

Specialization: Dermatopathology

A dermatopathologist is an expert in diagnosing and monitoring diseases of the skin including infectious, immunologic, degenerative, and neoplastic diseases. This entails the examination and interpretation of specially prepared tissue sections, cellular scrapings, and smears of skin lesions by means of light microscopy, electron microscopy, and fluorescence microscopy. **

Dr. John Abele MD
Dr. John Abernethy MD
Mr. Motaz Albahra MD
Serge Alexanian MD
Stanley Alfred MD
Howard Altman MD
Dr. Luis Alvarez MD
Maria Alzona MD
David Amberger MD
Dr. Sapna Amin MD
Dr. Florencia Anatelli MD
Dr. Mary Beth Anderson DO
Shane Anderson MD PHD
Dr. Robert Andreozzi MD
Dr. Seema Apichai MD
Masoud Asgari MD
Dr. Jena Auerbach DO
Elizabeth Bailey MD
Dr. Bradley Bakotic DO
Wayne Bakotic DO
Dr. Erika Balfour MD
Julie Barber MD
Dr. Keith Baribault MD
Dr. Sarah Barksdale MD
Dr. Ronald Barr MD
Catherine Barry DO
Dr. Ilene Bayer-Garner MD
Seyed Abdoljavad Beheshti Shirazi MD
Dr. Kirsten Bellucci MD
Chafik Bengana MD
Bob Bernaba MD,
Jordan Berne MD
Anne Bernstein MD
Dr. Luis Berrutti MD
Dr. Pradip Bhattacharjee MD
Radoslaw Bieniek MD
Scott Binder MD
F Blakely MD
Dr. William Blank JR.
Dr. Bryce Bliss MD
Susan Bona M D
Dr. Andrea Boni MD
Dr. Marcus Bosenberg MD, PHD
Kevin Boyd MD
Elaine Brent MS MD
Dr. Francessca Brettschneider MD
Jameel Brown MD
Imelda Bulatao MD
Dr. David Burch MD
Edward Burkhard JR. MD
Sonya Burton MD
Dr. Anne Bussian MD
Hugh Byers MD
Dr. John Caldwell MD
Henry Carag MD
Allison Cargnel MD
Dr. John Carney MD
Dr. Robert Cashman MD
Beatriz Centola MD
Dr. Jessica Chan MD
Ms. Maren Chan MD
Dr. Ling Chen MD
Dr. Wanli Cheng MD
Dr. Wang Cheung MD, PHD
Cary Chisholm MD
Dr. Jeong Hee Cho MD
Loren Clarke MD
Cynthia Cohen MD
Dr. Jason Cohen MD
Dr. Lisa Cohen MD
Mrs. Cristina Cole MD
Dr. Deborah Cook MD
Lynn Cooper MD
Dr. Steve Covington III MD
Michael Crider MD
Dr. Robert Csere D O
Kimberly Cuesta MD
Jonathan Curry MD
Dr. Salma Dabiri MD
Dr. Marshall Daniels MD
Craig Davis MD
Thomas Davis MD
Dr. Louis Dehner MD
Dr. Damian Derienzo MD
Dr. Garrett Desman MD
Dr. Stephenie Dillard MD
Abdul Diwan MD PHD
Russell Dodds MD
Dr. Katherine Doeden MD
Buu Duong MD
Barbara Egbert MD
Dr. Daniel Egerter MD
Torsten Ehrig MD
Dr. James Elder MD
Dr. Dirk Elston MD
Dr. Patrick Emanuel MD
Dr. Kerrie Emerick MD
Thomas Enelow MD
Dr. William Eng MD
Dr. Christopher Erickson MD
Harry Evans MD
Beverly Faulkner-Jones MD PHD
Mary Feldman MD
Dr. Marian Finan MD
Dr. Taraneh Firoozi MD
Dr. Thomas Flotte MD
Daniel Foitl MD
David Francis MD
Dr. Robert Frazier JR. MD
Douglas Fullen MD
Dr. Ashley Gable MD
Erich Gaertner MD
Dr. James Gagnier MD
Jerad Gardner MD
Dr. Jack Gay JR. MD
Earl Glusac MD
Dr. Richard Goldhahn JR. MD
Viktor Goncharuk MD
Sergio Gonzalez MD
Dr. Aldo Gonzalez-Serva MD
Paul Googe MD
Dr. Bernard Gottlieb MD
Dr. Geoffrey Gottlieb MD
Dr. Laura Greene MD
Pamela Guerriere-Kovach MD
Kapil Gupta MD
Dr. Joseph Hackel MD
Dr. Lawrence Hall MD
Dr. James Hallman MD
Dr. Ruth Hanno MD
Christine Hans MD
Dr. Marc Hapke MD
Dr. Justin Hardin MD
Earl Hawkins MD
Dr. Diane Heasley DO
Dr. Edward Heilman MD
Dr. Patricia Heller MD
Samuel Henderson MD
Jean Henneberry MD
Dr. Maria Herrera MD
Dr. Paul Hillesheim DO
Dr. Nicholaus Hilliard MD
Joseph Hillman MD
Dr. Michael Hitchcock MBCHB, MBA
Jonhan Ho MD
William Hoffman MD
Dr. Travis Hollmann MD, PHD
Samuel Horton MD
Nicole Hoxworth MD
Mei-Yu Hsu MD
Dr. Douglas Huber MD
Robert Huberman MD
Earl Hudgins MD
Edgar Hunt JR. MD
Charles Hunter MD
Dr. Zhifeng Huo MD
Dr. Michelle Hure MD
Dr. Patricia Iorfino MD
Doina Ivan MD
Shawn Jackson M,D,
Dr. Michaela Jacobs MD
Erick Jacobson-Dunlop MD
Brenda Javier MD
Dr. Charay Jennings-Dover MD, PHD
Dr. Sarah Jensen MD
Dr. Hong Jiang MD
Matthew Johnson MD
Yasmin Johnston Herbert MD
Chris Jokinen MD
Jennifer Kaley MD
Jerry Kao MD
Dr. Laszlo Karai MD, PHD
Dr. John Karroum MD
Dr. Candace Kasper MD
Dr. Terrence Katona DO
David Kaufman MD
Dr. Albert Keller MD
Bonnie Kemp MD PHD
Dr. Zafar Khan MD
Dr. Timothy Kilpatrick MD
Dr. Albert Kim MD
Randie Kim MD, PHD
Roy King MD
Dr. Christopher Kligora MD
Mr. Steven Kolker MD
James Komorous MD
Dr. Jessica Kozel MD
Milena Kozovska MD
Dr. Ramsay Kurban MD
Hyun-Soon Kwark MD
Dr. Shanon Lacy DO
Alvaro Laga Canales MD,MMSC
Dr. Chrissy Lalonde MD
Walter Lamar MD
William Lambert MD
Desiree Langel MD
Mr. Andrew Larson DO
Dr. Philip Leboit MD
Dr. Chyi-Chia Lee MD, PHD
Dr. Grace Lee MD
Jessie Lee MD
Dr. Michael Lee MD
Min Lee MD
Mr. Siong Lee MD
Todd Leleux MD
Dr. Gary Letts MD
Ailing Li MD
Dr. Hongmei Li MD,PHD
Ning Li MD
Christine Lin MD
Dr. Tai-Yuan Lin MD
Dr. Anne Lind MD
Dr. Maritza Liranzo MD
Vincent Liu MD
Dr. Dongsi Lu MD
Dr. Stephen Lyle MD, PHD
Linglei Ma MD
Amin Maghari MD
Mr. James Magill JR. MD
Mandana Mahmoodi MD
Dr. Scott Maisch MD
Dr. John Maize JR. MD
Rajni Mandal MD
Laertes Manuelidis MD
Dr. Calvin Marantz MD
Trent Marburger
Dr. Eugene Mark MD
Dr. Walter Markowitch MD
Richard Marshall MD
Dr. Howard Martin III MD
Pamela Martin MD
Tomasz Marzec MD
Dr. Anthony Mathios MD
Dr. Mark Matthews MD
Dr. Timothy Mc Calmont MD
Dr. Steve Mcclain MD,
Kevin Mccormack MD, PHD
Mary Mcgonagle DO
Michael Mclemore MD
Dr. Neil Mcnutt MD
Dr. Elizabeth Mcquitty MD
Arthur Mctighe MD
Dr. Marvin Melton MD
Dr. Katherine Messner DO
Eugen Minca MD
Takako Mitsuhashi MD,PHD
Narciss Mobini MD
Dr. Joan Mones DO
Dr. Annie Morrison MD
John Morrison MD
Diane Mullins MD
Dr. Stephen Mullins MD
Dr. Melissa Munoz MD
Dr. Cris Myers MD
Dr. Agne Naujokas DO
Alex Ngo MD
Tu Nguyen MD
Dr. Kimberly Nicholson MD
Brian Nickoloff MD PHD
Dr. Stephen Nielsen MD
Dr. Alan Northcutt MD
Michael Nowak MD
Erin O'leary MD
Dr. Alexander Ocampo MD
Dr. Steven Ohsie MD
Dr. Gary Oliver MD
P Olmstead MD
Dr. Georgia Olympio MD
Dr. Emily Omura MD
Dr. Daniel Ostler DO
Robert Page MD
Sukyoun Paik MD
John Papalas III MD
Mary Parisi MD
Douglas Parker MD
Dr. Manojkumar Patel MD
Peter Pavlidakey MD
Gerald Penn MD, PHD
Dr. Neal Penneys MD
Ann Perry
Dr. Judith Pester MD
Dr. Geraldine Peterdy MD
Chandra Prabha MD
Victor Prieto MD PHD
Melissa Pulitzer MD
Adam Quinn DO
Dr. Timothy Quinn MD
Dr. Robert Quirey MD
Michael Rabkin MD
Arash Radfar MD
Oana Radu MD
Bruce Ragsdale MD
Dr. James Ramirez MD
Dr. Kittane Ranganath MD
Dr. Robert Ransburg MD
Dr. David Reagin MD
Jon Reed MD
Jennifer Reese MD
Rena Rengo MD
Dr. Ronald Rhatigan MD
Jonathan Rhim
Savita Ries MD
Dr. George Rippis MD
Dr. Dennison Robey MD
Dr. Mary Jo Robinson DO
Dr. Leslie Robinson-Bostom MD
Dr. Brian Roehmholdt MD, PHD
Colette Romeo MD
Dr. Cecilia Rosales MD
Dr. Seth Rosenthal MD
Dr. Ilana Rosman MD
Sheila Roumpf MD
Dr. David Rowe MD
Dr. Michael Royer MD
Mr. Steven Ruhoy MD
Dr. Erica Rushing MD
Dr. Kim Ruska MD
Dr. Michael Russell MD
Dr. Michael Ryan DO
Dr. Sadia Saeed MD
Sadia Salim MBBS
Dr. Newton Sampaio MD, FCAP
Katya Sanchez MD
Omar Sangueza MD
Dr. Stephen Sarewitz MD
Dr. Geoffrey Sasaki MD
Jochen Schaefer MD
Scott Schlauder MD MS
Birgitta Schmidt MD
Jennifer Schulmeier MD
Dr. Stephanie Sedivy MD
Dr. Gregory Seidel MD
Dr. Honggang Shen MD
Dr. Theresa Sherrod MD
Linda Shi MD, PHD
Paul Shitabata MD
Dr. Barry Shmookler MD
Dr. David Shneidman MD
Dr. Toru Shoji MD
Wesley Simms MD
Christopher Simons MD
Meenakshi Singh MD
Dr. Prasanna Sinkre MD
Dr. Henry Skelton III MD
Dr. Michael Slattery MD
Joseph Sleater MD
Dr. Gert Smalberger MBCHB
Chandra Smart MD
Cheryl Smith MD PC
Lloyd Smith JR. MD
Dr. Wayne Smith MD,PC
Bruce Smoller MD
Dr. George Sonnier MD
Christopher Soon MD
Timothy Sorrells MD
Dr. Jodi Speiser MD
Jessica Spies MD
Oliver Stanton MD
Jere Stern MD
Dr. Herschel Stoller MD
David Stout MD
Eugene Strout MD
Dr. Joseph Susa DO
Dr. Michael Swaby MD
Jared Szymanski DO
Dr. Mark Szymanski MD
Yong Tao MD, PHD
Dr. Ashley Tarasen MD
Valerie Taylor MD
Mark Teague MD
Dr. Gladys Telang MD
Dr. Jean Thomas MD
Dr. Curtis Thompson MD
Dr. Maria-Magdalena Tomaszewski MD
Sigurd Torgerson MD
Marta Torres-Quinones MD
Jaime Tschen MD
Dr. William Tyler III MD
Isabel Valencia MD
Gregory Vandyke MD, PHD
Dr. Christopher Vanley MD
Andrew Virata MD
Brian Vitsky MD
Andrea Volk MD
Robin Vollmer MD
Billy Walker MD
Dr. Christopher Wallace MD
Michael Wallace MD
Charles Walls JR. MD
Xiao Dong Wang MD
Thomas Warner MD
William Watts MD
Dr. Kimara Whisenant
Dr. Barry White MD
Peter White MD
Dr. Darren Whitemore DO
Dr. Nicholas Whitling MD
Robb Wilentz MD
Seth Wilentz MD
Dr. James Winter MD
Dr. Robert Wisner MD
Jerome Wollman MD
Dr. Heath Worcester MD
Bryan Wu MD
Dr. Hong Wu
Dr. Julie Wu MD
Dr. Dong Xie M D
Dr. Roupen Yaghsezian MD
Hongyu Yang MD
Dr. Valerie Yantsos Ray MD
Marcelo Zappi MD
Dr. J Zarandona MD
Daniel Zedek MD
Dr. Reggie Zhan MD
Dr. Mancong Zhang MD PHD
Shaozeng Zhang MD
Song Zhao MD
Dr. Chihong Zhou MD
Weimin Zhu MD