Respiratory Therapist, Certifieds

A Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT) is a an entry level therapist who has passed a standardized written examination administered by the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC). CRTs provide diagnostic testing, therapeutics, monitoring, rehabilitation, and education to patients with disorders of the cardiopulmonary system. They provide these respiratory care services in all health care facilities and in the home. A CRT is a graduate of an associate degree program approved by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Educational Programs (CAAHEP) and where applicable, is licensed by the state and is practicing within the scope of the license. *

Specialization: General Care

This level of care includes diagnostics testing, therapeutics, monitoring, rehabilitation of patients with disorders of the cardiopulmonary system, as well as, education of the patient and family in regard to those disorders. **

Mr. Javed Akhtar CRT
Mr. Aaron Allen RCP
Freddy Almanzar
Humberto Alvarez
Mr. Raymond Alvarez CRT
David Ayala
Elmee Baquir
Mr. Lawrence Bauer JR. LRCP
Audrey Bell CRT
Mr. Alain Bertrand
Wanda Blake
Michelle Boonthawesuk RT
Mrs. Patricia Buonvino CRTT
Christian Cajigal
Salone Camp
Mr. Emilio Carrasco III CRT
Shea Cassidy
Liju Chacko CRT
Amber Cobb RCP, CRT, RRT
Jolie Cornejo CRT
Phedette Courage CRT
Laureveson Cudal RCP, RRT
Julia Curtis CRTT, RTT
Bryan Delgado
Mr. Grant Dodson CRT
Paula Drake RCP
Mr. Mark Ellis
Humberto Estrada RCP
Leonidas Fenelon RRT
Randy Fernandez
Mr. Stanley Fertilien RT
Monica Flores RCP
Mrs. Sheila Frakes CRT
Fagan Fraser RRT
Eric Gabrielsen
Mr. Gerarldo Galarza RT
Irma Garcia RCP
Andrew Garza CRT
Aida Guarton RT
Mrs. Debra Gutierrez CRTT-RCP
Mrs. Deanna Hamilton CRT
Carmella Harper
Scott Hoffman CRT
Mrs. Alice Holbrook RESP THERAPY
Ms. Melissa Jefferson
Eric Jones CRT
Theresa King RCP
Mr. Dennis Laroche CRT
Michael Latusick RRT
Carla Lawler CRT
Mr. Wisly Lefevre RT
Nico Linsteadt CRT, AE-C
Dante Lobato
Christine Martinez
James Mccoy CRT
Neil Mcgrath
Mr. Edgar Mckinney CRT
Mr. David Meralus CRT
Mary Merrill RT
Shamika Miller CRT
Boris Mills
John Moore RCP
Luigi Morini
Dr. Anthony Mullen DCM(P), RCP(PA)
Kathleen Nicholson
Kenneth Nsofor
Justin Oakley
Francis Onikeku CRT
Thomas Oster
Sandra Parkinson
Mrs. Utiv Phipps CRT
Sheldon Porter RRT,RCP
Ms. Lucille Rice RRT
Mr. Fausto Rodriguez RCP
Mr. Joseph Scardaci CRT
Sandra Schneider
Ms. Debera Segler RRT
Zuweratu Shuaib CRT/RCP
Martin Silva RCP15920
Mr. David Smith CRTT
Mr. Francisco Soto RT
Mr. David Spitz
Mrs. Brenda Stromski CRT
Mr. Thomas Thomas CRT
Ms. Sherri Toledo CRT
Mr. Humberto Trevino RRT
Mrs. Martha Vanhuss CRT
Ms. Susan Wagner PA-C
Gilda Wikoff
Laura Williams
Tamekia Williamson
Fay Witcher II CRT, RPSGT
Mr. Terry Woodard RCP
Mrs. Tanya Wright CRT
Mr. Rodney Yerger CRT
Jeff Zick

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