
A urologist manages benign and malignant medical and surgical disorders of the genitourinary system and the adrenal gland. This specialist has comprehensive knowledge of and skills in endoscopic, percutaneous and open surgery of congenital and acquired conditions of the urinary and reproductive systems and their contiguous structures. *

Specialization: Pediatric Urology

Surgeons who can diagnose, treat, and manage children's urinary and genital problems. A pediatric urologist devotes a minimum of 50% of his or her practice to the urologic problems of infants, children, and adolescents. Pediatric urologists generally provide the following services: the evaluation and management of voiding disorders; vesicoureteral reflux, and urinary tract infections that require surgery; surgical reconstruction of the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, and bladder) including genital abnormalities, hypospadias, and intersex conditions; surgery for groin conditions in childhood and adolescence (undescended testes, hydrocele/hernia, varicocele). **

Richard Abramson MD
Jennifer Ahn MD
Dr. Ardavan Akhavan MD,
Alireza Alam MD
Shumyle Alam MD
Dr. Lawrence Allen MD
Dr. Seth Alpert MD
Dr. Hannah Alphs MD
Dr. Jack Amie JR. MD
Dr. Paul Austin MD
Dr. Luis Baez-Trinidad MD
Dr. Babak Bamshad MD
Ahmad Bani Hani MD
Dr. Christopher Bean MD
A Belman MD
Michael Bishai MD
Dr. Marc Bjurlin DO
Dr. Kari Blackburn DNP, CPNP-PC
Bruce Blyth MD
Sisir Botta
Dr. Herbert Braren MD
Bruce Broecker MD
Warren Bromberg MD
Dr. David Butters MD, FRCS(C)
Dr. Mark Cain MD
Brian Caldwell MD
Dr. Gina Cambareri MD
Jeffrey Campbell MD
Glenn Cannon JR. MD
Stephen Canon MD
Dr. Pasquale Casale MD
Daniel Casella MD
Dr. Wolfgang Cerwinka MD
Job Chacko MD
Dr. David Chalmers MD
Andy Chang
Kai-Wen Chuang MD
Lawrence Cisek PHD
Curtis Clark MD
Dr. Douglas Coplen MD
Hillary Copp MD, MS
Sean Corbett MD
Katherine Corbyons MD
Dr. Nicholas Cowan MD
Dr. William Cromie WILLIAM CROMIE MD
William Defoor MD
Romano Demarco MD
Dr. Heather Di Carlo MD
Dr. Renan Dieppa MD
Dr. Jennifer Dodson MD
Dr. David Doyle MD
Dr. Timothy Duffin MD
Dr. Lori Dyer MD
Dr. Richard Ehrlich MD, FACS, FAAP
James Elmore MD
William Esham MD
David Ewalt MD
Ms. L. Flom MD
Jon Floyd MD
Ethan Franke MD
Dr. Ariella Friedman MD
Dr. Steven Friedman MD
Peter Furness MD
Kevin Gandhi MD
Shahram Gholami MD
Dr. Anas Ghousheh
Myles Gibbons MD
Dr. Jordan Gitlin MD
Carl Gjertson MD
Donald Goldman MD
Dr. Edward Gong MD
Edmond Gonzales MD
Mrs. Chantee Gruenhagen NP
Dr. Mohan Gundeti MD
Dr. Jennifer Hagerty DO
Dr. Ori Hampel MD
Liann Handel MD
Robert Hatchett MD
Dr. Craig Hawkins MD
Bobbilynn Hawkins Lee MD
Daniel Herz MD
Samy Heshmat MB BCH
Dr. Daniel Hirselj MD
Richard Holevas MD
Jean Hollowell MD
Yves Homsy MD
Dr. John Hoog MD
Dennis Hoover MD
Mark Horowitz MD
Charles Horton JR. MD
Amy Hou MD
John Houston MD
Dr. Galen Howard MD
Michael Hsieh MD, PHD
Dr. George Hurt MD
Joel Hutcheson MD
Muhammad Iqbal MD
Wahib Isac MD
Dr. Nicolette Janzen MD
Dr. Venkata Jayanthi MD
Dr. Jack Jedwab MD
Steven Jensen MD
Dr. Chandra Singh Jeyachandra Berry MD,
Dr. Artin Jibilian MD
Dr. David Johnson MD
Emilie Johnson MD
Derrick Johnston MD
Dr. Eric Jones MD
Brian Jumper MD
Dr. Martin Kaefer MD
Nadia Kalloo MD
Dr. Jonathan Kaye MD
Alison Keenan MD
Dr. William Kennedy II MD
Mr. Muhammad Kamran Khan MD
Seyed Khoddami MD
Antoine Khoury MD
Steve Kim MD
Thomas Kinkead MD
Andrew Kirsch MD
Alexander Kirshenbaum MD
Dr. Stephen Koff MD
Mark Kolligian MD
Martin Koyle MD
Dr. Donald Krawitt MD
Bradley Kropp MD
Sarah Lambert MD
Howard Landa MD
David Lashley MD
Michael Lazar JR. MD
Chi Lee MD
Richard Lee MD
Dr. David Leibel DO
Thomas Lendvay
Dr. Bertram Levy MD
Dr. Jane Lewis MD
Dr. Richard Lieberman MD
Phillip Lowe MD
Dr. Andrew Marks MD
Dr. Joseph Mashni MD
Matthew Mason MD
Charlotte Massad MD
Mr. Ranjiv Mathews MD
Dr. Derek Matoka MD
Paul Mcadams M D
Timothy Mccanty MD
Leslie Mcquiston MD
Dr. Kirstan Meldrum MD
Jennifer Mickelson MD
Eugene Minevich MD
Gerald Mingin MD
Bijal Modi PA C
Ahmad Mohamed MD
Joseph Molitierno JR. MD
Regina Monroe MD
Dr. Hugo Mori MD
Vance Moss MD
Eric Nelson MD
Dr. Paul Noh MD
Michael Norris MD
Dr. Amanda North MD
Dr. Israel Nosnik MD
Dr. Francis Nwafor MD
Eduardo Orihuela MD
Anand Palagiri MD
Blake Palmer MD
Dr. Lane Palmer MD
Juan Palomar MD
John Park MD
Dr. William Parry MD
Haroon Patel MD
Umeschandra Patil MD
Dr. Robert Payne MD
Dr. Dung Pham MD
Dr. Timothy Phillips MD
Joel Piser MD
Hans Pohl MD
Ethan Polsky MD
Michaella Prasad MD
Janae Preece MD
Dr. Juan Prieto MD
Dr. J Purves MD, PHD
Dr. Joseph Raffel MD
Dr. Gaayana Raju MD
Dr. Edward Reda MD
Balaji Reddy M D
Pramod Reddy MD
Dr. Elizabeth Reiley MD
Elliot Reisman MD
Claude Reitelman MD
Barbara Reynolds FNPC
Roger Riechers MD
Esequiel Rodriguez JR. MD
Dr. Gilberto Rodriguez-Rivera MD
Dr. Eduardo Rojas MD
Eran Rosenberg MD
Sherry Ross MD
Dr. Christopher Roth MD
David Roth MD
Harry Rushton JR. MD
Dr. Amanda Saltzman MD
Mohammad Sami MD
Dr. James Sander
Dr. Eddie Saw MD
Dr. Edward Schatte MD
Hal Scherz MD
Bruce Schlomer MD
Herbert Schwarz
Dr. Michael Scott MD
Casey Seideman MD
Dr. Abhishek Seth MD
Dr. Stephen Shapiro MD
Curtis Sheldon MD
Dr. Kerry Short MD
Dr. Linda Shortliffe MD
Igal Silber MD
Richard Silver MD
Dr. Shailinder Singh MD
Dr. Bezalel Sivan MD
Craig Smith MD
Cynthia Smith MD
Warren Snodgrass MD
Dr. Maher Sraj MD
Irina Stanasel
Robert Stein MD
Richard Steinberg MD
Heidi Stephany MD
Dr. Robert Stephenson MD
Dr. Jeffrey Stock MD
Gary Storey MD
Dr. Douglas Storm MD
William Strand MD
Dr. Kristina Suson MD
Dr. Nelson Terzian MD
Dr. Anthony Tracey MD
Duong Tu MD
Jyoti Upadhyay MD
Brian Vanderbrink MD
Thomas Vates MD
John Vecchio MD
Vijaya Vemulakonda MD
Carlos Villanueva Del Rio MD
Miss Jonathan Vordermark MD
Julian Wan MD
Dr. Ming Hsien Wang MD
Dr. Zhan Tao Wang MD
Benjamin Whittam MD
Jeffrey Wieder MD
Duncan Wilcox MD
Dr. Katie Willihnganz-Lawson MD
Jeremy Wiygul MD
Louis Wojcik MD
Dr. Hsi-Yang Wu MD
Dr. Jennifer Yang MD
Dr. Jenny Yiee MD
Dr. Felix Chi-Ming Yip MD
Dr. Rafid Yousif MD
Richard Yu MD, PHD
Ismael Zamilpa MD
Dr. Paul Zelkovic MD
Dr. Leonard Zuckerman MD