Clinical Nurse Specialists
A registered nurse who, through a graduate degree program in nursing, or through a formal post-basic education program or continuing education courses and clinical experience, is expert in a specialty area of nursing practice within one or more of the components of direct patient/client care, consultation, education, research and administration.
Jill Alden |
Dawn Allen NNP |
Suzanne Allikas |
Ms. Lori Arkin NNP |
Debra Armentrout CNS, NNP |
Ms. Gail Bagwell RN, MSN, CNS |
Holly Bernardi CRNP-BC |
Victoria Borges CNNP |
Mrs. Kristin Bradbury-Kristensen NP |
Jane Buie NNP |
Ms. Hollie Cartledge CRNP |
Amy Caruso NP |
Mrs. Melinda Connolly NNP-BC |
Pamela Conry CNS |
Charles Davis PA |
Mrs. Tina Degroot APRN BC |
Laura Deming PNP |
Ms. Charlene Deuber APRN |
Valerie Edwards ARNP |
Ms. Amanda Erman RN, APN |
Mrs. Paula Forsythe RN, MSN |
Miss Crystal Frazier PA |
Linda Gasser NNP |
Patrick Goodwin NNP |
Mr. Catherine Goudberg CNS |
Heather Gourdin ARNP |
Mrs. Mia Guerrero NNP |
Mrs. Susan Hall MSN, APRN, WHNP |
Melanie Henderson NNP |
Janet Hiller MD |
Katherine Hillig NNP-BC |
Sandra Hodge |
Tracey Hoggatt APRN |
Laura Jarding CNP |
Mrs. Erika Jones NNP |
Christina Kamm CNNP |
Mrs. Ashley Kirkpatrick CRNP |
Janna Lowery NP |
Ms. Theresa Luttenegger Kausch NNP |
Tonya Mangiaguerra APN |
Julie Medas CNS |
Melonie Monk NNP |
Jill Mulkey |
Natalie Nelson |
Becky O'neal NNP |
Kimberly Olivarez NNP |
Annette Ouellette |
Jeremy Parmley PA-C |
Jennifer Peacock DNP, APRN, NNP-BC |
Mrs. Jeanne Perez NNP |
Kerry Petersen APRN |
Michelle Peterson CRNP |
Ms. Valerie Price PA-C |
Keri Prybylo NP |
Ms. Mary Puchalski APN |
Mrs. Mandie Renner CCNS |
Ms. Patricia Rhay NNP, ARNP |
Holly Rogers NNP |
Mrs. Laurie Russo NNP |
Nancy Rutland RN NNP |
Jill Schoenherr ARNP |
Ms. Bette Schumacher RN, MS, CNS |
Ms. Michelle Shore NNP-BC |
Brenda Simons |
Mrs. Megan Smith NNP-BC, CRNP |
Ms. Aileen Song APN |
Linda Sorensen CNS |
Bridget Stachewicz APNP |
Mrs. Melissa Steger RN CCNS CWON |
Bernadette Taylor RN, MSN, APN |
Mrs. Amy Termaat APRN |
Mrs. Lori Thompson NNP |
Deborah Thorpe RN, CNS |
Mrs. Jennifer Thurley |
Jennifer Topie NP |
Mrs. Criselle Tuckel NNP-BC |
Ms. Julie Tuttle APN |
Michelle Urig ARNP |
Alexa Visco |
Mrs. Jennifer Vitellaro NNP-BC |
Jennifer Wheeler NNP |
Jeanne Wiesbrock APN, CNS |
Shirley Yardley APRN |
Gary York MSN NNP BC |
Colleen Young NP |
Stacey Ziegler NP |
Liberty Zyduck RN, RD, NNP |