Clinical Medical Laboratories



(1) A clinical laboratory is a facility for the biological, microbiological, serological, chemical, immunohematological, hematological, biophysical, cytological, pathological, or other examination of materials derived from the human body for the purpose of providing information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease or impairment of, human beings. These examinations also include procedures to determine, measure, or otherwise describe the presence or absence of various substances or organisms in the body. Facilities only collecting or preparing specimens (or both) or only serving as a mailing service and not performing testing are not considered clinical laboratories. (2) Any facility that examines materials from the human body for purposes of providing information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease or impairment of, or the assessment of, the health of human beings. Typical divisions of a clinical laboratory include hematology, cytology, bacteriology, histology, biochemistry, medical toxicology, and serology. **

Dr. Herbert Abrams MD
Dr. Roger Adlersberg MD
Azadeh Aghel MD
Dr. Maria Del Pilar Aguinaga PHD
Vicki Ainsworth
Dr. Salwa Albaghdadi MD
Dr. Maher Albitar
Julia Alcantar
Mildred Algarin MT
Emma Allen
Theresa Alonzo RT LAB TECH
Muhammad Amjad PHD
Dr. James Anhalt JR. MD
Miss Jerusha Arboleda MT (ASCP)
Dr. Douglas Arendt DDS, MS
Dr. Frank Avery MD
Dr. Douglas Aziz MD
Dr. Shashi Baksh MD
Mr. Rouben Barsegian
Ahsan Baseer PHD, MT(ASCP), CLS
Carmen Beauchamp BSMT
Ms. Karen Behan MT(ASCP), CLS
David Bell PHD, ATC
Mrs. Maria Berrios MT
Dr. William Betsill MD
Kathryn Bieganousky
Dr. George Bollozos MD
Dr. Edward Bottone PHD
William Bridger
Dr. Norman Cadman MD
Ning Cai MD
Dr. Agustin Cajigas MD
Julieta Cano CCT
Mr. Orlando Cano RCS, RCIS, FASE
Mrs. Crystal Carter LPN
Katina Carter
Maria Castellanos
Brenda Celestine
Dr. Davinder Chandhoke MD
Dr. Mona Charara MD
Sesha Chary PHARM D
Peter Chen MD
Bernadette Christian MT(ASCP)
Dr. Katerine Chrysanthakopoulos MD
Dr. Ninette Cohen PHD
Dr. Robert Collins MD
Linda Cosenza CLS
Mariama Cox
Milagros Cruz MT
Margarita Cruz Gonzalez
Mrs. Solangel Cruz Valle
Dr. Aditi Dastane MD
Carmen Davila LCDA
Mrs. Ruth Davila MT
Edmarie De Leon
Dr. Suvas Desai PHD
Jorge Diaz
Dr. Jeffrey Dlott MD
Jeanine Dodson MT
Felipe Dominguez MD
Dr. Timothy Donlon PHD
Dr. Hong Drum MD
Mrs. Ileana Duran
Mr. Joel Durias RPSGT
Mr. Lance Dursi RDMS
Mr. Luke Eagle CLS
Dr. Faye Eggerding MD, PHD
James Elliott
Ehab Elsayed PHD
Carlos Febles Mena
Gerardo Fernandez MD
Dr. Pedro Franco MD
Dawilmar Franco Ginorio MT
Mrs. Angela Fumero MT
Dr. Hanlin Gao PH D
Miss Alyssa Gibbs LAB
Ms. Karen Gibson MLS (MT,CLS)
Tanya Gibson DDS
Mrs. Iris Gonzalez MT
Mrs. Luz Gonzalez
Mrs. Zenaida Gonzalez LCDA
Mrs. Sofia Gonzalez Velez MT
Laboratorio Gordo
John Gorlowski MD
Dr. John Greene PHD
Ms. Lorrie Grier
Sang Gross
Boris Gutkovsky CPT1
Shaunte Hairston CPT
Arif Hameed MD
Donald Hansen OWNER
Matilda Harding PHLEBOTOMY
Michael Harvey
Jesus Hernandez
Dr. Ana Herrera
Dr. Michelle Hickey PHD, D(ABHI)
Robyn Hickman MA-P
Mr. Brian Hicks MLS
Dr. Jason Hicks MD
Mr. Howard Hillman CPED
Dr. Richard Hockett JR. MD
Mr. Donald Hoffman PHD
Dr. Dennis Hooper MD
Benjamin Huang MD
Dr. Tawny Hung MD
Mamudu Issah MT
Nichsma Jimenezz DHSC
Dr. Eric Johnson PH D
Vladimira Jolma MD
Dr. Robert Kalish MD
Mr. Nariosang Kandawalla MD
Dr. Vaidehi Kannan MD
Kathleen Kelly PHD
Dr. Lana Kleynerman MD
Dr. Otto Klinger MD
Prof. Joseph Kullberg
Dr. Kan Lee PHD
Dr. John Leonard MD
Dr. Lance Liotta MD, PHD
Jing Liu MD
Pablo Lomangcolob JR. MD, MPH
Dr. James Lowder MD
Dr. Aubrey Lurie MD
Joseph Lutka JR.
Jose Maiz BS MT
Miss Sherice Malagon-King
Maricarmen Maldonado MT
Dr. Manouchehr Malek MD
Miss Luz Martinez DIRECTOR
Mrs. Lillian Mas Rivera MT
Mrs. Ana Mateu
Dr. Robert Mccoy MD
Mrs. Lisaida Medina Mendez MT,ASCP
Mrs. Marisol Mendez MT
Mrs. Cecilia Mendoza
Mrs. Sonia Mercado MT (ASCP)
Ms. Naida Mercado Sorrentini MT
Dr. Donald Merkeley MD
Mr. Anthony Mikasobe BSMT, AMT, ASCP
Farhad Moatamed MD
Parvaneh Moheban CLS
Dr. Shahrokh Momtahen MD
Dr. Armando Moncada JR. MD
Ada Montero BSMT
Dr. Crystal Moore-Maxwell MD/PHD
Mrs. Miriam Morales
Massimo Morra MD, PHD, FACMG
Robert Morris
Dr. R. Morris, Jr. MD
Dr. Howard Nash MD
Carolyn Niesz
Noelia Nieves
Dr. Afzal Nikaein PHD
Dr. Wei Wei Niu MD
Mrs. Connie Olds
Mrs. Wilma Olivieri Velez MT
Christopher Onwenu MLS (ASCP)
Z. Maryam Oraefo MSHS, PHDC
Carmen Ortiz LCDA
Haidar Ouza
Dr. Michael Oyerinde PHD
Dr. Mauro Paez MD
Dr. James Paloucek MD
Darling Pantoja
Dr. Timothy Parrett
Vinod Patwardhan MD
Louis Pena
Miriam Perez LCDA
Robindranath Perez Diaz MT
Shanita Polk
Mr. Douglas Poss MA, BS
Marlen Pou
Mrs. Raquel Quinones
Dr. Nirmala Kumari Rajee MD
Dr. Lakshmi Ramanathan PHD
Miss Mariflor Ramirez MT
Keith Randle
Tuseeaf Rathore
Dr. Aida Rechdouni MD
Dr. Honey Reddi PHD, FACMG
Mrs. Shahida Rehman
Mrs. Pamela Rehurek ASCP
Miss Lota Relato
Dr. Humberto Rendon MD
Leticia Reyna MT
Mr. Eugenio Rivera MT
Moises Rivera
Ivonne Rivera De Rios
Mr. Rigoberto Robles
Mrs. Maria Rodriguez - Diaz
Mrs. Stacy Rogers
Mr. William Rosaly
Dr. Carmen Rosenblum MD
Mrs. Teresa Rudlowski MEDUAL DOCTOR
Joseph Rudolph MD
Robert Rush PHD
Juan Saade Rivera
Dr. Marlene Sabbath-Solitare PHD
Dr. Vasiliki Saitas MD
Mrs. Grecia Sanchez BSMT
Pedro Santiago
Myrna Santiago Camacho
Ivana Santopietro MD
Ms. Maricarmen Santos LIC
Mr. Levon Sardaryan
Mrs. Larri Scott CPT 2
Bruce Semans MD
Dr. In Sook Seo IN SOOK SEO, MD
Jose Sepulveda LIC
Mr. Azmat Shah
Dr. Krishna Shah MD
Dr. Usha Shah MD
Steven Shak MD
Damien Sheppard I
Boris Shlopov MD, PHD
George Sigalos MD
Pamela Smith CPT
Yanira Solano Martinez
Dr. Gilbert Solitare MD
Winston Spell
Mr. Billy Stange MLT
Mrs. Elizabeth Stenger MT, (ASCP)CM
Dr. Richard Stripp PHD
Mr. Nelson Stuart
Mrs. Lisandra Suarez MT
Dr. Michael Sullivan MD
Dr. Raymond Swanson MD
Bevan Tandon MD
Jaime Tavarez SR. MT
Dr. Youssef Tawfik MD
Sherri Teten
Jose Toledo
Mrs. Sara Toro LCDA
Maribel Torres MT
Jean-Francois Toure
Ms. Marlene Tripplett/Philpott PHLEBOMIST
Rachael Trump
Mrs. Bridget Vazquez MT
Mrs. Noemi Vazquez MT
Mr. David Vega MT
Miss Zahira Vega Bonilla MT
Lillian Velez
Enidia Velez Lopez
Yolanda Velez Lopez
Omayra Velez Perez
Mrs. Maria Ventura
Mrs. Marianela Villanueva MT
Liem Vu MD
Mrs. Audrey Walker LPN
Dr. Thomas Watkins DO
Ms. Rachel Whitfield REGISTERED NURSE
Dr. Carmen Williams MD
Andrekia Williams-Montgomery MA, PBT
Mr. Bruce Wraa MT, ASCP
Maria Yiu PHD
Dr. Wenqi Zeng PHD
Ya Zhang MD
Dr. Susan Zneimer PHD