Clinical Nurse Specialists

A registered nurse who, through a graduate degree program in nursing, or through a formal post-basic education program or continuing education courses and clinical experience, is expert in a specialty area of nursing practice within one or more of the components of direct patient/client care, consultation, education, research and administration. *

Jill Alden
Dawn Allen NNP
Suzanne Allikas
Ms. Lori Arkin NNP
Debra Armentrout CNS, NNP
Ms. Gail Bagwell RN, MSN, CNS
Holly Bernardi CRNP-BC
Victoria Borges CNNP
Mrs. Kristin Bradbury-Kristensen NP
Jane Buie NNP
Ms. Hollie Cartledge CRNP
Amy Caruso NP
Mrs. Melinda Connolly NNP-BC
Pamela Conry CNS
Charles Davis PA
Mrs. Tina Degroot APRN BC
Laura Deming PNP
Ms. Charlene Deuber APRN
Valerie Edwards ARNP
Ms. Amanda Erman RN, APN
Mrs. Paula Forsythe RN, MSN
Miss Crystal Frazier PA
Linda Gasser NNP
Patrick Goodwin NNP
Mr. Catherine Goudberg CNS
Heather Gourdin ARNP
Mrs. Mia Guerrero NNP
Mrs. Susan Hall MSN, APRN, WHNP
Melanie Henderson NNP
Janet Hiller MD
Katherine Hillig NNP-BC
Sandra Hodge
Tracey Hoggatt APRN
Laura Jarding CNP
Mrs. Erika Jones NNP
Christina Kamm CNNP
Mrs. Ashley Kirkpatrick CRNP
Janna Lowery NP
Ms. Theresa Luttenegger Kausch NNP
Tonya Mangiaguerra APN
Julie Medas CNS
Melonie Monk NNP
Jill Mulkey
Natalie Nelson
Becky O'neal NNP
Kimberly Olivarez NNP
Annette Ouellette
Jeremy Parmley PA-C
Jennifer Peacock DNP, APRN, NNP-BC
Mrs. Jeanne Perez NNP
Kerry Petersen APRN
Michelle Peterson CRNP
Ms. Valerie Price PA-C
Keri Prybylo NP
Ms. Mary Puchalski APN
Mrs. Mandie Renner CCNS
Ms. Patricia Rhay NNP, ARNP
Holly Rogers NNP
Mrs. Laurie Russo NNP
Nancy Rutland RN NNP
Jill Schoenherr ARNP
Ms. Bette Schumacher RN, MS, CNS
Ms. Michelle Shore NNP-BC
Brenda Simons
Mrs. Megan Smith NNP-BC, CRNP
Ms. Aileen Song APN
Linda Sorensen CNS
Bridget Stachewicz APNP
Mrs. Melissa Steger RN CCNS CWON
Bernadette Taylor RN, MSN, APN
Mrs. Amy Termaat APRN
Mrs. Lori Thompson NNP
Deborah Thorpe RN, CNS
Mrs. Jennifer Thurley
Jennifer Topie NP
Mrs. Criselle Tuckel NNP-BC
Ms. Julie Tuttle APN
Michelle Urig ARNP
Alexa Visco
Mrs. Jennifer Vitellaro NNP-BC
Jennifer Wheeler NNP
Jeanne Wiesbrock APN, CNS
Shirley Yardley APRN
Gary York MSN NNP BC
Colleen Young NP
Stacey Ziegler NP
Liberty Zyduck RN, RD, NNP

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