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Erica Hanson
Ms. Susan Happ RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Nicola Harden-Bent RN
Kirsten Haroldson
Mrs. Christie Harrington RN, IBCLC
Heather Harris
Kathyrn Harris RN
Mrs. Meredith Harris RNC, MSNP, IBCLC
Melinda Harrison RN, BSN, IBCLC
Shana Hartley RN, IBCLC
Heather Hasara IBCLC
Ms. Nancy Hastings RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Judy Hatch RN, MSN, IBCLC
Mrs. Susan Hatcher RN, BSN, IBCLC
Jennifer Hauser IBCLC, RLC
Tamara Hawkins NP-C, IBCLC, LCCE
Mrs. Xiuting Hawkins IBCLC
Julie Hawksley RN, IBCLC
Margaret Hayden RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Therese Hazen RN, IBCLC
Ms. Eleanor Hedenkamp RN, MS, IBCLC
Nancy Held RN, IBCLC
Jane Helgesen RN, IBCLC
Macy Helminiak RN IBCLC
Breon Henderson RNC, MSN, CLC
Donna Hendrix RNC-NICU-IBCLC
Katrina Hennessy RN, IBCLC, RLC
Vanessa Henry RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Linda Herman RN, IBCLC
Ivonne Hernandez PHD RN IBCLC
Judith Herrigel RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Andrea Herron RN, CPNP
Mrs. Karen Herth RN, IBCLC
Ms. Robin Heyde-Mccoy RNC IBCLC
Patricia Hiestand RN, BSN, IBCLC
Cheree Hill RN
Frances Hill
Linda Hill RN,IBCLC
Mrs. Marcella Hill LPN/ IBCLC
Ms. Tara Hilton CRNP
Heather Hires IBCLC
Mrs. Elisa Hirsch RN,IBCLC
Mrs. Jennifer Hirsch RN, BSN, IBCLC
Amy Hnetinka
Hsuan Ho IBCLC, RN
Helen Hoctor
Angela Hoertkorn RN, IBCLC
Ms. Nora Lynn Holland RN, IBCLC, ICCE, ICD
Robin Hollen RN , IBCLC
Nancy Holtzman RN IBCLC RLC CPN
Ms. Angela Horman RN, IBCLC
Carol-Jane Horn BSN, RN, IBCLC, RLC
Ms. Jennifer Horrocks RNC, NP, IBCLC
Mrs. Melinda Hoskins APRN, CNM, IBCLC
Cozetta Hossain RNC, IBCLC, RLC
Mrs. Sherry Hottenstein MSN RN IBCLC RLC
Susan Howard RN, MSN, IBCLC
Dr. Maeve Howett RN, PHD, CPNP, IBCLC
Mary Hudson RN
Ms. Kathleen Huggins RN, MS, IBCLC
Ms. Vergie Hughes RN IBCLC
Charli Hull
Kristin Hull BSN, RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Lynne Humkey RN, IBCLC
Stacey Humphreys MSN, RN, CPNP
Catherine Hunt IBCLC
Marta Hunt RN, BSN, IBCLC
Naomi Hurst BSN, RN, CLC
Ms. Karen Ianacone MSN, IBCLC
Elizabeth Inman RN, IBCLC
Ms. Linda Ivker RNC-OB IBCLC
Mrs. Lourdes Jamison RN, BSN, IBCLC
Ms. M. Patricia Janicek RN, IBCLC
Ms. Mary Janowitz RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Michelle Janyska RN,BSN,IBCLC
Shannon Jarot APN, FNP-BC
Elizabeth Jean-Paul RN, IBCLC
Michelle Jenkins RN, IBCLC
Carole Jensen
Deborah Jensen RN, MED, IBCLC
Flora Jestice RN, BSN, IBCLC
Mrs. Sharon Jimenez RN, IBCLC
Linda Johns RN
Mrs. Gina Johnson RN,IBCLC
Jennifer Johnson RN
Martha Johnson RN, APNCNS, IBCLC
Mrs. Rachel Johnson RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Theresa Johnson RN, IBCLC, RLC
Janet Jones IBCLC, DOULA
Jennifer Jones IBCLC
Mrs. Jennifer Jones RN
Leslie Jones RN, IBCLC
Ms. Renee Jones RN, BSN, IBCLC
Mrs. Kimberly Joyner BSN, IBCLC
Mudiwah Kadeshe RN,IBCLC
Ms. Barbara Kalmen RN
Ms. Shelley Kaplan RN, CPNP, IBCLC
Ryan Karim RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Brigit Karimkuttyil BSN, IBCLC, MSN-FNPC
Mrs. Stacia Kautzer BSN IBCLC
Ann Kearney RN BSN IBCLC
Mrs. Shannon Keely RN IBCLC RLC
Melissa Kelley
Elizabeth Kelly MS, RN, IBCLC
Patricia Kelly RN, IBCLC
Rachel Kelly-Groleau RN/IBCLC
Laura Keogh RN
Kathleen Kerperien RN/ BSN/ IBCLC
Kathleen Kerr RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Nicole Kerr RN, IBCLC
Jane Kershaw RN, IBCLC
Ms. Dawn Kersula RN
Mrs. Joan Kessler RN
Laura Kiehl IBCLC
Jessica Kielbasa RN, BSN, IBCLC
Ms. Summer Killian RN, IBCLC
Ms. Carrie Kimball LM
Mrs. Laura Kinder RN, IBCLC
Mary King RN, BSN, IBCLC
Mrs. Pamela King RN, IBCLC
Vicki Kirby RN, IBCLC
Brandy Kirstein
Ellen Kiss RN, BSN, IBCLC
Mrs. Victoria Klaetsch BSN, RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Karen Klusmann RN, IBCLC
Marianne Kmak RN, IBCLC
Rosalie Kmiec RN, IBCLC
Kimberly Knight RN, IBCLC, RLC
Laura Knisley RN, IBCLC
Ms. Maria Knoll MSN, RNC, CNL, IBCLC
Cora Koch BSN, RN, IBCLC
Joanna Koch RN
Tonya Koehler IBCLC
Barbara Kokins RNC,IBCLC,RLC
Kallen Korin RN,IBCLC
Sharlee Korson
Anita Krajecki RNC-LRN, BSN, IBCLC
Rose Kramer RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Jean Krauss RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Kathryn Krull RN, IBCLC
Patricia Krumholtz-Belkin PNP,RN
Andrea Kurtzman RN, IBCLC
Ms. Sally Ladd RN,BSN,IBCLC
Justyna Lagman RN IBCLC
Lisa Lahey RN, IBCLC
Amy Lamb
Ms. Rebecca Lander RN, BSN, IBCLC
Bethany Landgraff BSN, RNC-MNN, IBCLC
Janelle Landis RN, APN
Melissa Landreth RNC, IBCLC
Cynthia Laney RN,IBCLC
L Claire Langdon RN, IBCLC
Nahyra Lanzo-Espinosa
Helen Laquay
Paula Larocchia
Mrs. Heather Larosa RN, IBCLC, RLC
Mrs. Barbara Latterner IBCLC
Katina Launer RN IBCLC
Ms. Barbara Lautman RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Karen Lavergne RN, IBCLC, RLC
Barbara Lawson RN, BSN, IBCLC
Amy Lazaro RN, BSN, IBCLC
Ms. Ruth Leach RN, IBCLC
Cassandra Leahy RN, MSN, LCCE, IBCLC
Jeannine Leaper RN, IBCLC
Alisha Lee RN
Erin Lee RN, IBCLC
Ms. Julie Lee RN, IBCLC
Dr. Kinzie Lee DNP
Dr. Tosha Lee DNP, FNP-BC
Pamela Leitman RNBSNIBCLC
Ms. Maria Lennon RN, CNM, IBCLC
Mrs. Nanette Leonardo FNP
Ms. Michelle Lerager
Mrs. Barbara Leshin-Zucker IBCLC, RLC
Mary Letourneau RN,BSN,IBCLC
Elizabeth Levy RN, BSN, IBCLC
Gail Levy RN,IBCLC
Joan Levy RN, IBCLC, LCCE,
Debra Lichtman RN
Kaye Lidolph
Mrs. Melissa Liebhart RN, IBCLC
Lauren Lieto
Melissa Lietz RN, CLC
Katherine Lilleskov RN IBCLC
Mrs. Jo Anne Lindquist RN, IBCLC
Effie Lindstrom RN
Valerie Littlefield PMHNP
Sara Lobato RN, BSN, IBCLC
Deborah Locicero RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Stella Locke RN, IBCLC
Ms. Paula Loehr-Coleman RN
Janet Lomastro
Carmen Long RN
Mandi Longoria RNC-OB, IBCLC
Melissa Lonnergan RN, IBCLC
Ms. Crystal Losing RN
Michelle Lounsbury RN,BSN, CPCE, IBCLC
Ann Lown RN
Rochelle Lukehart RN IBCLC
Christine Lundberg RN, IBCLC
Anne Lussier BSN, RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Lisa Machlin RN, IBCLC
Jessica Mackley
Gail Macklin RN IBCLC
Terri Macnichol RN, IBCLC
Teresa Maglione-Glaser IBCLC
Molly Mahoney RN IBCLC
Mrs. Ellen Mahony RN, IBCLC, LCCE
Allison Mahurin RN, BSN
Julie Malloch RN, IBCLC
Kathy Malone LBSW, RN, IBCLC
Lori Manduke RN, NP, IBCLC
Carolyn Mank CNM, APRN-BC
Mrs. Danice Mariney RN IBCLC
Carly Marks
Colleen Marotta CNM
Virmarie Marrero RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Dana Marro BSN,RN,IBCLC
Mrs. Jennifer Martens RN, IBCLC
Tammi Martin RN, IBCLC
Leah Mason-Virgin RN, IBCLC
Sarah Massey RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Jennifer Massotti RN, IBCLC
Carolyn Mathews RN, BSN, IBCLC
Lisa Mathiasen RN, IBCLC
Breck Matteson RN BSN IBCLC
Ms. Maureen Matthews RN, IBLLC
Mrs. Julie Mattson IBCLC, RN
Mrs. Jamie Mayer RN-BSN
Mary Maynor RNC-LRN, IBCLC
Judy Mcavoy
Jillian Mccann RN IBCLC
Mrs. Erin Mccarter BSN, RN, IBCLC
Laura Mccarthy RN, IBCLC
Marie Mcdermott
Rachel Mcgill RN, BSN, IBCLC
Mrs. Faith Mcginn RN, IBCLC, BSN, LCCE
Starla Mcgorty BSN RNC IBCLC RLC
Katieann Mckee RN IBCLC
Joyce Mckeever RN
Ms. Colleen Mckeown MS, FNP-BC, IBCLC
Rosemary Mckitrick BA,RN,IBCLC,MED
Mrs. Joy Mclain APN
Marcy Mcmahon RN, IBCLC
Angela Mcmeans RN IBCLC
Molly Mcmillion RN, BSN, IBCLC, CCE
Erin Mcpherson
Mrs. Jacqueline Mcshane RN IBCLC
Susan Mcwilliams RN, IBCLC
Karen Meade RN, IBCLC, LCCE
Victoria Meadows RN, BSN, IBCLC
Karen Meek RN, IBCLC
Tricia Meeker RNC, IBCLC
Alisia Mejia RN,PHN,IBCLC
Mrs. Nancy Mejias-Cepeda RN
Elizabeth Melton RN, IBCLC
Magda Mendieta RN, IBCLC RLC
Willow Merchant FNP, RN, IBCLC
Penny Merrel
Sandra Mertz RN, IBCLC
Serena Meyer RN, IBCLC
Elizabeth Michael
Silvana Michael MSN, RN, IBCLC
Allyson Michaels RN, IBCLC
Laurie Miele
Lorraine Miles RN, IBCLC-RLC
Mrs. Debra Miller RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Elizabeth Miller RN,IBCLC
Jesica Miller RN, IBCLC
Laura Miller RN, IBCLC
Misako Miller RN/IBCLC
Mrs. Rachel Miller BSN, RN, IBCLC
Raquel Miller RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Voni Miller RN
Evelyn Miller-Freebury RN
Elizabeth Mills
Maureen Mills RN
Olga Mireles RN
Whitney Mirvis RN, MSN,CNM, IBCIC
Carolyn Mitchell
Safiya Momin RN, IBCLC, FNP-C
Gretchen Monday RN
Samantha Montealegre
Marna Moore-Barr RN, IBCLC
Carol Moore-Whitney RN, IBCLC, BSN, MST
Maggie Moormeier RN, BSN, IBCLC
Mrs. Kathleen Moren RN BSN IBCLC
Shannon Morgan IBCLC
Mrs. Christina Morris RN
Mrs. Kris Morris RN
Jennifer Morrison RN, IBCLC
Joanna Moyer-Diener RN, IBCLC
Sharlene Mracek RN, ICCE, IBCLC
Mrs. Anna Mroczek RN, IBCLC
Patricia Mullen
Danielle Munroe RNC, IBCLC
Deborah Murai
Dru Murphy IBCLC
Monica Murphy RN, IBCLC
Tara Murphy
Virginia Murphy RN, IBCLC
Kaitlin Murphy-Burger
Alexandra Murray RN, IBCLC
Ms. Elizabeth Myler RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Laurel Naff RN,IBCLC,RLC
Cindy Nash RN, IBCLC
Leigh Nass
Ms. Denise Neesam RN,IBCLC
Mrs. Julie Nehrkorn
Ms. Daleen Nelson RN IBCLC
Faylene Nelson RNC, IBCLC
Mrs. Karen Nelson RN, LMT
Mrs. Amy Nesting CNM, MSN, RN, IBCLC
Mary Neumann
Amber Newcomb RN, IBCLC
Ms. Ruth Nichols RN
Mrs. Nasrin Nikpour RNC-MNN, BSN, IBCLC
Mrs. Stacy Notestine RN,IBCLC
Elaine O'neill RN,BSN,IBCLC
Lauren Oberholser RN, IBCLC
Jennifer Ochse BSN, RN, IBCLC, CBS
Patricia Oconnell RN, MED IBCLC
Theresa Odonnell RN LC
Amanda Ogden RN, BSN, IBCLC
Martha Olson RN, IBCLC
Ms. Shyja Oommen RN, IBCLC
Barbara Orcutt RN MN
Rebecca Orr RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Brenda Osterhus RN IBCLC
Julie Oswald RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Heidi Otto APRN, IBCLC, CNP
Edna Overbey RN, IBCLC
Mary Overfield MN, RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Hope Overholt RN, IBCLC
Ms. Mary Owen RN,IBCLC
Ms. Jerri Owens RN, IBCLC
Carol Owings RN
Filiz Ozkan RN, IBCLC
Joy Padula
Sara Pahl-Ramirez RN, IBCLC
Janice Palmer RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Renee Palting RN, IBCLC, RLC
Mrs. Ro Pannesi RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Angela Parker RN, IBCLC
Kathy Parkes MSN, RN, IBCLC
Glenda Parks RN,MSN,IBCLC
Maria Parlapiano RN, IBCLC
Teresa Parriott RN, IBCLC
Robin Parrish RN, IBCLC
Karen Patel RN
Mrs. Julie Patton RN IBCLC
Amy Pavia RN, IBCLC
Virginia Pawlikowski
Mrs. Sherry Payne MSN,RN,CNE,IBCLC
April Pearson RN IBCLC
Ms. Bettina Pearson RN, IBCLC
Ms. Emily Pease RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Agnes Pedicino RN,IBCLC
Ms. Martha Peelor RN, IBCLC
Ms. Evelin Peker RN, IBCLC
Lisa Pena Franco IBCLC
Ms. Carol Pennell RNC, IBCLC,CCE
Sara Pennington RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Nichole Peoples RN, BSN, IBCLC
Ms. Jessica Peralta RN
Cassandra Perez RN, CLC
Mrs. Joy Perina RN BSN IBCLC
Mrs. Esther Pernikoff RN, IBCLC
Ann Perry
Mrs. Jennifer Peters RN, IBCLC
Sheila Peters RN, IBCLC
Louise Peterson RN, IBCLC
Stephanie Petty RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Christine Pfundstein RN, CCE, IBCLC
Rachel Philipps RN, CLC
Courtney Phillips RN , IBCLC
Ryan Pickle RN, IBCLC
Ms. Deborah Pierce RN, IBCLC
Alison Pirie PCNS-BC, IBCLC
Courtney Polk RN
Mrs. Debra Pollesch RN, IBCLC
Kristin Polston RN, IBCLC
Jennifer Porter-Sakumura RN,, IBCLC
Vanessa Portor RN
Ellen Portrait RN, IBCLC
Yeva Posner RN, IBCLC
Marilyn Poston RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Heather Powell RN
Barbara Pratt RN, IBCLC
Deanna Price RN
Rosemary Primeaux RN, IBCLC
Christine Pritchard RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Colleen Prorok RN, MSN, IBCLC
Heather Prusi-Wilson BSN, RN, IBCLC
Kathleen Prybylski RN, IBCLC
Martha Puga IBCLC
Mary Purdy RN, IBCLC
Nancy Quinlan RN,IBCLC
Mercedes Quinones MSN, RNC-MN, IBCLC
Kitty Rader RN, BSN, IBCLC
Joann Radesca RNIBCLC
Mrs. Sharon Randlett Major RN, BS, IBCLC
Ms. Sharon Rapoza RN, BSN, IBCLC, RLC
Kristen Rardin BSN RN IBCLC
Mrs. Mary Rastauskas MED, RN, IBCLC
Ms. Tehmina Raza NP
Mrs. Lachelle Reece RN, BSN, IBCLC
Susan Reeder RN, IBCLC
Charla Reehm RN,IBCLC
Elizabeth Reinke RN, BSN, CLC
Jennifer Rhoades
Jean Rhodes CNM
Corey Riccardi RN, IBCLC
Aubrey Richardson RN, BSN, BA, IBCLC
Mrs. Camloan Ricks RN, IBCLC
Dr. Patricia Ried PHD, RN, IBCLC
Dr. Cara Riek DNP, FNP-BC, IBCLC
Mrs. Holly Risch RN,IBCLC,RLC
Alma Rivera RN, BSN, IBCLC
Jennifer Roberts RN BSN IBCLC
Allyson Robertson RN
Lacy Robertson RN, IBCLC
Lisa Robinson RN/IBCLC
Tammy Rockwell RN, IBCLC
Christina Rodriguez RN, IBCLC
Karen Roeske RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Andrea Rogers RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Karman Romero IBCLC
Robin Roots RN, IBCLC
Rebecca Rose
Jodi Rosen RN
Alexandria Ross
Mrs. Kathryn Ross RN, MHS, IBCLC
Mrs. Norma Ross RN, IBCLC
Karen Rossman RN IBCLC
Lindsey Roth IBCLC
Hope Ruddell RN
Kimberly Rush RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Nikki Russell RN, BSN, IBCLC
Christel Russo APN, IBCLC
Jessica Rutledge RN, BSN, CLC
Misti Ryan RN, IBCLC
Mary-Jane Sackett RN, IBCLC, CCE, CD
Amy Saglibene-Parmelee
Mrs. Carol Saint RN IBCLC
Mrs. Alanna Salcido RN, BSN, IBCLC
Alissa Saldivar RNC, IBCLC
Kim Salinger FNP, RN
Mrs. Nichole Salisbury RN, IBCLC
Katherine Sampson
Stephanie Sanchez RN, IBCLC
Alisa Sanders RN,IBCLC,RLC
Elizabeth Sanders RN, IBCLC
Deanna Sanford RN
Shannon Sanford RN, IBCLC
Bethany Sasaki NP, CNM, IBCLC
Ms. Anne-Marie Sawicki RN, IBCLC
Julia Scaletta RN, IBCLC
Kristine Scher
Elizabeth Scheuerman
Elizabeth Schichtel RN, IBCLC, RLC
Christina Schill RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Elizabeth Schirk RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Deborah Schleifer RN, IBCLC
Ms. Janet Schlenkerman RN, IBCLC
Ms. Denise Schlueter RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Dana Schmidt RN, IBCLC
Jean Schmidt RN,BSN,IBCLC
Adriana Schneider RN, IBCLC
Beverly Schnick RN, IBCLC
Jean Schoppel RN
Mary Schroder RN, IBCLC
Lori Schubert RN, IBCLC
Ann Schuchardt
Judith Schuster RNC, IBCLC
Nikki Schuster
Ms. Julia Schveiger RN, IBCLC, RLC
Mrs. Lynne Schwaberow RN, IBCLC
Ms. Rebecca Schwaller RN, BSN, IBCLC
Robyn Schweitzer RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Amy Scott BSN, IBCLC
Katherine Scott RN, BSN, IBCLC
Ms. Suzi Scott RN, IBCLC
Terri Scully RN, IBCLC
Ann Seacrest RN, IBCLC
Ms. Cher Sealy
Cecelia Sears NP
Heather Sechko RN, IBCLC
Nancy Sechler RN, IBCLC
Rikki Sedaka RN, IBCLC
Elizabeth Seeger RN
Mrs. Neomi Seidell MSN, IBCLC
Gertrude Selig RN, IBCLC
Laura Shahim RN, IBCLC
April Shapiro RN, IBCLC
Meta Sharp-Franz RN
Kelly Sheehan RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Patricia Shelly
Margaret Sheridan RN IBCLC
Lindsey Shipley
Mrs. Shyanne Shipp RN, IBCLC
Barbara Shocker
Nicole Shoemaker
Wendy Shore RNC, IBCLC, RLC
Ms. Beth Shulman RN,IBCLC
Jodi Sides
Noreen Siebenaler RN MSN IBCLC
Patricia Siegrist RN
Ms. Darlene Silver MSN, RN, IBCLC
Susan Simmons RN, BSN, IBCLC
Jennifer Simon RN, IBCLC
Heather Simons RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Geneva Sisson RN IBCLC
Shelly Sitler-Metallo RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Elizabeth Sjoblom RN, BSN, IBCLC
Ms. Susan Slear RN, IBCLC
Amy Slotten RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Stacee Smiddy APRN-CNP, IBCLC
Mrs. Ashley Smith RN, IBCLC, RLC
Ms. Celest Smith RN, MS, IBCLC
Elizabeth Smith RN, IBCLC
Ms. Gail Smith IBCLC, RN
Ms. Jenifer Smith RN, IBCLE
Mrs. Jessica Smith IBCLC
Ms. Madeline Smith RN, BSN, IBCLC
Miss Mary Smith BSN, RNC-NIC, IBCLC
Mary Smith IBCLC
Mrs. Michelle Smith IBCLC
Ms. Vonda Smith RN,IBCLC
Mrs. Tina Snider RN IBCLC
Mrs. Sherry Snitcher RN IBCLC
Virginia Snitz RN IBCLC
Mrs. Marcella Snow BSN, RN, IBCLC, RLC
Victoria Snyder BSN, RN, IBCLC
Barbara Sobey
Bonnie Solley BSN, IBCLC
Lee Ann Sorensen RN
Mrs. Kristen Sorondo RN, IBCLC
Jennifer South RN, IBCLC, RLC
Mrs. Bridget Spangler RN
Holly Sparkman RN, IBCLC
Susan Splinter RN, IBCLC
Tracy Stadter RN, IBCLC
Susan Staheli RN, IBCLC
Ms. Kathleen Stahl RN,IBCLC
Lila Standefer
Donna Stanton RN,IBCLC
Elizabeth Stapleton RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Jacqueline Starkey RN, BS, CD(DONA)
Mrs. Debbie Steger-Cohen RN
Mrs. Ellen Steinberg RN, LCCE, IBCLC
Patricia Sterner RN, IBCLC
Angela Steward IBCLC
Mrs. Jennifer Stires RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Amy Stockburger Goldberg RN
Barbara Stone MSN, IBCLC
Marcia Streiff APRN-C, CNM, IBCLC
Elizabeth Studer RN, MSN, CNS,IBCLC
Linda Suderman RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Seaneen Sullinger MSN, RN, PHN, IBCLC
Mrs. Chanee Sullivan RNC, BSN, IBCLC
Jan Sumsion
Audrey Sundbye RN, IBCLC
Kara Sunderland RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Demetrius Surratt RN, IBCLC
Ms. Debra Swank RN IBCLC
Linda Swanson RN BSN, IBCLC, CLC
Rebecca Swanson RN, IBCLC
Lynda Swearingen RN, IBCLC
Christine Sweeney IBCLC, RN
Ms. Dawn Swiderski RN,IBCLC
Angela Swieter
Mariellen Switch RN, IBCLC
Ms. Clarice Sylvain RN, IBCLC
Laurel Synowicki RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Janet Syrcle IBCLC
Cathy Szudy CNM, APNP, RN
Ms. Sophia Szymeczek RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Peggy Talsness RN, PHN, IBCLC
Mary Taman BSN
Ms. Moira Tannenbaum CNM, RN
Priscilla Tansley RN
Mrs. Karen Tart RN, BSN, IBCLC
Ms. Ilana Taubman RN, IBCLC
Melissa Taylor IBCLC
Sharonda Taylor RN, IBCLC
Melony Teague RN, BSN, IBCLC
Ms. Carol Tenneriello RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Rosanna Terrero-Arnoux RN, BSN, IBCLC
Lori Theisen IBCLC, RN
Lynn Thiebaud IBCLC
Tonya Thomas
Inger Thomas-Jackson RN, BSN, LNC, IBCLC
Denise Thompson RNIBCLC
Mrs. Jan Thompson IBCLC
Lynne Thompson
Diba Tillery RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Donna Timmer RN,BSN,IBCLC
Elizabeth Tollens IBCLC
Patricia Tomlinson RN, IBCLC
Ms. Gale Touger APRN, FNP, IBCLC
Elaine Townsend RN, IBCLC
Kathleen Trainor RN IBCLC
Linh Tran
Ms. Debrah Trankel RNC, MSN,IBCLC
America Trevino RN
Leah Trombley WHNP
Michele Trosclair RN IBCLC
Jackie Tryon RN
Kelly Tucker
Ms. Kristine Twite RN, IBCLC
Sarah Tyack RN, IBCLC
Roberta Tyler BSN, IBCLC
Jacqueline Uhernik
Mrs. Alisa Underwood RN, BSN, IBCLC
Diane Upton RN IBCLC
Rhonda Valdes-Greene RN, IBCLC
Claire Van Rooyen RN, IBCLC
Karen Vanderlugt RN, IBCLC
Dr. Maryelena Vargas IBCLC, PHD, RN
Marla Vaughan RN BSN IBCLC
Lisa Vekich RN, IBCLC
Kelli Venaas RN, IBCLC
Mary Vermillion RN
Margaret Veyna RN
Gloria Viera RNC, IBCLC
Sarah Villarreal IBCLC RN
Mrs. Terry Vogt RN, IBCLC
Brenda Volz RN IBCLC
Marguerite Wachunas RN, IBCLC, BA
Georgia Wade RN IBCLC
Michaela Wagner CNM
Miss Stephanie Wagner BSN, RNC, IBCLC, RLC
Mindy Wajcman CONSULTANT, RN
Autumn Wake
Lillian Walcott MSN, RNC, IBCLC
Kendra Waldroup RN, IBCLC
Shirley Walfish RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Alexandra Walker BSN, RN IBCLC
Mrs. Cathleen Walker RNC, MA, IBCLC
Kathryn Walker APRN
Ms. Rebecca Walker BSN RN IBCLC
Lauren Wall RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Kelli Waller RN BSN IBCLC
Nicole Wallin
Misty Ward RN, IBCLC
Marlene Wark RN, IBCLC, RLC
Donna Warr RN,IBCLC
Ms. Laura Warren RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Marilyn Watkins RN
Janet Watson RN PHN IBCLC
Janie Weatherford RN, IBCLC
Jenny Weaver RN, IBCLC
Danit Wehle RN IBCLC
Tracy Weidig RN, IBCLC
Kate Weinberg RN
Lisa Weinshenker RN, IBCLC
Prof. Jane Weiser EDD, RN, IBCLC
L'via Weisinger RN
Mary Wells IBCLC
Lori Wenner RNC, IBCLC
Tamara Wescott BSRN IBCLC
Mrs. Susan Weyer RN, IBCLC, ICCE,ICD
Mrs. Janet Whalley RN
Brenda White RN, IBCLC, CCE
Laura White RN, BSN, IBCLC
Nancy White RN,IBCLC
Mrs. Cindy Whitley RN
Gwendolyn Whittit RN, IBCLC
Trisha Wierenga BSN, RN, IBCLC, RLC
Ms. Gwenan Wilbur RN, IBCLC
Alexandra Williams CD(DONA), LCCE
Mrs. Alisa Williams RN IBCLC
Mrs. Melissa Willman RNC, IBCLC
Anita Wingfield RN IBCLC
Margaret Winkeler RN, IBCLC, CEIM
Maura Winkler RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Barbara Wintch RN, IBCLC
Tamar Winter IBCLC
Clara Winters RN
Marie Witherell RN IBCLC ICCE
Mrs. Cynthia Wojtkowiak RN IBCLC
Sally Wood RN, IBCLC
Jennifer Woods RN
Kayleigh Woody
Katherine (Kathy) Wright RN IBCLC
Ms. Mary Wroblewski RN, IBCLC
Ms. Mei Yao Wu RN, BSN, IBCLC, RLC
Mrs. Cheri Wyatt RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Colleen Wypych RN IBCLC
Kelly Wysocki-Emery RN
Cary York RN, IBCLC
Melissa York RN, IBCLC
Ms. Patricia Young RN APN C
Mrs. Tabitha Young RN, IBCLC
Mrs. Darnetta Yusko CRNP, IBCLC
Kelli Zackary RN
Lisa Zamudio RN IBCLC
Mrs. Laurie Zani RN,BSN,IBCLC,LCCE
Cynthia Zembo RD, BSN, BAC
Barbara Zimmermann RN BSN IBCLC CEIM
Ms. Jill Zimmermann RN, IBCLC, PHN
Mrs. Christina Zimpfer RNC IBCLC
Julie Zuck RN, IBCLC

Displaying all 1089 Physician

