

Specialization: Neuropathology

A neuropathologist is expert in the diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system and skeletal muscles and functions as a consultant primarily to neurologists and neurosurgeons. The neuropathologist is knowledgeable in the infirmities of humans as they affect the nervous and neuromuscular systems, be they degenerative, infectious, metabolic, immunologic, neoplastic, vascular or physical in nature. **

Lester Adelman
Adekunle Adesina MD PHD
Kenneth Aldape MD
Victor Alvarez MD
Barbara Amaker MD
Dr. Darius Amjadi MD JD
Dr. Matthew Anderson MD, PHD
Mr. Archinto Anzil MD
Dr. Knarik Arkun MD
Dr. Dawna Armstrong MD
Sarah Bach MD
Michael Balko MD
Lucia Balos MD
Serguei Bannykh MD
Gary Baumbach MD
Thomas Beach MD
Meenakshi Bhattacharjee MD
Eileen Bigio MD
Mila Blaivas MD, PHD
Dr. Andrew Bollen MD
John Paul Bouffard MD
Philip Boyer MD
Dr. Daniel Brat MD, PHD
Dr. Daniel Brown MD
Henry Brown MD PHD
Jocelyn Bruce-Gregorios
Leslie Bruch MD
Janet Bruner MD
Dr. Dennis Burns MD
Christopher Burris MD
Dan Cai MD, PHD
Gerald Campbell MD, PHD
Peter Canoll MD, PHD
Steven Carroll MD
Dr. Jennifer Chan MD
Dr. Howard Chang MD PHD
Steven Chin MD
Eun-Sook Cho MD
Byung Choi MD
Woon Chow MD, PHD
Dr. Hyung Chung MD
Marilda Chung MD
Dr. Dennis Chute MD
Dr. Patrick Cimino JR. MD, PHD
Dr. Howard Clark MD
Dr. Stephen Coons MD
Marcia Cornford MD, PHD
Dr. Robert Corona JR. DO, CPE
Selina Cortez MD
John Crary MD
Dr. Jane Cryan MD
Mark Curtis
Mr. Massimo D'apuzzo MD PHD
Ierachmiel Daskal MD, PHD
Dr. Daron Davis MD
Gabrielle Decourten-Myers MD
Dr. Jason Degregorio MD
Jeremy Deisch MD
Dr. Suzanne Delamonte MD
Dr. Cesar Delrosario MD
Dr. Kelly Devers MD
Dr. John Donahue MD
Dr. Steven Drexler MD
Dr. Steven Dubner MD
Andrew Dwork MD
Mark Edgar MD
Benjamin Ellezam MD, PHD
David Ellison MD
Dr. Steven Erde PHD,MD
Jennifer Eschbacher MD
Phyllis Faust MD, PHD
Mel Feany MD PHD
Dr. Bessie Floyd MD
Dr. Rebecca Folkerth MD
Mark Forman MD
Samuel French MD
Dr. Matthew Frosch MD PHD
Gregory Fuller MD PHD
Kar-Ming Fung MD,PHD
Dr. Tracie Gardner MD
Mirfrida Geller MD
Benjamin Gelman MD, PHD
Dr. Maria-Magdalena Georgescu MD, PHD
Barbara Germin MD>
Candece Gladson MD
Dr. Aaron Gleckman MD
Murat Gokden MD
Dr. Jeffrey Golden MD
James Goldman MD, PHD
Dr. Luis Gonzalez-Cuyar MD
Dr. Americo Gonzalvo M D
Marjorie Grafe MD
Lea Grinberg-Korczyn MD, PHD
Dr. Darren Groh MD
Sakir Gultekin MD
Jorge Gutierrez MD
Miguel Guzman MD
Dr. Kymberly Gyure MD
Dr. Allan Hallquist MD
Dr. Lawrence Hansen MD
Dr. Brent Harris MD, PHD
Daniel Harrison MD
Michael Hart MD
Dr. Kimmo Hatanpaa MD
Arthur Hays MD
Kent Heck MD
Dr. E Hedley-Whyte MD MBBS
John Hedreen MD
Reid Heffner MD
Samuel Hensley MD
Emily Herndon MD
Maie Herrick MD
Dr. William Hickey MD
Dr. John Hoyt MD
Eric Huang MD
Stephen Hunter MD
Dr. Muhammad Husain MD
Dr. Jason Huse MD, PHD
Dr. Karra Jones MD, PHD
Jeffrey Joseph MD
Vassil Kaimaktchiev MD
Dr. Elizabeth Kamenar MD
Syed Kazmi MD
Christopher Keene MD, PHD
Dr. Lawrence Kenyon MD
Jung Kim MD
Ronald Kim MD
Patricia Kirby MD
Dr. Edward Klein MD
Mrs. Missia Kohler-Skinner
Nancy Kois MD
Dr. Edward Koo MD
William Kupsky MD
Lauren Langford MD
Dr. Dorota Latuszynski MD
Ehud Lavi MD
Edward Lee MD
Dr. Han Lee MD, PHD
John Lee MD PHD
Kyung Hwa Lee
Dr. Jan Leestma MD
Norman Lehman MD, PHD
Jianyi Li
Dr. Hart Lidov MD, PHD
Andrew Lieberman MD, PHD
Maria Lopes MD
David Louis MD
Muchou Ma MD
Robert Macaulay MD
Mohammad Mahboob MD
Dr. Anantha Manepalli MD
Joan Marshak MD
Dr. Mary Martin MD
Maria Martinez-Lage Alvarez MD
Dr. Eliezer Masliah MD
Anna Mathew MD
Dr. Derek Mathis MD
Ann Mckee MD
Paul Mckeever MD
Dr. Margaret Mclaughlin MD
Dr. Rafael Medina-Flores MD
Rupal Mehta MD
Dr. Janet Miles MD
Dr. Bradley Miller MD
Douglas Miller MD
Dr. Meredith Miller MD
Dr. Suzanne Mirra MD
Dr. Bret Mobley MD, MS
Dr. Carrie Mohila MD, PHD
Dr. Alan Morrison MD
Ryan Mott MD
Robert Mrak MD
Sukriti Nag MD, PHD
Denise Najjar MD
Peter Nelson
Janna Neltner MD
Dr. David Nochlin MD
Michael Norenberg
Peter Ostrow MD
Dr. Jose Otero MD, PHD
Dr. James Parker MD
Dr. Sushama Patil MD
Dr. William Pendlebury MD
Nancy Peress
Dr. Juan Perez-Berenguer MD
Jay Perlman MD PHD
Dr. Richard Perrin MD
Dr. Arie Perry MD
Dr. Jo Elle Peterson MD
Rolf Pfannl MD
Joanna Phillips MD/PHD
Peter Pick MD
Christopher Pierson MD PHD
Edward Plowey MD, PHD
Dr. Henry Powell MD, DSC, FRCPATH
Suzanne Powell MD
Dr. James Powers MD
Dr. Richard Powers MD
Dr. Donald Price JR. MD
Jingxin Qiu MD PHD
Ravi Raghavan MD
Dr. Jack Raisanen MD
Anwar Raza MD
Dr. Hasini Reddy MD
Marc Reyes
Hope Richard MD, PHD
Eric Richfield
Dr. Andreana Rivera MD
Dr. William Rosenblum MD
Steven Rostad MD
Kevin Roth MD
Emilie Rouah MD
Dr. Subhojit Roy MD, PHD
Dr. Elisabeth Rushing
Shahriar Salamat MD PHD
Dr. Glenn Sandberg MD
Dr. Karen Santacruz MD
Dr. Sandro Santagata MD PHD
Clifford Sauls MD
William Schlaepfer MD
Alice Schultz MD
John Schweitzer MD
Dr. Roberta Seidman MD
Yuan Shan MD
Suash Sharma MD
Gordon Shecket MD
Dr. George Snipes JR. MD
Dr. Raymond Sobel MD
Dr. Joshua Sonnen MD
Jeffrey Sosnowski MD, PHD
Dr. Charles Specht MD
Linda Spollen MD
Christina Stanley
Dr. Anat Stemmer-Rachamimov MD
Ethan Stolzenberg MD
Dr. Edward Stopa MD
Kurenai Tanji MD
William Taylor MD
Chinnamma Thomas MD
Dr. Di Tian MD
Janice Tiller-Borcich MD
Warren Tourtellotte MD
Javad Towfighi MD
Dr. Dimitri Trembath MD PHD
Dr. Nadejda Tsankova MD, PHD
Julio Valentin MD
Dr. Jacob Vandersteenhoven MD
Rachael Vaubel MD
Sriram Venneti MD
Harry Vinters MD
Jean Paul Vonsattel MD
Dr. Alexander Vortmeyer MD
Dr. Aaron Wagner MD
Dr. Gregg Wells MD
Dr. Charles White III MD
Dr. Joyce Williams MD
Dr. Linda Winneberger MD
Randall Woltjer MD
Dr. Kondi Wong MD
Monika Wrzolek MD
Dr. Hueizhi Wu MD
Dr. Josephine Wyatt Ashmead MD
Dr. Gabrielle Yeaney MD
David Zagzag MD
Jianying Zeng MD
Dr. Viktor Zherebitskiy MD