(1) A registered nurse is a person qualified by graduation from an accredited nursing school (depending upon schooling, a registered nurse may receive either a diploma from a hospital program, an associate degree in nursing (A.D.N.) or a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing (B.S.N.), who is licensed or certified by the state, and is practicing within the scope of that license or certification. R.N.'s assist patient in recovering and maintaining their physical or mental health. They assist physicians during treatments and examinations and administer medications. (2) A provider who is trained and educated in a formal nursing education program at an accredited school of nursing, passes a national certification examination, and is licensed by the state to practice nursing. The individual provides nursing services to patients or clients in areas such as health promotion, disease prevention, acute and chronic care and restoration and maintenance of health across the life span.
Mrs. Suzanne Afalava RN |
Alla Aksenchik NP |
Miss Pearline Alberga RN |
Tosha Alexander RN |
Yorleni Ambrosio RN, CNS |
Ms. Nikitta Andoll RN |
Roseanne Andrews REGISTERED NURSE |
Lacey Angelle MSN |
Lea Aquino RN |
Sally Arbuckle RN, NPC |
Mindy Armington NNP |
Julia Arons PNP |
Mrs. Erin Austin NNP-BC |
Julia Bailey |
Kathy Ballard NNP |
Mrs. Wendelyn Barrett NNP |
Ms. Katherine Bartlett RNC, NNP-BC |
Ms. Susan Basile NP |
Mrs. Kellie Bass |
Mrs. Shannon Bateman NNP |
Jami Beasley RN, NNP |
Vivian Bellini RN |
Jessica Bennett NNP-BC |
Gary Bernard |
Carol Berning NNP |
Ms. Robyn Berryman RNC, MSN, NNP |
Mrs. Rosalee Bertucci RNC,NNP |
Mrs. Regina Biondo RN |
Ms. Wendy Bishop RNC |
Mrs. Cara Bloodworth NNP |
Mrs. Laura Bobek CNP |
Ms. Laurie Borst NNP |
Mrs. Brittany Bostic |
Mrs. Susan Bostic NNP-BC |
Mrs. Victoria Bower CNNP |
Angela Brandon RN |
Whitney Brock DNP |
Mrs. Amy Brookshire APRN |
Jenni Brown NNP |
Ruth Browne CRNP |
Mrs. Sarah Bullinger ARNP, NNP |
Miss Brenda Burkholder CNP |
Carolyn Burnham RN |
Mrs. Emily Busby NNP-BC |
Gail Butler RNC, NNP |
Tiffany Caldwell ARNP |
Courtney Campbell RNC-NIC,NNP-BC |
Mrs. Maryann Campbell RNC-NIC MS CNS |
Miss Amanda Carlson NNP |
Amber Carman RN |
Mary Carpenter CNM |
Catherine Carr RN |
Amanda Cavanaugh |
Maria Cervantes RN |
Cynthia Chavez RNC, NNP |
Mrs. Kristy Cheshire |
Linsie Chiles RN, CLC, RNC |
Claire Choice |
Ms. Linda Clairmont ARNP |
Mrs. Jennifer Clinton RN |
Maryann Conover RN |
Cristin Conrad |
Ms. Elizabeth Cook MSN NNP-BC |
Cheryl Corinthian NNP |
Ms. Kristina Costa MS, NNP-G |
Sandra Coughlin NNP |
Margaret Crockett |
Hannah Crow MSN RN NNP |
Lindsay Crowe NNP-BC |
Alison Cure-Twede |
Ms. Adeline Cursio RNC APN |
Kristine Cutts RN |
Mrs. Mary D'angelo RNC, NNP, MSN |
Mrs. Tina Dadas RN |
Mrs. Lisa Dailey RN |
Melissa Daniels NNP-BC, CPNP, MSN |
Mrs. Cynthia Danner APRN, NNP-BC |
Mr. Wendi Davidson NP |
Mrs. Kim Davis RNC NNP |
Laura Davis |
Ms. Trista Davis |
Mrs. Debbie Dawson CNNP |
Summer De La Garza RN |
Dawn Dearmond NNP |
Ms. Frantzchesca Decade FNP-BC |
Mrs. Tiffany Decker RNC, NNP-BC |
Vanessa Defayette RN |
Ann Demaio |
Ms. Michelle Depietro RN,NNP |
Amita Desai |
Kettely Devariste |
Joanne Dietz NP |
Mrs. Luanne Dikanovic RNC, NNP |
Mrs. Jennefer Dixon NP-C, FNP, MSN, BSN |
Megan Doherty |
Christy Donahue NNP-BC |
Mrs. Jamie Donaldson REGISTERED NURSE |
April Downing NP |
Theodora Drabinski RN |
Amy Drawbaugh RN |
Nicole Drew RN |
Amber Dunfee RN |
Rachel Dyches DNP, FNP-C |
Katie Eisele |
Ms. Katherine Eisenberg FNP, RN |
Karlie Emrich RN |
Karen Engebretson RN |
Amy Engel RN |
Ms. Myreda Erickson-O'brien RNC, MS, NNP |
Mrs. Andrea Escamilla |
Emma Eschricht NNP |
Ms. Michele Evans CNP |
Michelle Eversdyk |
Laycie Falcon RN |
Mrs. Jennnifer Farnsworth MSN, RNC-NIC, NNP-BC |
Dr. Kisha Fausett DNP, NNP-BC |
Ms. Kristin Ferrara RN, NNP-BC |
Ms. Jennifer Fesinmeyer MS, NNP-BC, RN |
Mrs. Rachel Fields RN, NNP, BC |
Mrs. Joann Fitzell RN |
Ms. Barbara Fleming APN/CNS |
Elizabeth Fleming RN |
Mila Flores CNS, NNP |
Mrs. Melissa Flynn FNP |
Bridget Foley NNP |
Mrs. Carmen Fraga-Soto MSN, ARNP |
Mrs. Ilona Francis NNP |
Laura Franzese-Flugger NP |
Mrs. Kimberly Frasier MSN, NNP-BC, C-NPT |
Mrs. Clara Fregeolle ARNP |
Jeanne Fulcher NNP |
Megan Gauntt NNP |
Sara George CNP |
Katie Gerbetz RN |
Katherine Gerlach |
Stephanie Giconi RN |
Glendalee Gomez RN |
Mrs. Gillian Gonzaba RN |
Mary Gossard RN, CNS |
Ms. Tashunda Green RN |
Karen Guenther RN |
Sherri Gunn RN, IBCLC |
Mrs. Palka Gupta |
Ms. Cindy Gwozdz NNP |
Megan Gyllenband NP-C |
Suzanne Hagar RN |
Teresa Hagerty |
Mrs. Gretchen Hamn APRN |
Mrs. Diana Hannay CNP |
Mrs. Emily Hanson RN |
Kristin Harbaugh NNP |
Mrs. Jamie Harford NP |
Yolanda Hargraves-Shaw RN |
Ms. Andrea Harrell CNP |
Mrs. Kathryn Harris ARNP |
Miss Jeanette Harrison MSN, CCNS |
Tasheima Harrison FNP |
Mrs. Lindsay Hatley MS, RN, NNP-BC |
Dana Haynes RN |
Leta Hickey RN, CNP |
Melissa Hickman CNNP |
Mrs. Jill Hinz RN |
Ms. Cynthia Hood APRN |
Ms. Monica Hopfensperger RN |
Susan Horner RNC, MS, APN/CNS |
Ms. Kristin Howard NNP |
Shannon Hoy APRN |
Laura Hubbard BSN, MSN, ARNP,NNP-C |
Tamara Hull |
Mrs. Anna Hunley CNNP |
Florence Hunt ARNP |
Kimberly Hunter NNP-BC |
Tanesha Hurt RN |
Gayette Huseby NNP |
Ms. Dorothy Hutchinson NNP, CNS |
Constance Hymas RN |
Mr. Steven Imhoff RNC, CNP |
Adrienne Isaacs RNC |
Sonya James RN |
Ms. Nancy Jardine NNP |
Abigail Jerauld RN |
Mrs. Deanna Johnson RN, NNP-BC |
Mrs. Shannon Johnson APRN NNP |
Mrs. Susanne Johnson ARNP |
Kristy Johnston-Fields CNS |
Mrs. Dolores Jonatchick |
Mrs. Jessica Jones ARNP, NNP-BC |
Susan Jones |
Victoria Josko CRNP |
Sara Julander RN |
Mrs. Suzanne Juneau RN |
Emily Karolski NNP-BC |
Margaret Keith NNP, ARNP |
Lorraine Kelley NNP-BC |
Mrs. Lori Kelly RN |
Miss Karen Kennedy RN, NNP-BC |
Mr. Steven Kenney NP |
Halley Kim RN, CLC |
Mrs. Kathy King APRN |
Mrs. Caroline Kistler NNP |
Makayla Kliger RN |
Kedra Kluckey APNP |
Ms. Kristan Knight NP |
Amy Knupp RN, MSN, CNS |
Ms. Jeanie Koch RN |
Ann Kostell RN, MSN |
Amanda Kotten |
Pamela Krause MSN,RNC,NNP |
Branda Kruger NNP |
Mrs. Jill Kuester RN, MSN, CPNP-AC |
Suzanne Kujawa APN |
Kayla Labunski RN |
Ha Lai CRNP |
Linda Lam RN |
Mrs. Lisa Lamping RN, MSN, CNS, CNP |
Mrs. Beth Langford CNNP |
Savannah Lape |
Ms. Phyllis Lawlor-Klean APN/CNS |
Ms. Jenny Lee APN |
Amber Letourneau RN |
Linda Liebler ARNP |
Mr. Larry Lilley III NNP |
Ms. Shiela-Lyn Lim-Kyo MS, NNP |
Cynthia Lima ARNP |
Ms. Jill Lionberger NNP-BC |
Ms. Kelley Lockwood RN |
Vivian Lopez NP |
Pamela Lorbieski NNP |
Mrs. Cari Luciano RN |
Christine Lupiani RN |
Mrs. Tina Lusk RN |
Janet Madden |
Marilyn Maggioncalda RN, NP |
Tam Mai |
Mr. George Maldonado NNP |
Kristen Mancuso RN |
Leeann Mansker RN |
Megan Maragakes |
Johanna Marshall RN |
Mrs. Andrea Martin APRN, NNP-BC |
Heidi Martin |
Ms. Katharine Martinucci FNP, MSN, RN |
Mr. Lynn Massong ARNP |
Carmen Materno ARNP |
Ms. Rebecca Mcclenny NP |
Sara Mcconnell BSN, RN |
Mrs. Sarah Mccullar NNP |
Miss Jill Mcdonald RN |
Jessica Mcgee FNP |
Mrs. Adrienne Mcintyre RN, MS, CNS |
Robyn Mckinney RN |
Mrs. Leisa Mcpherson NNP |
Betty Mease NNP |
Ms. Tamara Meeker CRNP |
Kathryn Mercado NP |
Jennifer Mertens NNP |
Kimberley Miller RN, GNNP |
Mrs. Laura Miller APRN |
Nancy Minyard DNP, APRN, NNP-BC |
Elaine Mohaupt NNP |
Mrs. Lisa Moldowsky RN |
Amy Morris |
Andrea Mueller RN, MN |
Christine Mulford CRNP |
Maureen Mullarkey |
Mrs. Recia Munoz RNC NNP |
Ms. Cheryl Murray NNP |
Jamie Musgrove NNP |
Ruby Nair RN |
Rita Nakis RN |
Beldine Ndalo RNC-NIC, NNP-BC |
Sharon Nelson NNP |
Sandra Nevarez-Balderrama NNP |
Mr. Larry Newton RN |
Nicholas Niemyer RN |
Mary Norris RN |
Mrs. Tina Northup RNC-NIC |
Laura Norton RN |
Angela Novak RN |
Michaela Nufer NNP-BC |
Mrs. Linda O'laughlin RN |
Mrs. Stephanie Ober APN |
Gracie Ordorica |
Tana Osada RN |
Ms. Lynda Otte RNC-NIC BSN |
June Padilla CNNP |
Mrs. Alicia Parisi RN, NNP-BC |
Deborah Perlmutter NNP |
Alexandra Peskuric |
Mrs. Jamie Phelan RN,MSN, NNP |
Trisha Pieper RN |
Ms. Kathleen Pilecki RN-NNP |
Kristyn Plemons |
Laura Popovich NNP-BC |
Miss Alexandra Potter RN |
Mrs. Kerry Prescott APRN |
Dolores Quinn NNP |
Ms. Natalia Rabovsky NP |
Dora Rafuls ARNP |
Mary Ramos RN |
Ms. Jennifer Ramsey CNP |
Debra Ransing NNP |
Rachel Ranweiler |
Mrs. Catherine Raybourn RN, (S)INNP |
Mrs. Amy Reed NNP |
Linda Reimers RNC |
Erin Reynolds RN |
Wendy Reynolds RN, CLC, ANLC |
Laurice Rivera NP |
Carmelita Rivero RN |
Mrs. Debra Roads RN, NNP |
Stefanie Roberts NNP-BC |
Teresa Roberts NNP |
Brenda Robinette NNP |
Mrs. Kimberly Roman CPNP |
Stacy Rosebrook RN |
Mary Rosenbauer MS, RNC, CPNP, IBCLC |
Sherrill Roskam NNP |
Cary Ross RN MSN |
Mrs. Fatima Rudd MSN, NNP-BC |
Rosemarie Russ RN |
Mrs. Rebecca Russell CNNP |
Ms. Deborah Ryan NP |
Brenda Ryder NNP |
Susan Rymer |
Tami Sands |
Racheal Santarpia ARNP |
Mrs. Lisa Sauer NP |
Ruth Savino RN |
Karen Sawyer NNP |
Christine Scheinman RNC IBCLC |
Christi Schernecke MSN |
Jessi Schmidt RN |
Mrs. Laura Scholes RN |
Lynne Schuette RN |
Ms. Monika Schule MSN, RN, NNP-BC |
Kristy Schupp RN |
Ms. Mary Schwartz ARNP |
Libby Sebastian |
Cynthia Serrano NP |
Dorothy Shannon NNP-BC |
Kimberly Sheffield NNP |
Nicole Sherred-Delgado |
Kayla Short NNP-BC, RN |
Mrs. Kami Simon NNP-BC |
Jessica Simpson NP |
Mrs. Jill Sisson RN,NNP |
Chevonne Smith BSN, RN,CCRN |
Deann Smith RNC |
Kimberly Smith NNP |
Luretha Smith NNP |
Mrs. Mary Smith NP |
Mrs. Lucy Smyth MSN/NNP |
Mrs. Christine Snell RN |
Ms. Deborah Snider NNP |
Sally Sobel-Radke RN, NNP |
Neva Spencer NNP |
Angel Spurlock-Perkins RN |
Stacey Stanford NNP |
Mrs. Brittany Stanley MSN, NNP |
Mr. Jeremiah Stecki MSN, RN, NNP-BC |
Mrs. Charlotte Steele RN |
Shannon Stevenson RN |
Mrs. Amy Steverding RN |
Rhonda Stewart |
Mrs. Vanessa Stewart RN |
Natalie Stone |
Melinda Storms RN, NNP |
Mrs. Karen Strohecker CRNP |
Mrs. Donna Stump RN |
Tanaya Syx RN |
Ms. Audrey Taylor R N |
Mrs. Cheryl Taylor MSN, RNC, CNNP |
Ms. Edith Tedder RN, NNP-BC |
Miss Wendy Teneza REGISTERED NURSE |
Mr. Richard Terukina JR. RN, NNP |
Ms. Margaret Teufert I RN CNP |
Elizabeth Theado RN, NNP |
Ms. Maria Thillet MS NNP |
Mrs. Jennifer Thomas CNP |
Karen Thompson MSN/NNP-BC |
Mary Thompson NNP-BC |
Sherry Thompson RN |
Mercy Thundiyil |
Angela Tito RN |
Mrs. Carrie Tolbert NNP |
Miss Callie Toombs RN |
Mrs. Bernabela Torres RN,BSN |
Ms. Amy Tramaloni NNP |
Mary Ann Trambley NNP |
Ms. Louise Tsukahara RN NP |
Ms. Lindsay Tucker RN, NNP |
Michele Vacca NNP |
Virginia (Ginger) Valenzuela RN, NNP |
Ms. Diane Vande Pol CNS |
Delphine Vanderstraeten |
Dr. Lyn Vargo PHD, RN, NNP-BC10/22 |
Mrs. Angela Vaughn MSN, RN |
Mrs. Diana Vega RN |
Katherine Vincent NNP |
Mrs. Annette Volberding RN |
Susan Vollmer RN,CNNP |
Kelly Waldrop |
Sharla Walker BSN, RN |
Ms. Angela Wallace NP |
Beverly Walti RN, MSN, CPNP, CNS |
Emily Wampler RN |
Violet Wanner |
Helen Weaver NNP |
Jamie Wegner RN, NNP |
Mrs. Glenda Weidendorf NNP |
Mrs. Maryann Wells RN |
Kelli West RN |
Cheryl Wieweck NNP |
Mary Ann Wilder RNC, MSN, C-APN |
Karen Wilkinson CRNP |
Mrs. Melissa Williams CNNP |
Kara Willocks NNP |
Patricia Wills RN |
Mrs. Jeanine Wilson MSN |
Ms. Jennifer Wilson CRNP |
Ms. Lori Wilson-Hopkins RN |
Katie Windsor |
Mrs. Staci Wood RN |
Lori Wright NNP |
Kelli Yamamura PNP |
Miss Olivia York NEONATAL NP |
Mrs. Heather Zahiri RN, NP |
Mr. Martha Zavras RN,BSN |